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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    Cerasium and ShamatoZ like this.
  2. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals

    Hello guys, what's up? Yeah, the year of 2021 ended over a month ago, so yeah, I know we are late with this and it might not be as cool as it could have been, but since we kinda already had almost everything finished for this we are doing it. This is the Ghosting Awards for the whole year of 2021. We'll be having 6 different awards here, that will be detailed below:

    1 - New Ghoster Of The Year - This is an award for the best new player that actively showed up in 2021 and had the biggest impact and evolution in the ghosting community.
    2 - Comeback Of The Year - This is an award for the OG player that had the most solid comeback in 2021.
    3 - Best Ghosting Month Of The Year From A Player - This is an award for the player that had the most solid month in 2021 in the ghosting community.
    4 - Best Non-Spacebarrer Player Of The Year - This is a pretty self-explanatory award. This was made to give a solid shoutout to the non-spacebarrer that impressed us the most last year.
    5 - Top 10 Ghosts Of The Year - We read some feedback, but this is mostly a combination of Madara's personal list and my personal list of the ghosts of the year.
    6 - Top 10 Ghosters Of The Year List - This list is based in a lot of stuff and it's not an exact combination of all of the monthly Ghosting Awards, mostly because some months were more chill and others were more intense and competitive. We consulted the awards from 2021, shared our own additional opinions and even got some extra feedback from some other great ghosters outside the team to make the list.



    RadiumRC - We decided to give this award to RadiumRC. Yeah, his account isn't from last year, but 2021 was kind of his debut to "top-notch" ghosting and he did really well on it. We considered giving this award to Symantec, but all that Symantec did last year was in December, the rest of it (which is a lot) was in January/February of this year. So since RadiumRC was more consistent last year, having a solid improvement throughout almost the whole year, getting more features (it was something like 50 x 36 to RadiumRC) and being more active on ghosting contests, we felt like it was fair giving it to him. As I said, RadiumRC got about 50 features, he was 1st place in the Ghoster Of The Month awards once and 2nd place once as well. He did really good in the GBC3, but didn't manage to find a solid partner, did great in the ORG finishing in 4th place with only 1 loss, and still managed to qualify for End Of Season Tournament and win the whole thing, beating guys like Cerasium and DrChill in the process. So congrats on the award, man. You deserve it!


    tetrationiscool - This wasn't that easy to pick, but we felt like tetrationiscool deserves this one. We had some nice comebacks, like Backtwice in the beginning of the year getting some features (r.i.p. them now, though) and finishing 2nd place in the Free Rider World Cup 5, Sidewalk coming back and getting many new features, showing a great evolution in his skills and a few others. But tetrationiscool came for the crown, at least for a few months. The guy did some ghosts in a level of skill we had never seem before (now we have some similar ones with Symantec and RadiumRC, but tetrationiscool still have some of the best ghosts in the game), went for like last than 10 to 32 features, having some really solid months. He was 1st place once, 2nd place once and 3rd place once in the ghoster of the month awards from last year. Really deserving award for him!


    Cerasium in October 2021 - Another tough call to make, especially since Symantec (and also RadiumRC) had an unbeliavable month in December, but we have to put some things in perspective here. Symantec got 36 features in December, which is insane, but that was about it. In October of 2021, Cerasium got 31 and kept 30 feature made in October, despiting getting some other features from the update of that month. On top of that, he had a perfect ORG month, winning all of his matches, while he was still close to RedOrBlue in the scores. That month was crucial for his ORG win later in November (it was officially in December, but he had already on back in November). He was also involved in many ghosting battles during the month, so I think that all of this effort kinda compensates the 6 less features comparing to Symantec's month. But props to both for some impressive perfomances. This award goes to Cerasium, though. Symantec's month was more technical and showed more skill, but Cerasium's month was more impactful in out opinion, especially for the major upset regarding him surpassing RedOrBlue and keeping the lead.


    RubeGoldberger - Yeah we had some appearances from guys like DblU, we_are_number_one and even WrzodX over the last year, but no non-spacebarrer was more impactful and active in a great level of ghosting than RubeGoldberger last year. The guy was pretty active, had many good suggestions that ended up being close calls in the Official Featured Ghosts thread, finished 7th place in the GBC3 and the ORG (being the 3rd with most wins in the ORG, tied with RedOrBlue with 22 wins) and 9th in the EOST. What a year, man. We felt like you deserved this award!


    Ok, I'll be honest, this list would be way cooler and make much more sense if we posted it sooner, because Symantec kinda ruined it (lol) beating some ghosts in the list, but it is what it is. These are the ghosts that we considered the best ones last year, we already had the lists and just combined them and discussed when there was a tie. Here goes nothing:

    Edit: After the recent discovery of Symantec cheating on some ghosts, his ghosts were now removed from the list and replaced.

