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Update Winter + Holiday Themed Tracks Contest

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. willio

    willio Active Member Official Author

    Ok now I agree. It was that "all that hard work for nothing" that threw me off :D
    Cryogenic likes this.
  2. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yeah, pretty bummed my track didn't get in. I worked really hard on it. I can see why it didn't get in. It's a terrible track.
    SaschaDamonte likes this.
  3. willio

    willio Active Member Official Author

    Mine's way worse. Towards the end I just quit :rofl:
    Cryogenic likes this.
  4. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

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    I'm guessing that tracks like Whistler mt. and Chillwind woods will be in the next round of winter campaign tracks. I'm also really happy that there are a few new tracks in there. Having these campaigns be a collection of old tracks isn't fun to me, I could just search for those. I really like seeing new stuff here that was made for the campaign
    willio, RiderExtreme2 and Cryogenic like this.
  5. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

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    Nice job getting Freezing Cold in!
  6. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    I will post some details on why some were selected over others.

    for example, JacobCahoon your track was awesome and just about made it in, it was fighting for a <10% completion rate which typically is only reserved for the hardest track in the campaign.
    RiderExtreme2 and Cryogenic like this.
  7. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    I still think that the players are good enough if they actually have to beat it. Players didn't have to beat my track or anyone's track if it wasn't in the campaign. Some just give up because they didn't want to take the time. If they are given an incentive to beat the track, a campaign track, then they probably will spend more time on it an eventually beat it. Anyway, I don't think you should make judgments purely on completion rate. Plus, the players that made it to that campaign should be good enough to complete the tracks.
    SaschaDamonte and codrey like this.
  8. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Hmm, i sorta agree.... Then why did the 10th winter campaign track make it in? The completion rate is 0.04 and i made it to the end with 3 mins spare but i had to do the halfpipe. I never completed it. :( Time to try again....
    Edit; All good now, I just completed it in 1:57 :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 20, 2014
    RiderExtreme2 likes this.
  9. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    The 10th was added for it's epicness (no spoilers!) there is usually only 1 track with <10% completion rate and that was the one selected
    codrey likes this.
  10. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Ahhh, OK. Sounds cool! I do like the detail in the track and the track itself UNTIL the halfpipe. The halfpipe almost made me cry.... ;)
  11. LucJohnson

    LucJohnson Well-Known Member Official Author

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    Just asking but is their a date for the track with the most positive feedback thingy contest?? o_O
  12. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    There are a couple that I know of still in development. Will likely create a poll or something so that everyone can vote + taking feedback from the game.
    LucJohnson likes this.
  13. Sono

    Sono Well-Known Member Official Author

    That track would have been amazing if it didn't have the halfpipe. I made it to the halfpipe in 1 minute, and never ended up completing the track. I sat there for 4 minutes trying to get that darn star.
    TiMartin1069 and codrey like this.
  14. codrey

    codrey Guest

    SAME! But the very next try i got 1:57 so in the end i was happy! ;)
  15. Sono

    Sono Well-Known Member Official Author

    Lucky you ;)
    codrey likes this.
  16. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Yep, it was a huge fluke too! :D
  17. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    Hoping I'm not the only one who forgot about this
  18. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Char Eric any chance my track will ever make it into the campaign?
  19. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Will the best track ever get a reward?
  20. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    When r u releasing Spooky?

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