Space to pause is broken since the new buttons to switch between solid line and scenery were added (circles)
This has been done. We will also fire a pop-up if you click on another link from the track editor warning that progress will be removed.
When I try to pause at the same time as riding, pause doesn't work. This is very unhelpful, especially if I try to make an Auto.
Saving your track on the website is currently a work in progress. Until then, you may click the export track button, copy the provided code, and save it as a word or text document on your computer.
Ok. Not necessarily a bug, but, a great improvement for the in-track-creator spacebar pause button. It only works if your fingers are off the arrow keys. It would be great if you could be able to pause while moving with the arrow keys!
Two things... I really don't like how "q" changes between curved line and straight line tool. I don't think I would ever use the curved line tool. And this isn't about the editor but... It's annoying that you can't press 3 buttons at once. I'm talking about when you're holding accelerate and one of the left or right arrow keys (2) and then "z" (3). You can't turn around if you are already holding 2 of the arrow keys. This isn't a huge problem, I just find it annoying to no end. So far the web site is looking great though!
It works well for me. I can press left/right, up, and "z" at the same time, but what doesn't work is pausing the game (pressing spacebar) while pressing two other buttons (e.g. up and left), at least in the track creator. This is rather annoying. It's not a drawback for me, since I don't make tracks, but I think it'll be inconvenient for great track authors such as iTzChuckNorris
Dear da powerful devs, Please make it so that pressing arrow keys doesn't unpause. We can better unpause with the space-bar. Sincerely, The Blob