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Polygon's Mod

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Polygon, Apr 8, 2020.

  1. robbieraysfan

    robbieraysfan Well-Known Member Official Author

    (it doesnt)
    Pie42 likes this.
  2. fuzzyman8

    fuzzyman8 Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'm not quite sure what you mean, but my School system disables the ability to add another account to my Chromebook. I think I can do that in High School too
    I don't think you know my School system. They can do that.
    mbcool likes this.
  3. robbieraysfan

    robbieraysfan Well-Known Member Official Author

    Everything youve listed is also blocked on my laptop, and im in HS. I dont see why your school system would give you extra privileges on your device just because youre in HS. its still a device for school, and letting you install 3rd party apps on your laptop could be a security hazard of all things.
  4. fuzzyman8

    fuzzyman8 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Well, my sister is in high school in the same school system as me, and she can do both of those things. So, I think you're school system does some things differently
  5. robbieraysfan

    robbieraysfan Well-Known Member Official Author

  6. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    wait so how do I download it?
    a_drain likes this.
  7. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    nvm got it
    a_drain likes this.
  8. josephhd

    josephhd Active Member Official Author

    Your mod is very cool, I love it, the only thing that would be great is that the Keep Dead Riders mode would be disabled by default since each tab I have to be deactivating hehe, I would really appreciate that: =):):):thumbsup::thumbsup::D:D
    a_drain and Cerasium like this.
  9. mbcool

    mbcool Well-Known Member Official Author

    You can have a custom head?! How?
    Cerasium likes this.
  10. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Whoah that would be sick! Is it visible to all users of the mod, or just to you?
    Cerasium likes this.
  11. ShamatoZ

    ShamatoZ Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    Custom, probably as in just your regular frhd hat, instead of replacing it. (which is personal only, other people don't see it.)
    That's what it does for me, not sure if it's meant to do something else
    Cerasium and RadiumRC like this.
  12. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Cerasium likes this.
  13. Foxler2010

    Foxler2010 Member Team Blob Official Author

    if the checkpoints visual positioning is fixed then they would break the look of some of my tracks lol
  14. pawflix

    pawflix Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Polygon I believe requestly has been updated, can you please update the instructions for that method?
    Cerasium and RadiumRC like this.
  15. Methodical

    Methodical Well-Known Member Official Author

    maybe devolpers will put out at hat that has a low percent of chance on getting it early one, not until you have like 150 hats, then it become normal rng, but it could be a custom hat, you can make whatever you want for the hat
    ShamatoZ and Cerasium like this.
  16. Pie42

    Pie42 Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    mfw polygon's mod diverges from the vanilla game for the billionth time, breaking a mod that i'm making
    (jk polygon's mod is very cool and i love it a lot and it's the vanilla game that is really bad)
    (like seriously, why is the function to draw a boost in the vanilla game called 'drawCircle'?)
    (also the teleporter sucks a lot in the base game and polygon's mod fixes that, so tyvm!!!)
    isekeb, mbcool, pawflix and 3 others like this.
  17. mbcool

    mbcool Well-Known Member Official Author

    :eek: You didn’t send that pomu person this time!
    pawflix likes this.
  18. ShamatoZ

    ShamatoZ Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    Symantec, Fluoride and mbcool like this.
  19. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Cool mod
    pawflix, mbcool, dantexpress and 2 others like this.
  20. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    How do you change certain things with the mod...like bike color?

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