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Update Friends (coming soon)

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, May 29, 2014.


    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    Yeah that was my idea that I said like 3 months ago :)
  2. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Yeah, everybody had it in their minds.
    It's very likely for someone to think of this subscription feature.
  3. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    If we don't impose a limit of some kind (even facebook has a limit of 4,000 and twitter has a limit to the number of people you can follow), otherwise people would race to keep adding / following people and the list would / will quickly loss meaning.

    We don't want FRHD Friends to turn into a race of "who has the most friends" which if we didn't have a limit, we would quickly see some players just playing to increase their friend count.
  4. Nbernier38

    Nbernier38 Casual Member

    Will we ever get new vehicles like a quad, motorcycle ,etc
  5. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Please keep topic related to friends, there are plenty of threads with requests for new vehicles where we have stated once we get major features such as friends, campaign, track creator improvements (curve tool, WIPs), leaderboard and even a shop out of the way we will look to expand the vehicle selection. Even with other vehicles in Free Rider 2, over 90% of the tracks created were for BMX / MTB so we would likely look to continue extending on bikes first as those looked to be most popular.
  6. anibalfox1152

    anibalfox1152 Member

    no dont put ne vihicles it will ruin this awsome game
  7. speedy__XD

    speedy__XD Well-Known Member Official Author

    Um question, is there going to be a way to search for creator's pages? Because so far I have not been able to find a good way to view a friends profile. Just wondering
  8. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Type "www.freeriderhd.com/u/" and then the creator's name maybe.
    Pityboy and speedy__XD like this.
  9. anibalfox1152

    anibalfox1152 Member

    it says page not found
  10. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

  11. la5erbeam

    la5erbeam Active Member Official Author

    That's exactly how I would do it and do sometimes do it.
  12. Nbernier38

    Nbernier38 Casual Member

    Yes vehicles
  13. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Hey, that's double negative.
    That means you want new vehicles.
    la5erbeam and speedy__XD like this.
  14. speedy__XD

    speedy__XD Well-Known Member Official Author

  15. Pityboy

    Pityboy Well-Known Member Official Author

    I assume you don't know ebonics?
  16. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    He was speaking in Ebonics?
  17. Pityboy

    Pityboy Well-Known Member Official Author

    have you heard of 'aint nobody got time fo dat'? that gives the same concept
  18. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Yeah, but "Ain't nobody got time fo dat?" is a clip that got viral, but nonetheless it is grammatically wrong.
    And what anibalfox said is not a reference to something else.
    speedy__XD and la5erbeam like this.
  19. Dominic951

    Dominic951 Well-Known Member

    Like the unicycle???
  20. Dominic951

    Dominic951 Well-Known Member

    I don't know what your talking about, but it would be great if the mighty Devs added friends.

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