1. Hey Guest, Volund just announced the TEAM DUATHLON CONTEST, that will be a mixed contest, involving ghosting and trackmaking, and also a part of the upcoming FRHD Teams season.

    Check it out here if you are interested!
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, go check the Ghosting Awards for July 2024 Click here to check it out.
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, there's a new important update regarding the user Duper.
Click here to check it out.

New Feature Teleporter Power-Up

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Max007x, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'm finally transformed into an OFFICIAL AUTHOR!!!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  2. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    It's all thanks to the help of Max007x who helped me become it!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  3. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    And I couldn't have gotten to be an official author without all of you guys!!!!!!!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  4. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    ...hear a celebration coming on!!!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  5. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Let's do the crazy shake! Woohoo!!!!!!!
    cctvcctvcctv and Stig like this.
  6. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    (singing) To celebrate
    A job well done,
    Let's crazy shake,
    And have some fun!

    Now everybody crazy shake!!!
    cctvcctvcctv and Stig like this.
  7. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Hahahahaha!!! I love crazy shakin' for OA-ing!!! This is so great!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  8. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  9. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    MATH POWERS!!!!!!!!!!
    The end
    (c) 2018 Free Rider HD. All rights reserved.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  10. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    yeah if you keep spamming you;re both restricted and no longer oa :)
  11. Ethanlin80

    Ethanlin80 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Logeton and Nicholas-Opuni like this.
  12. NasaDude

    NasaDude Active Member Official Author

    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  13. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  14. NasaDude

    NasaDude Active Member Official Author

  15. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    OK, guys, I promise not to spam this thread ever again.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  16. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    And I'll never, ever break that promise.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  17. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    :) <--- this I forgot to mention...
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  18. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Cctvcctvcctv, how can that necessarily be when you liked one of these pledged replies?
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  19. cctvcctvcctv

    cctvcctvcctv Well-Known Member

    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  20. hmmmtodayiwill

    hmmmtodayiwill Well-Known Member

    May be a bot
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.

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