Expanding on Max's animation idea: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/532372-swimming/ PS please help me out and leave a dislike - nobody is reading the description and I think most OAs would prefer if generated tracks don't go trending
You can modify the track code to get around this. Place an antigravity at the start and end of the portal. When you export the antigravity points start with an 'A' and should be near the end of the code (followed only by existing portals). Replace the first A with a W and then replace the comma and 2nd A with a space. Kind of a pain if you want to do a bunch though...
HA! I found a Glitch, if you zoom in you will see a wheel in the top left corner, the bike goes nowhere Code: ##W 0 68
you can drag while holding something by zooming in out on one side then zooming in on the other side. lifehack
It's so awesome :') Could we perhaps have the powerup shrunken down a tad? It seems rather big, anyways awesome nonetheless!