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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Poll closed. Time for the comments:

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: Without any surprises, it was a W from Cerasium once again. We got 8 votes in total and it was an easy battle where Cerasium had 6 votes (75%) against 2 votes (25%) from Xenom and no votes for Uniior. This is Cerasium's 16th win in this category and the 5th one this year, which makes him extend his lead as the biggest winner in this category. Keep it up, man!

    New poll is up now.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2025
    EGRIFFITH, Spare1 and Cerasium like this.
  2. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    NOVEMBER 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Uniior - Well, it's about time we have this one posted. We know this is massively delayed and this is partly because I have been busy and so are some of the members of the team, but this isn't the only reason, lol. Whenever we were able to discuss about this we really struggled to agree on the winners for both the Ghoster and the Ghost of the month. We dragged the discussion for like a full month, and then the update for nearly as much, but it's time now. Cerasium and Xenom were appointed as the new Ghost Moderators, so will try to get things out faster in 2025. Let's see if we can. As for the results of the November 2024 ghosting awards, ultimately we ended up having 7 different people helping with the votes and Uniior ended up being the winner, in a close battle against Cerulean, with both helping giving Cerasium's Dynasty a little something to think about, despite we having Cerasium still making history in November. While Cerulean had 3 great features, 2 iconic ghosts on 2020 Ghosting Collab and Rotate III and a few other cool ghosts, the great Uniior went crazy, got 10 features in the month, became the new Vehicle Ghosts King and reached the Legendary Ghoster medal. Incredible work from both and it was really hard to agree on who should get the top spot, but we eventually went with Uniior for the sheer amount of volume of solid ghosts he put up last month. Great stuff, man! This feels like a made up stat, but it's really Uniior's 1st win on the Ghoster Of The Month award ever. WOW! It's crazy because this is Uniior's 8th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month (now tied 4th all-time on this stat with Cerulean and Egway). Not only is his 8th time in the top 3 ever, but it's his 4th time in the top 3 in 2024, all of them in a row. Crazy form, man. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Cerulean - Well, also deserving a legendary shoutout was Cerulean that put out some historic ghosts on tracks such as the 2020 Ghosting Collab, Rotate III, Unforgiving, Unforgiving 2 and haha scrance 19. His best ghosts might have been more technical feats than Uniior's ghosts, but at the end of the month, Uniior did have way more volume and some of those ghosts from Cerulean didn't finish in 1st place, so we eventually decided to give the edge to Uniior. But it was still an incredible job by Cerulean. Just like Uniior, this is Cerulean's 8th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month ever, with this being his 2nd one happening in 2024, both 2nd places happening in a row. Congrats, man. Keep it up!

    3 - Cerasium - To complete the podium, being an upside down version of the October 2024 one, we have the great Cerasium, that might not have won since he didn't went as crazy in November, but still made history in that month. He got 2 features, one of them being the iconic Unforgiving track, but the history was made when he simply beat the lengthy 2020 Ghosting Collab with 20-minute ghost. Cerulean's 31-minute ghost is already something insane because it isn't easy to complete and save a ghost on that track. But getting a ghost on that crazy track 11 minutes faster than that is just next level. Congrats, man! This is Cerasium's 29th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, 9th one in 2024, all 9 in a row. Incredible! Keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes once again to NotVeryGood, that kept his community classic tracks grind going and did some very respectable ghosts in November.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: Without many changes, Cerasium won once again. We got 8 votes in total and it was an easy battle where Cerasium had 6 votes (75%) against 2 votes (25%) from Cerulean and no votes for Uniior. This is Cerasium's 17th win in this category and the 6th one this year, which makes him extend his lead as the biggest winner in this category. Keep it up, man!


    http://frhd.co/t/484421-unforgiving-2/r/cerulean - The discussion about the winner in the Ghoster of the Month award was tough but you guys can't even imagine how the discussion for the Ghost of the Month was way tougher, lol. The big discussion was between great ghost from Cerulean on Unforgiving 2 and Cerasium's all-time achievement beating the 2020 Ghosting Collab. I guess we all agreed that Cerasium's ghost was the biggest achievement and the most important ghost between the two, however, we couldn't really agree if it was the "Best Ghost". The discussion isn't even related to eventual deaths on the ghosting collab ghost, because those are inevitable, it's more because the ghost is over 20 minutes long and already breaks after not even 35 seconds. So, although we don't have doubts that Cerasium pulled this off, we can't really see the ghost or appreciate it properly. Of course we know that it's an insane thing to pull off, but if we consider that the Ghost Of The Month awards and the Official Featured Ghosts are ways to display the best ghosts in the game, if we have a ghost that is theoretically ghost, but we can't really see, can we put it as the best ghost of the month? Tough discussion that dragged throughout an entire month and we eventually decided to go with Unforgiving 2. If we had some sort of video recording of this ghost in its entirety, we could consider, but since we didn't have that, we'll hope that can be improved in the future with a ghost that doesn't break. That might be enough. For now, Cerulean takes this battle with a very solid ghost on Unforgiving 2, that becomes his 5th all-time win in this category (5th place all-time among this category biggest winners), 2nd one in 2024, 2nd one in a row. Congrats, man!

