Yesss, I am glad to have found this chat. I like to see that you are working to add stuff to the game but at this point I wonder if it is to little too late. This game has lost a lot of great track authors and I dont know if they are coming back. Add different vehicles which will increase the number of things a person can do. Also PLEASE change the color back, that blue is awful. Also the fact that you have this demo and its been months and nothing has been added is annoying.
nah. i think the color stays. they should add a slot machine and just add a lot of new hats like astronauts and stuff. defiantly not a new vehicle tho. I feel like thats too much and that if they do add a veh.... it should be disabled on every track that has been made cause maybe you could cheat times. like if they made a glider that you can make a glide track on for the glider. in that case you cant play mtb or bmx on a glider track which means no cheated time
I know that, but they shouldent focus only on the app they need to add little things to keep people going. They so far have done NOTHING to the actual game. I am not asking for a full update I just want to see that they still care about the community.
The person who makes the track determines what vehicle you use not the person trying to beat the track.
Check this out. So previously tracks dont have glider. but if they did update it to a glider. that means only the updated tracks that are made for maybe autos or just normal tracks you cant get it
The fact that you think that there is actually a possibility of a ******* glider being added to the game immediately invalidates everything you say. New vehicles are an awful idea, I'll grant you that. However, I doubt monetising this game even more or adding pissing hats will do much to help this site. We need a slower frame rate, cr checkpoints and the ability to privatise tracks.
Changing the fps would mean changing roughly 8 million ghosts (maybe), and that would need a large-scaled update. Changing for 30fps to 60fps means times are counted by 0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.06, 0.08, 0.10, 0.11, etc (cus I'm lazy to continue). And since it's 60fps, more calculations will be made by the game