Shouldn't be that difficult to work around.. Only allow a fill if there is a solid box built around it. Sounds good to me.
Yes, however during the initial release please make sure to check that nothing has been broken during the transfer process.
track code, currently is encoded in (crockford?) base32 and in the form of x1;y1:x2;y2. it would be somewhat easy to do, (insignificant knowledge of html5: <canvas> blablblabla grd.addColorStop("black")) but the main problem is, a line would have to be generated for every pixel length on the fill, i can see this increasing loadtime tenfold and possible intense lag.
If only it was as easy as the "Fill" tool in Paint... Sorry for my lack of HTML knowledge.. All I know how to do in HTML is <html> and </html> .. I don't even know if that is correct.. I haven't done HTML is years. Although.. Do all lines have a round end to them? If there is a way to control if they can have square ends, maybe it would be possible to fill a box with one giant line that covers the whole empty space? Then again.. Doing this will probably lead to rewriting all of the track code logic. Never mind.
know you have it as nice to have, but it would be really cool to have a curve tool for scenery. Please no color.
It looks like we will be able to release the scenery with a curve tool on first release, in the version I saw today Char had scenery curve tool working.
pssst t, that's what I thought. Sono True dat. It would be possible, if they tweak the track code, making it possible for the track to have polygons.