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New New Year, New Rank

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by mR..A, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Madara

    Madara eesoncanaocee Ghosting Legend Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i suggest giving OA only to those who make quality rides/detail. giving it to someone who has one feature is not fair. considering that people with 1 feature will probably get more features and get advanced roles in the future. taking OA from everyone and giving it to people with quality tracks is my suggestion.
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD, Logeton and 3 others like this.
  2. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    that's fine, the criteria for OA can stay the same then

    also, if someone has earned multiple awards, should they all be displayed or should the new rank replace the last.. what do people think?
  3. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    you should show all of the awards, not replace it.

    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    i think they should be displayed
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and mR..A like this.
  5. Eryp

    Eryp foraminifera Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    since it's kinda a progression system itd make sense to remove them. like having both vip and EA on your profile would be redundant- someone with 5 feats logically also has 3 feats.
    with that said maybe itd also make sense to award a separate title for people who've won vip via contest or something. under this new system our newest vip netsik would lose his title (though i dont doubt he'll get his fifth feature very soon). maybe something like "contest winner" could be useful here as a way to commemorate previous winners
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2020
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD, Rayb25 and 4 others like this.

    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    I think EA should be given to people who been on here for years they deserve it
  7. BrandonBishop50

    BrandonBishop50 FRHD News Team Official Author

    will you be counting collabs as features or only feats posted by the person?
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  8. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I think you should replace it. I have already tested with the Elite badge beside the OA badge and it looks a little awkward. I’d say replace it.
    GoodraFRHD and FIREBEATS like this.
  9. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    the forum side of things is done :cool: for now those who have earned multiple ranks, all the banners are visible. if people prefer the idea of progression rather than collection, then i can change it no worries

    congrats to everyone who have earned themselves shiny new ranks!

    i'll keep you all updated once i know the new database features are up and running
  10. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD, Volund and 3 others like this.
  11. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    I Probally Not Gonna Get Nothing
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  12. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    Congrats On Elite
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  13. BrandonBishop50

    BrandonBishop50 FRHD News Team Official Author

    you should change the color of Elite Author... bright yellow is just an eyesore

    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    i really wanted EA well im out :(
  15. genericusername

    genericusername Well-Known Member Official Author

    I think rapper jack should get EA. regardless of the requirements.
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  16. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

  17. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i will get this soon...
  18. Logeton

    Logeton Guest

    You will if you finish tracks
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  19. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  20. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    Congrats On EA
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.

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