Hey all! Just wanted to give a bit of an update of what we have been up to. First and foremost, Velksy has moved across Canada for some education and as of last week moved from full time employment with Kano Apps to part time (as his new school life will allow). So don't expect to see him on the forums as much as the past but he may still be lurking around from time to time. mi7ch and Aardvark have joined the FRHD forum to help take over some of his responsibilities but as always, Char and myself will be active on here as well. We plan to get some campaign 2/3 tracks out this week that have been shortlisted from submissions. If you have not heard about the campaign contest you can find more info here: http://community.freeriderhd.com/threads/free-rider-hd-open-campaign-contest.624/ We would like to get Campaigns 2 + 3 to have at least 20 tracks and have the contest wrap up next week. With campaigns 1/2/3 we should have enough new content for a new player to progress through and get a good intro into what FRHD is all about. Know anyone who hasn't submitted a Campaign track yet and you think they should strongly suggest that they do it We have also been at work with some requested updates to the track editor which we should have updates on shortly (improved zoom, zoom in on mouse, pause+action and curve tool). Once we get Campaigns 1/2/3 complete plus these new track editor improvements, we will likely be lifting the "beta" off of Free Rider HD as we will have a failry stable game at that point and start to gear up some marketing campaigns to help promote FRHD. We will continue to improve and add features out of beta of course!
yay! Like all of it! but to the stuff that I highlighted, could you please give us some sort of list of likely tracks that will be added to the campaign? thanks! PS: hopefully it actually gets done by then
... NEXT WEEK? Holy moly.. I've been taking it slow on my track, but now I better buckle down and finish something Dx On another note, where be Velksy? How far across Canada did he go? I'm just curious as I'm on the other side of Canada as well Lastly, when will the hard/expert campaigns be taking submissions? I have 3 or 4 difficult tracks on the go at the moment. They are so fun to make xD
We would like to get campaigns 1/2/3 at least partially filled out with enough tracks so that we can be ready to start marketing a bit more. The opportunity to get tracks into 1/2/3 may still be open for some time after next week depending on the tracks that are submitted. We may have an update for the editor today, we shall see!
Yes, it will let you 5x zoom in where currently it is 2x. New curve tool as well. We will be looking at zooming in on the mouse as that was a request as well for a future release but wanted to get these 2 things out.
That's the plan, we have a couple meetings but plan to release in just over an hour from now if everything looks ok!
This is unrelated, but will there ever be an update to allow a single track to be credited to more than one person? That's what's holding me back from releasing my old collabs, assuming the system would allow me to list people who have no account on here.
We definitely want to do this but it isn't something that we will be able to tackle in the next couple months. What we want to do is get the editor to a point where authors here feel it is the best, so addressing issues like the zoom as well as adding functionality like the curve tool. Targeting improvements for authors, the next thing we want to focus on is official collabs, so ability to share a wip with say a friend and have them perform edits is a long term goal / idea and they would then get credit on submission.
You mean two people working on a track together at the same time? But alright, I'll just go ahead and link my collabs to CR in my gallery so people can play them.
yes potentially. First step could be to give credit by adding collaborators by username. If you wanted to for now you could call out in description, it will be a while before we knock off that feature I think.
Sweet. Description is hidden by default, but I guess the tracks have our usernames on them so it should be fine to do it.
So two people would be able to edit a track at the same time!!! and maybe use "t" for chat?? AWESOME!!!! On a side note, can you please make description open by default? thanks!