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New Feature Vehicle Changer Powerup (BETA)

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Nicholas-Opuni and Skrampt like this.
  2. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    jroles [​IMG]don't worry the firefighters are coming you don't need to bring your mother.
    Nicholas-Opuni and jroles like this.
  3. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    lol hahahaha thats a good 1
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  4. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    JRoles I'm sorry but
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  5. NicholasOpuni

    NicholasOpuni Casual Member

    No, Char, I am untolerative to have a vehicle powerup. You must give me a Mario Kart 7 powerup called a GLIDER. upload_2015-11-7_18-6-25.png The glider is printable to fly up and down in any left or right direction. I must be tolerated to that, Char. By the way, that glider has many controls: up arrow to keep flying, left arrow to fly high, right arrow to fly low, and down arrow to cancel the glide. The glider is collidable and measurable like the gravity and the speed boost. So, you better add that glider to the powerup list, Char, or else you...
    RadiumRC, Nicholas-Opuni and Char like this.
  6. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Nicholas-Opuni and Skrampt like this.
  7. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Actually instead of Char getting fired. You'll get banned. Ha ha.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  8. NicholasOpuni

    NicholasOpuni Casual Member

    I not kidding, i'm swaringly serious, do it NOW!
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  9. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Besides sounds super jumbo dumb.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  10. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Listen any kid who has "Disney channel" picture is not serious.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  11. NicholasOpuni

    NicholasOpuni Casual Member

    SHUT THE BARNACLE UP you pdophead (and by the way, you, as well, are fired too!:mad:)
    Nicholas-Opuni and Skrampt like this.
  12. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Please be quite. And who says what the barnacles. To much "spongebob"?
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  13. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    silly noob
  14. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    Kid your funny.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  15. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] special education man.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  16. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I love this disney guy
    Nicholas-Opuni, Minus and Jgeleta1 like this.
  17. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    WhAt that guy I posted?
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  18. Jgeleta1

    Jgeleta1 Active Member Official Author

    lol...Actually...if you try to force them...char might ban you...
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  19. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    plus char is off work till monday
    Nicholas-Opuni and Jgeleta1 like this.
  20. waagon

    waagon Well-Known Member

    You said it that means you better be quite.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.

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