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Update New top rated sorting algorithm + Coins Reduction for uploading tracks

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    There are too many uploads happening! Look we got to 600 pages so quickly!

    Attached Files:

    FREEZ likes this.
  2. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

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  3. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yeah. I want to upload a track, and I want it to get popular, but with all the tracks being uploaded very few people will get to see it because there will be at least 1 post ever 2 minutes that move it down the list. You need to put the upload cost back up to where it was. It would help us all out. Eric Char Please take this into consideration. I posted a picture yesterday that we were at the 600th page on the newest list. Well it has been a full day and we are now on the 612th page! That is way to many tracks.
    FREEZ likes this.
  4. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

    Eric! ONLY YOU (or Char, or Velksy if he ever shows up again, or any of the other staff for that matter) HAVE THE POWER TO STOP THIS BLASPHEMOUS %%%$$#@%#!!!! PUT AN END TO THIS TYRANNY! YAAAAHHHH!!! FOR NARNIA!!!!
    Cryogenic likes this.
  5. LukeSpecogna

    LukeSpecogna Well-Known Member Official Author

    I would even put it up to 500 Eric, because then we would get detailed and fun tracks
  6. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    That's too high, people would leave the game. I just want it higher so there is less spam.
  7. LukeSpecogna

    LukeSpecogna Well-Known Member Official Author

    So keep it at 250?
    FREEZ and Cryogenic like this.
  8. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    LukeSpecogna likes this.
  9. FREEZ

    FREEZ Well-Known Member Official Author

    Char Eric Ahem. no more "har har har 50 coins for the n000bs to upload har!"

    okay, That is an exaggeration :D.

    but still, we need it to be back to 250
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2014
    LukeSpecogna and Cryogenic like this.
  10. Pancakes345

    Pancakes345 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    How about 100 or 150?
    speedy__XD likes this.
  11. Pancakes345

    Pancakes345 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Actually, I kinda agree. My tracks get NOTHING. NOTHING. No matter how hard I work on it barely anyone acknowledges it. Maybe raise it to 100 or 150. Don't go back to 250. That was way too expensive
  12. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    That's why you share it on the forums.
  13. JusticeDealer55

    JusticeDealer55 New Member

    There should be a reward system for getting likes on your tracks. There might already be, since I'm kind of new to FRHD (but I loved Canvas Rider), but if there's not, there should be. Also, maybe if someone hits a certain amount of dislikes, they could get coin deductions.
  14. speedy__XD

    speedy__XD Well-Known Member Official Author

    I think that it should be a little higher then 50 but less then 250.. I think the sweet spot is 175 :thumbsup:

    On the plus side, love the highest rated update. That is cool :) In the top 30 highest rated tracks now. Feeling kind of cool :D
  15. Pancakes345

    Pancakes345 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    No, that's not necessarily a good idea. Some people are trolls and dislike tracks for no reason. :thumbsdown:
    Cryogenic likes this.
  16. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    It's definitely a tough call. "spammy" tracks have seemed to settle down on Friday over the weekend. Reducing the cost has increased the tracks submitted by 2.5x, are more tracks being submitted yes but is it hurting the game I don't think there is a definitive answer around that.

    WheelieMaker is right, to stand out you need to share it with friends or on the forum. We have seen tracks gain momentum without that but it definitely helps.

    Even at 250 coins, more tracks being submitted will become a problem. With the reduce in cost we saw 2.5x more tracks submitted daily, what will happen when FRHD hits 2.5x more players, at 250 coins we will have the same problem.

    More tracks are being submitted but with the lower cost yes there have been some bad tracks submitted but there are also new authors coming forward:


    What we are going to try to push out this week is the requirement for non-official authors to complete the track before they can submit, this should eliminate those impossible tracks that are being submitted.

    So, everyone in this thread, if you aren't already do your part rate up those tracks you think deserve it and rate down those that don't.

    And self promote your tracks here on the forum and outside to your friends.

    And after all of this, I am not saying we won't increase the cost we just have some more changes on our end to try while we have it at this low cost that we will be rolling out this week.
    FOIL, weem, Pancakes345 and 2 others like this.
  17. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    I like the sound of that :thumbsup:
    Coolman2 and FREEZ like this.
  18. Coolman2

    Coolman2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    There are way too many impossible tracks. Making the creator play the track is a great idea.
    FREEZ and Cryogenic like this.
  19. Maple

    Maple Love to draw VIP Team Balloon Trackmaker Of The Decade Official Author

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  20. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    In all honestly I don't mind the coin reduction, it can create new possibilities for new members. Yes, there will be spam tracks, but Canvas Rider, TrackMill, fr2.me and all of these websites dealt with them and ignored them (more the most part). The best way to get recognition on your tracks is to share them of the forums, get feedback, improve, and repeat until you're on the trending list. Not gonna lie, I was one of those kids that made spam tracks every day and didn't even put effort into my tracks. But now I'm on trending, and I inspire some members. We all deserve a chance.
    Eric and Cryogenic like this.

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