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Update FRHD iOS Progress & New Preroll Ad Test

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Eric, Feb 18, 2016.

  1. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Hey All,

    You may have noticed we have gone a bit quiet, well we have been hard at work trying to get FRHD iOS released before summer. Things are coming a long and will have more to comment on in the next few weeks.

    For computer non-pro players on FreeRiderHD.com you may notice that display ads have disappeared and sometimes a preroll ad will show up while the game loads that should always be skippable. We are hoping that this change will help improve performance of the games, show less ads overall and help with revenue to support the game. If you have any issues please let us know!
  2. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I love you guys for this
    Edit: will you be able to buy pro with iTunes money
  3. Nexus

    Nexus Well-Known Member Official Author

    Eric has there been an update for the forum 6 minutes ago?
    sulasilva likes this.
  4. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Don't thinks so, are you having issues?
    sulasilva and Todredrob like this.
  5. Nexus

    Nexus Well-Known Member Official Author

    nope the login is weird.
    sulasilva likes this.
  6. Nexus

    Nexus Well-Known Member Official Author

    instead of at the top as usual it was at the bottom. Hmmm
    sulasilva likes this.
  7. Parasite

    Parasite Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'm having trouble with the new ad system. I liked it a lot more before. Now the ad makes my screen freeze for a couple of seconds then turns black for a couple secnnds and THEN goes to the track. I liked it a lot better when I could just go straight into the track

    Edit: Also, no Free Rider for Android?
    Nitrogeneric, Skeeny, Nexus and 2 others like this.
  8. TiMartin1069

    TiMartin1069 Active Member Official Author

    Can you guys do another time planner thing for the forums. Due to your seeming inactivity it feels as if the game is floundering so can you give us a run down of what you are planning to achieve this year and when.
  9. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I hate the new ads it makes my screen turn black for a second and pressing play random constantly really hurts my eyes.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    Nitrogeneric, Skeeny, Nexus and 3 others like this.
  10. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I really prefer the old ads over these ones. Although they may make the game less laggy, having to wait five seconds before playing a track is pretty annoying.
    Also, having video ads before the game loads really makes it feel like some big professional money grab like addictinggames.com (I'm not saying that FRHD is, I'm just saying that the new ads make it feel that way.)
  11. Stig

    Stig Stig VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Good going!
    I think this may also solve/reduce our 5sec/spam track problem with the trending list.
    Hopefully people will start realizing that the type of "tracks" they used to vote up, are not really worth 5+ seconds of waiting, thus starting to vote them down instead :D
  12. darksmoke11

    darksmoke11 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    This is awesome lelelel
    sulasilva likes this.
  13. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    Well objective 1 meet, we were hoping that this change would make performance of the game more consistent and not lag down based on the types of ads rendering on the page.

    Instead of having to run 3 ads per page, which will hurt performance we are hoping that replacing all ads with a video ad here and there will satisfy our requirements to generate revenue off the game but at the same time improve the playing experience. We will definitely be watching engagement changes with this update.
    Skeeny, sulasilva and Jgeleta1 like this.
  14. Eric

    Eric Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Official Author

    FRHD for android will follow once we get all the bugs / issues worked out with iOS. I have a nexus 5 so I am just as eager to get it on there as you are :)
  15. darksmoke11

    darksmoke11 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    *Finds a way to bypass the ads with a single button press*
    sulasilva likes this.
  16. codrey

    codrey Guest

    ayyy nice, my friend has a Nexus 5 and they look sick. Want to get one myself :p
    Havent seen the ads yet but like the sound of the app, would also love for you guys to do a 'timeline' of whats going down and when. Welcome back :)
    Todredrob, sulasilva and Skeeny like this.
  17. Skeeny

    Skeeny Well-Known Member Official Author

    Ye man... but samsung galaxy s4 for me xD cmon!! I believe in you :D :rofl:
    sulasilva and Todredrob like this.
  18. TeamPhantom

    TeamPhantom Phantom of Your Blood Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    yes i like how the ads work now, thank you to all who put hard work into this game :thumbsup:
    Char and Skeeny like this.
  19. Skeeny

    Skeeny Well-Known Member Official Author

    Not so sure about the ads Eric , but anything (within reason) to support this game I'll support :thumbsup:
    Todredrob likes this.
  20. Goldchest223

    Goldchest223 Active Member

    For ads, It always pulls up plug-ins. I dunno why it does that.

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