1. Hey Guest, Pie42 and Ness have released an update for the FRHD track editor, with new features including a select tool and object tool option!

    Check it out here
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Update Optimizations, campaigns and more

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Weilong likes this.
  2. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    By tons I meant I entered tons. I am currently working on one though.
    FOIL, Weilong, FREEZ and 1 other person like this.
  3. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    Sweet ;P
    Weilong likes this.
  4. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author


    I made that my profile pic because it was the coolest default picture.

    and I hate westerns :D
    Weilong likes this.
  5. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    I'll see if I can find any of them :D sure to be good
    Weilong likes this.
  6. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    Yeah fine i'll shut up then :( ... . ...
    FREEZ likes this.
  7. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

    I was JK! dont feel baaaaad
  8. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    Hehehe just chillin watching Kevin Hart
  9. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    Hey FREEZ War made trending list like you wanted XD
    Weilong and Cryogenic like this.
  10. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

    I wanted top 5
    Cryogenic likes this.
  11. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yeah. It should be :thumbsup:
    Weilong, Black_Hearted_XxX and FREEZ like this.
  12. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

    it like #11 at the moment... I dont think it will make it... ah well!
    Black_Hearted_XxX and Cryogenic like this.
  13. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    It will get there someday... :p
    FREEZ likes this.
  14. Black_Hearted_XxX

    Black_Hearted_XxX Active Member

    Hopefully soon
    FREEZ likes this.
  15. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member

    Could you, in the editor make it able to accelerate whilst pushing 2 buttons at the same time for example ^ + > + Spacebar?

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