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Polygon's Mod

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Polygon, Apr 8, 2020.


    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    I am going to do a RAPPERJACK mod cam you Pm and tell me how you did this
    pawflix and gun like this.
  2. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Yes that goes with free rider dark. It is disabled by default so try not to mess with it.
    moonoomoo and FIREBEATS like this.
  3. Poltergeist

    Poltergeist Active Member Official Author

    that sounds terrible. No offense, but you tend to copy other's ideas :cool:
    gun, Unadvertised and Polarized like this.
  4. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    says the one who traces :rolleyes:
  5. moonoomoo

    moonoomoo Well-Known Member Official Author

    Polygon Calculus
    I'm not sure if it's the mod or what, but I've noticed all of my tracks today have been loading very slow. My internet is good, so my first guess would be the mod.
  6. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    have you tried refreshing the extension?
  7. moonoomoo

    moonoomoo Well-Known Member Official Author

    I will try and let you know, it might take a few days but if it runs fine with no issues I won't respond, don't want to spam
  8. moonoomoo

    moonoomoo Well-Known Member Official Author

    it's just a fixed gear mountain bike, don't worry
    pawflix likes this.
  9. Apocolypse

    Apocolypse Not a popular member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    nice work
  10. gun

    gun Forum Legend Team Blob Official Author

    wow I just added this, it is amazing.. don't know why I ignored it before
  11. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    6/11/2020 - Version 2.0

    I've been working hard basically rewriting the whole mod in a more organized way, and I finally have it pretty much up to date with the first version. Additionally, there are a few new changes that I'm excited to share! Here they are, with the most exciting (in my opinion) first.

    Autos will no longer break!
    The track exporting system has been tweaked, and the undo/redo system has been drastically altered. I don't make tracks enough to be able to do a whole bunch of testing, but if everything is in order, you shouldn't have to worry about your auto breaking after undoing an erase or reloading the track.

    Disable Defocus
    You now will have the option to stop the game from pausing when you click somewhere else on the screen. The game should continue running as usual, unless you are typing in an input box. (i.e. writing a comment) In that case, the game will continue to run, but will not receive input until you click off of the input box.

    Chrome extension
    There is now an extension for Chrome, which should ease the installation process. If you are using the chrome extension before updating, you will have to disable it and install the new one to get the update. You can get the extension here.

    More precise tools
    While you are drawing a line, it's position now perfectly matches what it will look like in the track. (Before, it could be up to 1 pixel off) Also, the eraser is more accurate, so you should experience less frustration when trying to erase one of two close-together lines.

    Improved options menu
    The mod's options menu has been reworked, giving a description of each option, so you shouldn't have to wonder what anything does.

    Track codes now store default bike
    Track codes will now remember which bike was active when the track was exported. This alters the track code format slightly, but your codes should be reverse-compatible with regular FRHD, and regular FRHD track codes should be forward-compatible with the new ones.

    Other changes
    • Directional powerups (boost and gravity) now snap to degrees as you draw them, perfectly representing their orientation when placed.
    • Holding the control key while drawing a directional powerup will show its angle.
    • Holding control and shift while drawing a directional powerup will snap it to 15 degree increments, just like lines.
    • You now have the option to make the grid invisible, if that is your preference.
    • Editor hotkeys activate when you press the mouse button down on the screen, rather than when you release it.
    • The black top hat option is now plainly visible. (called "Hacker Mode")
    • You have the option to make vehicle powerups fade out when collected, rather than turning invisible.
    • You can make the eraser account for line thickness. (You may notice that without this option, the eraser sometimes does not erase lines, despite grazing them)
    • The nostalgia mode triangle powerups are now the correct size (oops)
    • There's a new option called "Pixel Snap Rider". To be honest, it's not great... It makes the game look more choppy. It's purpose is to make the rider appear in precisely the right location relative to the track. I don't think many people will like this, but maybe precise ghosters will find it helpful. (When the game renders the track, it snaps it to pixels. However, it does not snap the rider to pixels. This makes the rider's movement nice and smooth, but can make the rider up to 1 pixel off of its true location. This setting snaps the rider to pixels as well.)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
  12. qwertwerty

    qwertwerty Casual Member

  13. PrestonII

    PrestonII Well-Known Member Official Author

    and what is "SO COOL" about this mod?
  14. PrestonII

    PrestonII Well-Known Member Official Author

    just asking...not trying to offend anyone
  15. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Everything that it does is shown on the first page. In short, it fixes quite a few bugs, adds a few little things (like the ability to have riders stay on the screen after you restart), adds an optional "theme" to make the game look like an older version.
  16. PrestonII

    PrestonII Well-Known Member Official Author

    Oh ok thx
  17. nyone

    nyone Casual Member

    Invisible grid was already an option in the editor Polygon
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2020
  18. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    nyone wait it was?
    Oh, haha. Well, I guess that option might disappear from the mod soon then.
    pawflix, Logeton, nyone and 1 other person like this.
  19. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Custom colors are on my todo list.
    Carbon29 and pawflix like this.
  20. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Thanks for pointing that out. Looks like it's a problem with the "Disable Defocus" option. I'll try to find a fix.
    pawflix likes this.

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