1. Hey Guest, Pie42 and Ness have released an update for the FRHD track editor, with new features including a select tool and object tool option!

    Check it out here
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If you are interested in ghosting, go check the Ghosting Awards for June 2024 Click here to check it out.

Update Vote Spam

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Nov 3, 2017.

  1. Examples

    Examples Well-Known Member Official Author

    deleting tracks? finally
    RadiumRC and LeviAustin like this.

    KORREKT Member Official Author

  3. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Nice! Can't wait for the contest and the ability to delete tracks
    Spongolese, LeviAustin and Phase like this.
  4. d8.m0

    d8.m0 Casual Member

    Why do some wheelies work on the editor and as soon as you post they don't work? PLEASE FIX THIS IT HAPPENS TO LOTS OF PEOPLE ON FRHD!
  5. QCap

    QCap Active Member

    Not sure why my main pssst was restricted but please undo it when you can
  6. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    what is dis about
  7. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    ohhh i see this now
  8. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    what is dis about
  9. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Hope we get to see those contest details at least today then
  10. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    have u stopped the bots?? like when the title of the track says "im quitting" it gets trending...
  11. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    can i join the contest??
  12. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    what is this chat even for...
  13. cenrix

    cenrix Active Member Official Author

    When can we erase our own levels?
  14. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    wat is dis chat even for... i dont even know what i am doing.
  15. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    vote spazum
  16. gun

    gun Well-Known Member Official Author

    for sum reason everyone has pro and i have this weird exclmation mark next to my profile picture
  17. CHOLO

    CHOLO Well-Known Member Official Author

    I have pro as well, however I am not fussed about that.
    To get rid of the "exclamation mark" you have to click on the profile picture, then click on the "exclamation mark" near the title "mobile app", also has a picture of the apple store and google play store logos. Then you must install the new Free Rider HD app onto a mobile device. then and only then will the exclamation mark disappear.
  18. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    yup that is weird that I have pro. but i am not complaining... also i think the game updated.
  19. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    did this game update??
  20. PinBaller05

    PinBaller05 Active Member Official Author

    cuz i don't know XD

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