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New Feature Teleporter Power-Up

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Max007x, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Whatever, everybody, I'll just play something else, just so you guys know.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  2. Ultraviolet

    Ultraviolet Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    To put it in perspective, I have been a consistent member for more than 2.5 years, have made several tracks that have taken 3 hours+ and I have still not gotten it. Even if you take the tracks on my first alt into consideration as well. So if you want an answer, just find your style and actively make good tracks. There is no minimum.
    Nicholas-Opuni, Ethanlin80 and bungo like this.
  3. bungo

    bungo Active Member Official Author

    tbh recently standard of oa has fallen
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  4. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

    Hello i’m New here so what is this place for
    PrestonII and Nicholas-Opuni like this.
  5. kv99gun

    kv99gun Member

    Logeton and Zycerak like this.
  6. SayStar

    SayStar Active Member Official Author

    That’s disgusting
    Nicholas-Opuni and kv99gun like this.
  7. kv99gun

    kv99gun Member

    Finally you admit animal is disgusting, dead object is beautiful.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  8. SayStar

    SayStar Active Member Official Author

    I sad that almost as soon as you posted it
    Nicholas-Opuni and kv99gun like this.
  9. kv99gun

    kv99gun Member

    It is because dead object is too beautiful
    then I don't have time to reply you disgusting animal.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  10. SayStar

    SayStar Active Member Official Author

    Logeton and Nicholas-Opuni like this.
  11. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

    Hi , freerider is depressing when no one plays your track
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  12. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

    Wait i’m Still a new member I HAVE BEEN HERE FOR A WEEK I’M NOT NEW
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  13. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

    What is that
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  14. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

    How do I get the teleport thing
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  15. You will be a new member for at least 2 weeks man and Teleport is only available to OA. To get that title, you must have a considerable amount of tracks that have a lot of plays and likes....... You will get there ... someday
    Nicholas-Opuni and bungo like this.
  16. Xridegamer

    Xridegamer Casual Member Official Author

  17. cctvcctvcctv

    cctvcctvcctv Well-Known Member

    Well, compared to others, you're pretty new : )
    I think to advance from new to active (or just 'member') you have to get more likes/post more. If you go look at some old threads there are still some people who are classified as new members, mostly because they created their forum acc, then left shortly after. It's definitely not time based.
    Idk about Official Author. You used to just be able to create a few half decent tracks, then nag Char for it, and that was the minimum required for it. There's talk of it being automated soon though..
    Logeton, bungo and Nicholas-Opuni like this.
  18. DietFood

    DietFood Well-Known Member Official Author

    I need to know how as well. I have at least 2200 player points, and at least 20 tracks made as well. Is there a way to get it now?
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  19. DietFood

    DietFood Well-Known Member Official Author

    I also know from a little bird that you have to message a Moderator. Is that true?
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  20. cctvcctvcctv

    cctvcctvcctv Well-Known Member

    Sir_Blobfish NOpuni Xridegamer You guys seem to think that there's some official, foolproof, checklist way to get OA. Let me tell you something. From my experience of reading through several threads and conversations, how you get OA is if Char, the game designer, thinks you deserve it. The automated OA hasn't come out yet, to the best of my knowledge, so to acquire this status you have to have another HUMAN give you it, there is no program that does it, the site doesn't give you OA in the same way that it gives you daily achievements. Let me say it one more time.

    Currently, if one wants OA, it will be given only if a fellow game designer thinks you should have it.

    (also, 2200 points is rreeaallyy not a lot)
    Nicholas-Opuni and bungo like this.

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