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Update Forum updates & spring cleaning!

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Ness, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Ness

    Ness dream machine VIP

    Awarded Medals
    hey guys! as you might have noticed, there's been some changes happening around the forums! here's a full rundown of what has changed:

    • FRHD Teams leaderboards - on the top navigation bar, a link to the Teams leaderboards.
    • freerider.app - also on the navigation bar in the drop-down for "Play Free Rider", a link to the new track editor 1.1.

      Screenshot 2024-09-03 215807.png

    • FRHD Teams forum - for a dedicated place to see all things teams-related, including team subforums where only team members can post.
    • Tracks forum - the tracks forum is now the location of the VIP zone, track galleries, and collabs subforums.
    • Races forum - the races forum now has the Ghosting Legends zone. there may be a few more changes to this Races forum soon!
    • ...and some other lesser-used forums have been moved around/hidden as well.
    • Now Playing - show off the track you are currently playing in your profile!

      Screenshot 2024-09-03 221324.png

    and so with these changes, we're gonna be cleaning up the forum a bit, moving threads where they ought to be. hopefully this makes for a better forum experience! there might be a few more changes, if so we will post about it in this thread!

    an important note - the Tracks forum is now meant exclusively for threads for your created tracks posted to the DB. we want to encourage people to post their tracks on the forum, to get feedback and opinions and love for their tracks. if you have a WIP, post in the stickied WIP thread. if you're setting up a collab, use the collabs subforum. if you have anything else related to trackmaking that isn't a link to your track, including detailing threads, tutorials, list of best rides, etc., put it in the Anything and Everything Free Rider forum.

    edit: also added a new Third Party Scripting and Development subforum! this'll be a good place to see all the Free Rider mods that the awesome community have made.

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