hey all, we are all back in the office now after a good break we are ready to continue on the exponential growth that FRHD got in 2014 into 2015 with some (hopefully) welcomed changes. I will plan to post an update on what to expect in the next 3 months (as we know it now) but wanted to mention some changes that are live and that we will be looking to bring out this week. Trending tracks - we have updated "Recommended" tracks listing to shuffle between a mix of more recent trending tracks to bring forward "newer" tracks and to have "new good tracks" pull down those quick/easy liked tracks (think Gun!). This change will take about a week or so until we can get a full measure on how this change will impact current trending listings, but immediate impact will be more plays distributed to "trending" tracks that are shuffled through. Next feature up for us is "Subscribing" to authors. This is related to how tracks do in trending, in that the number of votes a track gets after it is released directly correlates to how well it does in trending. So assuming you are an author that has say 100's of subscribers, on track release blasting a notification out to those guys will hopefully increase the number of votes your track gets (depending on how well liked it is of course). For first release we plan to keep it really simple so that we can get it released this week. Will blast out a in-game notification, and email that can be enabled/disabled in your settings.
To be honest, I don't really look at the recommended section too often. I can't wait for subscribing though! It's a perfect idea. You're tracks will get more views, and possibly more likes. You will also see the tracks you want to see! Awesome!
Also, Eric around what time do you expect lifetime achievements to start coming out. Also, if you have already completed the lifetime achievement will you have to do it again or will you just automatically get the coins?
Loving the subscribing idea, but will there be a limit of subscribers like with the amount of friends u can have? Or is it unlimited?
Actually I may have lied, we probably want to prevent the case where a player thinks it would be cool to go through and "Subscribe" to everyone that has submitted a track, so there will be a limit to the number of Authors you can subscribe to but it will be high enough that you will never hit it (if you do let us know!), will be in 1000s. At that point if you are subscribed to that many authors your notifications would be flooded with updates. The number of players an author can have subscribed to them will be unlimited. Twitter, YouTube etc have similar limitations.