1. Hey Guest, Volund just announced the TEAM DUATHLON CONTEST, that will be a mixed contest, involving ghosting and trackmaking, and also a part of the upcoming FRHD Teams season.

    Check it out here if you are interested!
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, go check the Ghosting Awards for July 2024 Click here to check it out.
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Hey Guest,
If you are interested in ghosting, there's a new important update regarding the user Duper.
Click here to check it out.

Forum Registration

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    You're probably wondering how to sign up to the forum.
    Here are the steps.

    1) Signup to FreeRiderHD.com


    2) Go to your Free Rider HD account settings


    3) Set a forum password and click save changes..


    4) You're done! You may now log into the forums with your Free Rider HD username or email.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
  2. DarkSideOfTheMoon

    DarkSideOfTheMoon Casual Member

    Thanks for the steps, i was really having trouble with that.
  3. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member

    Yeah me too xD
    SeanPeyton, RadiumRC, Pie42 and 9 others like this.
  4. PeterCross

    PeterCross New Member


    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    note how it shows 96 completed tracks in the first image and 23 in the second.
  6. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Good catch. ;)
  7. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member

    I've noticed the 1st time I saw it :p
  8. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    I don't know. I noticed it, but didn't bothered it so much. I have even forgot that now.
  9. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member

    Thats what I mean.
    SeanPeyton, Chapter, Creak and 4 others like this.

    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member


    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    i cant believe there are only 700+ members

    that is very few
  12. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I know. Many people who have FRHD accounts don't have accounts for this forum.
    Not to mention making accounts for this forum is a bit tricky if you don't see the "Forum Registration" topic.

    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    UH , HEY guyys
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2014
  14. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member


    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    did you watch dispicable me 1 -2 or both
    SeanPeyton, Pie42, Skrampt and 9 others like this.
  16. DarkPlant

    DarkPlant Well-Known Member

    Both, but that is a mixed Character in my pp
    SeanPeyton, Pie42, Kryptonix and 5 others like this.
  17. sluisillo

    sluisillo Casual Member

    i need publish a track , how i do it?
    SeanPeyton, Pie42, Kryptonix and 4 others like this.

    ISLAMUSLIM Well-Known Member

    you cant right now

    you have to wait for a track uploader
    SeanPeyton, Pie42, Kryptonix and 8 others like this.
  19. fil

    fil Active Member Official Author

    or you can log on to FR3 and upload from threr
    you can do that right?
    SeanPeyton, Kryptonix, Creak and 3 others like this.
  20. Blaze06h

    Blaze06h Well-Known Member

    Yes, but then it'll be only available for FR3.
    He probably meant how to upload tracks in FRHD.

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