    1 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/226644-hard-a-trial/r/tetrationiscool
    2 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/641387-gavins-soup/r/tetrationiscool
    3 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/50114-vines/r/tetrationiscool
    4 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/127222-forest-medley/r/tetrationiscool
    5 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/1038-preview/r/tetrationiscool
    6 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/243884-woof/r/cerasium
    7 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/405476-deep-fried-cauliflower/r/cerasium
    8 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/736055-caves-trip/r/radium_rc
    9 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/796822-fjieerkeropeppokreprekoprkopre/r/cerulean
    10 - https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/3982-3d-bathroom/r/cerasium

    Congrats to tetrationiscool for the win, the top 3 domination and the 5 participations overall. Cerasium had 3 participations, and RadiumRC and Cerulean had 1 participation each.


    For this list we kinda used the ghosting awards results from the past year + about 6-7 top 10 lists from different players to get to our final list. So We hope it's a fair represantation of the best ghosters of 2021, considering skill, activity and impact. Here goes the list:

    Edit: After the recent discovery of Symantec cheating on some ghosts, DrChill got his placement and we added Sidewalk to the list.

    1 - Cerasium - Easily the guy in the ghosting community last year. Despite only finishing 2nd in the Best Ghoster category of the FRHD Awards, Cerasium was easily the name from last year. He got almost 100 features last year (maybe 97?), broke many records in the ghosting community (some that were beaten by Symantec this year, though), showed a great evolution last year and did great in ghosting contests. He finished 3rd place in the FRWC5 and the EOST and won the ORG and the GBC3. Insane! He had some crazy months and showed a level of consistency and activity never seen before in terms of stealing features and making many great ghosts every month. He also got an insane amount of 12 Ghosting Awards last year, lol. He got 2 Ghost Of The Month Awards and 10 Ghoster Of The Month Awards. 10 top 3 participations in 12 months? Insane if you ask me. Great consistency. Out of those 10, 4 were for 1st place, 3 for 2nd place and 3 for 3rd place. Great year from Cerasium, that is the Ghoster Of The Year of 2021, at least for us on the team!
    2 - RedOrBlue - The myth, the legend himself. Since the end of 2020, with Anonyymi getting less active, RedOrBlue showing a great evolution and some other ghosters leaving and not being that active, RedOrBlue kinda was on the path to become the all-time FRHD Best Ghoster for sure. He managed to get 2nd place in the last Top 100 list, with Anonyymi even voting for RedOrBlue as 1st, and things were really going great for him. He had a dope year, but it was pretty clear that he was busy IRL in many occasions, so eventually the young/new ghosters kind of took over the game in the last few months. He still did pretty good, though. Yeah, people expected him to win the FRWC5, but the time zone difference took him out of the competition in a calculated move from Cerulean. He ended up in 6th place there. In the ORG, he lead the contest for most of the year, but got busy in the end, so his absence in the last few weeks made him lose the 1st place and even a place in the top 5. Yeah, Cerasium was improving a lot, but RedOrBlue deserved to be at least top 2 in the ORG, but finished in 6th place, unfortunately. The same happened in the EOST, which made him only get the 13th place. He managed to bring his A game in the GBC3, where he finished in 2nd alongside Stevie.T, despite being the best individually in the contest. He still had some iconic moments, though. He got his peak of features last year (43), did great in the GBC3, had that iconic week where he destroyed Cerulean stealing many of his features and lots of other moments. He "only" got 3 Ghosting Awards last year, with one being a Ghost Of The Month award and two being 1st Places in the Ghoster Of The Month awards. Great stuff!
    3 - Cerulean - Despite not being that active close to the end of the year, Cerulean did play a huge part in the ghosting community last year. He was an active part of it for many different reasons (not all of them that good), but he helped setting new standards for the featured ghosts, especially the tube features. Also, he got 6 Ghosting Awards last year, with 3 of them being Ghost Of The Month awards and the other 3 being Ghoster Of The Month awards (two for 1st place and one for 2nd place). He set many records for the ghosting community, like some for getting the medals fast (that were later mostly beaten by Xverse, RadiumRC or Symantec) and the all-time record for the most featured ghosts held at the same time (53 at the time, later beaten by Cerasium with 100 features and eventually by Symantec with 115 features and counting). He also joined the FRWC5, where he finished in 5th (with an iconic win over RedOrBlue and an iconic loss to Backtwice) and also the GBC3, where he finished as the champion alongside Cerasium. Dope year for Cerulean.
    4 - Xverse - Really solid year from Xverse, especially the first half. He got 5 Ghosting Awards last year, with all 5 of them being Ghoster Of The Month awards. 3 for 2nd place and 2 for 3rd place. He also showed a crazy level of skill, especially on climbs, but also in some offroad and tube tracks. He played a huge impact in the first half of last year, breaking many records (some that are still holding up until now) for being the faster to reach some milestones related to the ghosting medals, but we couldn't put him higher since he wasn't really the best ghoster in any month or joined any ghosting contests. Still a pretty solid and consistent year for the most part. He reached a peak of 33 features, which made him get the Legendary Ghoster medal. Solid stuff, man!
    5 - RadiumRC - The guy went crazy last year. Yeah, he "only" got 3 Ghosting Awards last year, but he showed some cool evolution throughout the year and was always getting some shoutouts. He got one Ghost Of The Month award and 2 Ghoster Of The Month awards, one for 1st place and one for 2nd place. He finished 11th place in the FRWC5, 6th place in the GBC3, despite not having a consistent partner, 4th place in the ORG and 1st place in the EOST. You can see a clear evolution on his contest performances. He had a peak of features around 50 features last year, got the Legendary Ghoster medal, proved to be a very versatile ghoster, getting features in all 4 categories and had many cool moments in the ghosting community, especially in the second half of the year. Great stuff, man!
    6 - tetrationiscool - What a legendary comeback. Tetrationiscool returned last year and got 5 Ghosting Awards, with 2 of them being Ghost Of The Month awards and 3 of them being Ghoster Of The Month awards. One 1st place, one 2nd place and one 3rd place. He had his peak of features last year as well (32), which made him get his long overdue Legendary Ghoster medal. He had some of the most voted ghosts in the FRHD Awards as well. Crazy year from him, especially around the middle of last year.
    7 - Madara - Got 2 Ghosting Awards last year, with those being a 2nd place and a 3rd place in the Ghoster Of The Month award. Got his peak of features last year (48) and joined some ghosting contests, finishing 17th place in the FRWC5 and 3rd in the GBC3. Pretty solid year for Madara.
    8 - Chaos-Fallen - Got 2 Ghosting Awards last year, with those being 3rd places in the Ghoster Of The Month award. Finished in 4th place in both the FRWC5 and the GBC3, finished 11th place in the ORG and 8th place in the EOST. Got his peak of features last year (21), which made him get the Legendary Ghoster medal. His best year in the game for sure.
    9 - DrChill - Got to his peak of features (8), which made him get the Recognized Ghoster Medal, finished 7th place in the FRWC5, 4th place in the GBC3, 3rd place in the ORG and 2nd place in the EOST. Solid year from him.
    10th - Sidewalk - He made a solid comeback, getting many features again and having some good performances in contests like the ORG and the EOST. Started the year kinda active, so let's see what 2022 holds for him in the community. Strong comeback.