    PS1: Will be updating the stats soon and the December 2024 Ghosting Awards will be posted sometime soon, after this one.

    PS2: The November Poll will be up from January 25th to January 30th and the December Poll will be up from January 30th to February 4th and then shortly after that we'll probably already be posting the January 2025 Ghosting Awards post and poll. So we'll make the comments about the November and December polls later as they end.
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2025
    EGRIFFITH, Stevie.T, a_drain and 6 others like this.
  3. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    DECEMBER 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Cerasium - And just like that, he's back. Yeah, he didn't reach the top spot in November, but 2024 couldn't end in any other way. 2024 was his year, once again. Cerasium had a strong 2021 when he first came out as a serious contender for the ghosting crown, then shared the spotlight with RadiumRC in 2022, had a great 2023 (despite that year clearly being Xenom's year) and came out swinging in 2024. Wasn't too active in the first couple of months, but after that? Just simply utter dominance. Not only he was the biggest winner in the Ghoster Of The Month award for both the Team and Public Votes, but he also was the biggest winner in the Ghost Of The Month award and he was voted the Ghoster Of The Year in the FRHD Awards, also having the top 3 ghosts of the year in the FRHD Awards as well. Not only that, the guy was voted the 2nd best ghoster of the decade and had ghosts in 3rd and 5th places in the decennial Best Ghost category. Insane! So, what did Cerasium do to finish 2024 strong? Simply got 29 additional featured ghosts, reaching 240 features still in 2024. The guy has more features than the rest of the top 10 combined and is getting close to reach 50% of the total featured ghosts we have. ABSURD! And on top of those 29 features, maybe the most iconic ghost he made wasn't even one of them, since he simply dropped a seven-minute gem of a ghost in the legendary track Rotate III, a ghost that granted him a 5th place in the Ghost Of The Decade award, even though it was done just a few days before the voting ended. What a legendary way to end the year. This is Cerasium's 18th win in this category. This puts Cerasium with twice as many wins as the second with the most wins Xenom (with 9). Undoubtely a remarkable feature. This is Cerasium's 8th win in this category in 2024, which sets a brand new record, beating Xenom's record of 7 wins from 2023. Cerasium reaches an unfathomable 30th top 3 ghosters of the month participation (12 more than the second place Xenom with 18. That's a whole year!), the 10th in 2024, all of them in a row. This ties him with his personal best, since he also got 10 top 3 participations in 2021, being only 1 month shy of Xenom's incredible record of 11 top 3 participations out of 12 months in 2023. Cerasium is the first to reach 10 top 3 participations in two different years and also the first to reach at least 4 top 3 participations and at least 3 wins in 4 different years in this category as well. Remarkable! Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    2 - NotVeryGood - December 2024 was the month where the INSANE project from NotVeryGood nearly came to an epic conclusion (he did have some additional grinding in January 2025), but some solid progress was made nonetheless. If you guys haven't heard about this, please check NotVeryGood's "Community Classic Domination: A Project" thread, where he explains his project focused on beating as many community classic tracks as he can, while also trying to finish as high as he can in the leaderboard. The guy got some shoutouts and top 3 participations from his efforts and last month was no different. This project is being made for nearly a year, with thousands of tracks completed and in December he managed to complete many tracks, with 92 1st places countless of other good placements, so we decided to put him in 2nd, after his incredible grind. All of his best ghosts from December will be linked in the document below. This is NotVeryGood's 3rd time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, all of them being this year. Congrats, man. What a journey! Congrats!

    Show Spoiler

    3 - Stevie.T - We were really on the fence about the third place. The battle was mostly between Stevie.T and TPlacella. Stevie.T had a good featured ghost on Flappy Copter, while TPlacella had good ghosts on tracks like 2012 and Escape. We thought it was very close, but eventually decided to give the edge to Stevie.T. Stevie.T is a veteran that is killing it in January 2025 and he's someone that has some great history in ghosting contests, he has great versatility and has had all kinds of featured ghosts, so it's cool to see him back in these past few months. It was a close call, but we thought Stevie.T deserved this one. This is actually Stevie's first participation among the top 3 ghosters of the month, which is just insane, haha. Yes, he does have a lone win in the Ghost Of The Month category from back in January 2021, but he actually have not finished among the top 3 ghosters of the month since we starting doing those, which is crazy, because he has received multiple shoutouts over the years. Many times almost getting it, but this time he got it. Congrats, man!

