New Feature Teleporter Power-Up

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Max007x, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Um, when I mean "gross," I mean "gross" language.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  2. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Please, kindly, don't use these words in this house, okay?
  3. Illicit

    Illicit Member Official Author

    I don't see how "noob" is gross.
    You clearly do not know its definition.
    Noob: "A person who is inexperienced in a particular sphere or activity, especially computing or the use of the Internet."
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  4. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    That's kind of a rude tone to speak. You should probably not say that.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  5. Illicit

    Illicit Member Official Author

    Ok I give up.
    People are offended by everything these days.
  6. gun

    gun Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    can I just suggest we make it a little bit smaller and take out the white bit, remember simplicity is key in design, especially in a game like Free rider
    I just made a quick sketch, it looks a little out of place.
    Nicholas-Opuni, Seasnails and Illicit like this.
  7. Illicit

    Illicit Member Official Author

    That's genius
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  8. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Uh huh, that's what I thought; in fact I've learned that from Ms. Carr.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  9. Illicit

    Illicit Member Official Author

    TF r u talking abt
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  10. TeamPhantom

    TeamPhantom Phantom of Your Blood Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I think it is the stupidest thing that non-official authors can't use the teleporter, like what even is the point of doing that? It's the best powerup out there and why can't everyone use it?
    Char I suggest you change that because it is completely unfair especially since many of the authors that have official author do not deserve it at all and just got it because they begged for it and many others don't have it and are way better then certain authors that have it.

    AARONMEREDITH Member Official Author

    How do you get Official author:confused::rolleyes:
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  12. TeamPhantom

    TeamPhantom Phantom of Your Blood Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Pretty much beg and cry to char.
    Logeton and Nicholas-Opuni like this.

    AARONMEREDITH Member Official Author

    OK thanks so much:thumbsup::);) is it hard?
    Nicholas-Opuni and DeathBob1 like this.
  14. kv99gun

    kv99gun Member
    Human dies because _______(Please input your setting here)_________.
    Human dies because human needs real subs not fake subs, need real powerups not fake powerups.
    Real subs will lick your body for everyday, your body is beautiful as most people wish to be.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2018
  15. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Guys, I really need your complete help to help me become an official author at FRHD! PLEASE, HELP!!!!!!!
    RadiumRC and cctvcctvcctv like this.
  16. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    And no, I will no longer play and watch any more tracks until all of you guys, yes all, help me be an official author.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  17. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

    Let me see: No subs, no detail. You need to work on your tracks a little harder before you earn it. Guys, stop telling people that they will get it if they whine at Char.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  18. TrackMaker12

    TrackMaker12 Member Official Author

    We don’t care
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  19. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    What "names" of tracks must I work on?
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  20. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Stop saying that and help me now.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.

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