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Update New campaign tracks (yesterday's news) and more

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    Or they can't find the up arrow :D
  2. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yo ke see
    Cryogenic likes this.
  3. when are the new campains like trails and stuff gunna come out
  4. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    We have had over 500 tracks submitted, making my way through them. Will do my best to get some tracks out this week, plan is to have a short list for tomorrow to test internally and then release some new tracks either Thurs / Fri.
    Cryogenic likes this.
  5. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    That's a lot of tracks! :eek: Can't wait until the end of the week! :D
    codrey likes this.
  6. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Are you still accepting tracks that a have been submitted? I submitted my newest track under the "spooky" category yesterday (Australia time) and i think it is my best chance at getting any of my tracks into the campaign.
    Cryogenic likes this.
  7. codrey

    codrey Guest

    The stunning life of an Administrator... Have fun! :p
    Skeeny and Cryogenic like this.
  8. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Definitely, we plan to keep each campaign at about 10 tracks. So if a topic is popular enough, we will have "Spooky II" etc...
    codrey and Cryogenic like this.
  9. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Sounds good!
    Skeeny likes this.
  10. LucJohnson

    LucJohnson Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Im very impatient for the new campaigns. Problem is right now it's Friday night (Australia time) ......can't wait :D
    codrey likes this.
  11. codrey

    codrey Guest

    That makes two of us, but im willing to wait as long as possible until campaign 3 comes out :) anyway the Devs DO have a lot of work to do, i DEFIANTLY dont envy them, they have 500+ tracks to play and only a minuscule amount will get through.
    LucJohnson likes this.
  12. LucJohnson

    LucJohnson Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I know it is hard, especially them having to put with people nagging. Not saying I don't get a little impatient....lol
    Cryogenic and codrey like this.
  13. Cryogenic

    Cryogenic Well-Known Member Official Author

    I think I'm one of those nagging people :cool:
    codrey and LucJohnson like this.
  14. codrey

    codrey Guest

    I KNOW im one of those people. And now we r annoying them about annoying them :confused:
    Cryogenic and LucJohnson like this.
  15. LucJohnson

    LucJohnson Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Don't jinx em before they release the campaigns :D
    codrey likes this.
  16. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Dont even go there, you'll make me cry :cry:
    LucJohnson likes this.
  17. LucJohnson

    LucJohnson Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
  18. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Hey Char how are the campaigns coming along? Sorry for bugging you, I just cant wait for campaigns to come out :D

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