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to TPlacella that had like 2 to 4 cool ghosts from December. Really close call, man. Also, shoutout to Egona for his attempts at trickghosting and some other decent ghosts.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: We'll wait the results and see what happens.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/259634-rotate-iii/r/theft - With a ton of featured ghosts from Cerasium, one may think that it was hard for us to decide the ghost of the month this time as well. But although he did had some iconic features like EZBOLAIDS, we all agreed that Cerasium's ghost on Rotate III should get the win. An epic achievement, an impressive long trial ghost that isn't broken, so we thought it was a fair pick. What a phenomenal effort, man! This is Cerasium's 9th win in this category, which makes him tie with Xenom for the most Ghost Of The Month wins all-time. Awesome! Also, this is Cerasium's 5th win in this category this year. With this win, since he also won the Ghoster Of The Month award, Cerasium reaches with 9th Double Win (5th this year), also tying with Xenom for the most Double Wins all-time. Incredible work, man. Keep it up!

    PS1: Will be updating the stats soon.

    PS2: The November Poll will be up from January 25th to January 30th and the December Poll will be up from January 30th to February 4th and then shortly after that we'll probably already be posting the January 2025 Ghosting Awards post and poll. So we'll make the comments about the November and December polls later as they end.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2025
    EGRIFFITH, a_drain, TPlacella and 4 others like this.
  4. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Poll closed for the Ghoster Of The Month award for November 2024. Time for the comments:

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: After over 4 years of doing this monthly, we got our first ever draw for the win in this category. Both Uniior and Cerasium got 2 votes each (50% of the votes for each) and Cerulean got no votes. We got 4 votes in total. Both Uniior and Cerasium will be awarded a win for Ghoster Of The Month by Public Votes in November 2024. This is Cerasium's 18th win in this category and Uniior's 1st ever win in this category. Congrats to both! Cerasium also ties with his own record (shared with Xenom) for the most Ghoster Of The Month wins by Public Votes in a row (4). Cerasium reaches that for the 2nd time (April 2021 to July 2021 & August 2024 to November 2024), with Xenom having reached that twice as well (February 2023 to May 2023 & December 2023 to March 2024). This is Uniior's 1st and Cerasium's 7th win in this category in 2024. Good stuff, guys.

    Now I'll publish the poll for the Ghoster Of The Month award for December 2024. It'll be open until we publish the January 2025 ghosting awards. We'll be start working on the January 2025 ghosting awards soon.
  5. Cerulean

    Cerulean Legendary Cheater Ghosting Legend Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I have no idea why volcanic climb is one of my notable ghosts of november. I ghosted that in like 2020 lol
  6. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    not sure why i put that there lol
    EGRIFFITH and a_drain like this.
  7. FoxGamingTM

    FoxGamingTM Active Member Official Author

    Dang 4 total votes?
    EGRIFFITH, a_drain and Cerasium like this.
  8. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JANUARY 2025 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Cerasium - Happy 2025, guys. Yeah, we're late but with this we are now up to date with our monthly ghosting awards. New year, but so far, nothing new. 2025 starts pretty much at the same way 2024 ended, with Cerasium at the top spot killing it and Stevie.T and NotVeryGood completing the podium (SPOILER ALERT). It wasn't the most insane month from Cerasium, but with 7 features, lots of good suggestions, nearly 100 campaign 1st places and other cool ghosts in general, he deserved to stay once again in 1st place. This is Cerasium's 19th win in this category, putting a lead of 10 wins over the second with the most wins in the same category, that is Xenom, with 9. This is also the 31st top 3 ghosters of the month participation for him, which is simply absurd. With this win, Cerasium achieves his 1st win in 2025 (obviously), which sets a number of new records for him. He's now tied with Xenom for the most Top 3 Ghosters Of The Month participations in a row, with both having reached 11 participations in a row each, with Cerasium reaching the top 3 without misses since March 2024. Cerasium also has become the first player in history to get Ghoster Of The Month wins (by Team's picks) in 5 different years (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 & 2025). INSANE! He was the only that had reached 4 different years on that before, so this expands his lead even further. In other related categories such as having Top 3 Ghosters Of The Month participations in different years, he was tied with Cerulean with 4 different years, but now becomes the solo player with 5. Similar to the category of having any ghosting award participation in different years, where he was tied with RedOrBlue and Cerulean with 4 as well, but now is leading alone with 5. Incredible work! This is his 2nd win in a row as well, so keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Stevie.T - After a solid month in December 2024, reaching his first ever top 3 ghosters of the month participation, Stevie.T doubles down and even improves (3rd to 2nd), following it up with another sick performance in January 2025. He went for some more ghosting battles, ending up reaching a new peak of features (11) and finally getting his deserved Pro Ghoster medal after years and years of staying with a peak of 9 features. He got 5 new features and had at least another one really solid ghost, so he deserves to get this 2nd place here. As mentioned, this is his 2nd time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, the first one this year. Congrats, man and keep it up!

