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Introducing 4 Daily Challenges (Achievements!)

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    An upload feature is coming that'll let other people to play our tracks.
    Currently you can use the Export feature.
    (Click "Export track", copy the code, show it to others, let them copy that code in the Import section to be able to play)
    But this is risky as some other people may steal it.
  2. Pityboy

    Pityboy Well-Known Member Official Author

    Eric when are the campaigns touching down? I can't wait for it!
    Jdc151 likes this.
  3. WheelieMaker

    WheelieMaker Active Member Official Author

    This is dumb in my opinion, everyone should be able to freely create tracks and have the ability to upload them without having to use coins. Unless coins are super easy to get, I don't agree with this idea very much.
    But I seriously love this game now, the editor is amazing and I'm really excited for the campaign mode. :)
  4. Pityboy

    Pityboy Well-Known Member Official Author

    You need to understand that they made this so to stop possible 'thieves' to steal tracks and uploading tracks as many as they want and whenever they want. But if we have coins, the rate at which we upload tracks can be limited.
  5. WheelieMaker

    WheelieMaker Active Member Official Author

    How would this stop people from stealing tracks? I think it'd be the same as normally posting tracks without having coins.
  6. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    I used to dislike this idea too, but then they explained why it's useful.
    I don't know about track stealing and all that.
    But there was a massive track upload spam in CR. (That's what I heard)
    This "coins to upload" feature will only allow legit players (people who actually play the game) to upload, instead of random people who upload bad tracks with no goals.
    If a person really is a true player, he would obviously play the game too. This separates the "real" players from unknown people from creating nuisance by creating tracks with no goals.
    Also, track making won't be that pricey anyway (probably), and people who make (good) tracks may never need to worry about coins.
    ThrowTheCheese likes this.
  7. Velksy

    Velksy Well-Known Member Official Author

    Blaze mostly covered what needed to be said. We don't want to limit creators but we do want new members to jump over a small hurdle in order to have the ability to upload tracks. If balanced correctly, this will encourage new users to put more time into creating tracks, while rewarding veteran creators and players. Once released we will continue to look for feedback and if necessary prices can and will be shifted around.
    Caterham likes this.
  8. Parnikkapore

    Parnikkapore New Member

    what does it depended to? number of items?!!
    that's what I missed. thank you!
  9. Caterham

    Caterham Casual Member

    I like the complete first try one, that would be my one.
  10. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    It'll be number of coins. You can't upload tracks because the upload feature hasn't been released yet.
    It'll be up soon, I guess.

    You're welcome.


    THIS IS AWESOME! What you could do , is award trophies and medals , for completing a lot of challenges :) , other than the achievements , so it'll be easy to brag about having an EMERALD trophy ! Maybe a small verified button ( like the Facebook one ) , for famous players ! And cosmetic changes for the vehicles too ! Plus performance upgrades , maybe for the campaign mode only , so that the other leaderboards are fair ! Maybe a finish later track option , to edit a track later if you're busy now ! If you're looking for moonshots , check my other thread , on the ideas forum !
  12. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    But that still makes the campaign mode leaderboards unfair (it has leaderboards, right?).
    I think most of the people here don't want gameplay affecting upgrades.


    Why should there be leaderboards on the campaign ? It's single player ! Like any other campaign in any other game !
  14. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Apparently single player tracks have leaderboards too.


    I meant any multiplayer game with a campaign option should ofcourse have ONLY leaderboards for the multiplayer part ! The campaign is what you play on your own , no other players involved !
  16. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Coins can currently be earned through daily achievements and will be earned through campaigns. Everyone can freely create tracks they just have to reach a certain level of play to do so. This should work well for new players to the game, for community classic authors that are veteran players but don't necessarily play a ton anymore we will be addressing that issue so that they will be able to upload and not be blocked.

    Eventually coins can/will be earned depending on the feedback of submitted tracks.
  17. Jdc151

    Jdc151 Casual Member

  18. Jdc151

    Jdc151 Casual Member

  19. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Quick change to logged in home page view, in preparation for Track Creator Uploads + Campaigns... Like it? Yes / No?
  20. Jdc151

    Jdc151 Casual Member

    Blaze06h, Lobsert and Char like this.

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