Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Nov 27, 2013.
I'm going to friend request you
kk i like you and i dont accept friend request much unles their rally pops here
just did
You do know I'm just 11 right
Cool im 15.
Nice your 4 yrs older than me
yea bro been playin free rider since 2009
Me only since like last yr or two
You' round been playing since I was in kindergarten
I hate spellcheck
finally. im freeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Hey your here What do you mean your freee
He couldn't get on the forums. Char needed to do something to add him.
please remove me bann, i promise you will not replicate any type ever
TAlk to Char
Stop spamming
true just stop spamming