    3 - NotVeryGood - We mentioned last month NotVeryGood's "Community Classic Domination: A Project" thread, where he went in a nearly impossible mission of completing and trying to get in the top 10 for as many classic tracks as he could. And the results are astonishing! After a little bit over 10.000 tracks faced, NotVeryGood managed to get top 10 in over 9.700 of those tracks (nearly 97%) , getting 1st place in nearly 2500 tracks. ABSOLUTELY INSANE! Yeah, he achieved those numbers across a period of almost a year, pretty much finishing the project in January 2025 (with just some small improvements and updates since then), but he still got a fair amount of 1st places in January and also did well on some campaign speedruns posted on speedrun.com in this period, which are really solid and will be linked below. What a month! We thought you deserve to be in the top 3 again and it was a close call between you and Stevie.T for 2nd, but nonetheless, you did great. This is NotVeryGood's 4th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, all of them being in the last 8 months, second one happening in a row and first one this year. What a form! Congrats, man.

    Some dope ghosts from
    him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to Egona for some cool ghosts, but also some shoutouts to mR..A, CK9C, Uniior and TPlacella for some cool ghosts.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: After our first ever draw for Ghoster Of The Month by Public Votes for the poll regarding November 2024's ghosting awards, we got another really close battle for December 2024. We received 11 votes total and Cerasium managed to come on top once again, receiving 5 votes (around 45,5% of the votes), barely edging out Stevie.T, that got 4 votes (around 36,4% of the votes), also beating NotVeryGood, that got 2 votes (around 18,2% of the votes). This also sets new all-time records for Cerasium. Beyond reaching his 19th win in this category, since this is still for the 2024 year, for December, Cerasium manages to reach his 8th win in 2024, which ties him with Xenom for the all-time record for the most Ghoster Of The Month Wins by Public Votes in a single year. Xenom got 8 wins on this category in 2023 and Cerasium manages to do the same in 2024. This is also the 5th Ghoster Of The Month win by Public Votes in a row for Cerasium, with sets another brand new record for him, surpassing himself and Xenom that had reached 4 in previous times. Crazy stuff, man. Keep it up!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/611918-super-mario-bros-frhd/r/theft - We had some other cool ghosts last month like Cerasium's ghosts on Wild China, cork's challenge 8, cork's challenge 14, El cheap oh and Rocky Hills, alongside with some of Stevie.T's features, but at end of the day, no ghost was as iconic as Cerasium's ghost on Super Mario Bros FRHD, a track that just got 2nd place in the 2024 Decennial Awards in the Track of the Decade category. INSANE! So a ghost as good as this ghost in a track as iconic as this one had to take the win here, which makes Cerasium set even more records. This is Cerasium's 10th win in this category, which makes him surpass Xenom for the most Ghost Of The Month wins all-time. Cerasium surpasses RedOrBlue and Anonyymi and becomes the first player to get Ghost Of The Month wins in 4 different years (2021, 2023, 2024 and 2025). RedOrBlue and Anonyymi had done this in 3 different years. Incredible! Since he also won the Ghoster Of The Month award, Cerasium reaches his 10th Double Win ever, also surpassing with Xenom for the most Double Wins all-time. This Double Win also makes Cerasium the first player to get a Double Win in 4 different years (2021, 2023, 2024 and 2025). Insane work, congrats!

    I'll update the stats soon. New poll is up!
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
  9. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    this cerasium person seems like he's really just a chill guy
  10. IAmMutskie

    IAmMutskie Active Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    Who is that cerasium guy they keep talking about?
    EGRIFFITH, a_drain and Cerasium like this.
  11. Egona

    Egona Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    ayy what i got a shout out??!! did not see that one coming, thats actually kinda crazy haha. also congrats cerasium!
  12. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    must be all the trickghosts you kept sending, looks like theyre making some headway

    EGRIFFITH Member Official Author

    Totoca12, a_drain and Cerasium like this.
  14. Foir

    Foir Member Official Author

    whos this cerasium guy
    a_drain, IAmMutskie and Cerasium like this.
  15. ruetus

    ruetus Casual Member Official Author

    :thumbsup: I think this was well deserved for all the winners
  16. DrChill

    DrChill Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Cerasium is still dominating i see...btw, insane ghost Cerasium
    Totoca12, G4xLuffy, a_drain and 2 others like this.

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