1. Hey Guest, Pie42 and Ness have released an update for the FRHD track editor, with new features including a select tool and object tool option!

    Check it out here
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New Feature Pro Feature - Gift Coins

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I also noticed some changes to icons and stuff on the database. Lowkey updates strike again.
  2. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    ~ Change track names.
    ~ Track names not limited to letters or numbers.
    ~ Order tracks on profile
    ~ Delete tracks
    ~ Online saving
    ~ Hidden and Private tracks
    ~ Save multiple ghosts
    ~ Modifiable controls/key shortcuts
  3. Pityboy

    Pityboy Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'd like to add:
    - track names AND descriptions are not limited to number of characters
    What do you mean by online saving?
    I think deleting tracks should be added as a normal feature in the future but not changing track names.
    pawflix likes this.
  4. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I hate it when some alt codes and symbols are like nahhh
    Poltergeist likes this.
  5. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Delete tracks, online saving, modifiable controls will likely be something added for all players.

    Pro Features that we would be looking to add are those that would be challenging to do for everyone but acceptable for Pros like:
    • tracks in listings have show whether you have played the track, beaten it and/or liked it
    • Random Play settings for track dates, rating, etc
    • ability to add links in comments, 500 character limit for comments, etc
    josephhd, Collector, pawflix and 2 others like this.
  6. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Official Author

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    like this post if you want 20 coins
  7. 1amborghini

    1amborghini Casual Member Official Author

    Can someone gift me
    NewGoblin likes this.
  8. Osiris

    Osiris Well-Known Member Official Author

    Why would you comment on a post that has been dead for 4 years? No one is giving you coins.
  9. Kingbob1500

    Kingbob1500 Member

  10. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i don’t have pro anymore lol but thx for the likes
    josephhd, Apocolypse and cky199 like this.
  11. 1amborghini

    1amborghini Casual Member Official Author

  12. A_guyYT

    A_guyYT Active Member Official Author

    can i have some money

    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Official Author

    can I have 300 coins
    Poltergeist, Logeton and cky199 like this.


  15. MyrraWolf

    MyrraWolf Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    You are no longer able to gift coins on here.
    FIREBEATS likes this.


    thnx for the clarification
    MyrraWolf likes this.
  17. Poltergeist

    Poltergeist Active Member Official Author

    What??? Did they remove the feature???
    josephhd and BenWright78 like this.
  18. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    5 years later.. ;(.......
  19. BenWright78

    BenWright78 Well-Known Member Official Author

    wait.... I just made a C0NTEST!
  20. cky199

    cky199 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Flying_T_Rex and Poltergeist like this.

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