    Good job for everyone that got an award or got close to get one. Also, shoutout to everyone who tried at least. Let's see how 2022 will go. Symantec is already putting the bar very high, but we thought the same for Cerulean and Xverse, then RedOrBlue, tetrationiscool, then Cerasium, then RadiumRC. So we never know.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022
  3. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    it says i was mentioned?
    Cerasium likes this.
  4. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    Cerasium likes this.
  5. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    My favorite is RadiumRC
    second favorite is sidewalk
    Sidewalk and Cerasium like this.
  6. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    lesko ghoster of 2021
    Sidewalk, Totoca12 and potato609 like this.
  7. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    im sad i hoped i would get non spacebarrer
  8. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    Cerasium likes this.
  9. robbieraysfan

    robbieraysfan Well-Known Member Official Author

    you are the best spacebarrer in my eyes potato 609
    Xenom, Symantec, Chaos-Fallen and 4 others like this.
  10. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    thanks :)
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2022
    Xenom and Cerasium like this.
  11. TPlacella

    TPlacella Super Moderator on the FRHD speedrun.com page Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Congrats to all who won, very comprehensive and not self centred list. Next year will be interesting :unsure:
    Xenom, Chaos-Fallen, Totoca12 and 2 others like this.
  12. Fluoride

    Fluoride Well-Known Member Official Author

    heh? what is this?
    Cerasium likes this.
  13. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
  14. Fluoride

    Fluoride Well-Known Member Official Author

    I voted for you Sidewalk (Sorry Cerasium. I would've voted for you too)
    Cerasium and Sidewalk like this.
  15. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Congrats to the winners! Probably should’ve said this earlier
  16. potato609

    potato609 Member Official Author

    Yes someone pay Totoca12 he works hard at frhd
    Totoca12, Sidewalk and Cerasium like this.
  17. biirch

    biirch Well-Known Member Official Author

    hmmm.... still wondering were I am (sorry if this joke flew over your head bc your a beta. congrats to everyone who received a reward.)
    ShamatoZ and Cerasium like this.
  18. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    FEBRUARY 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    First of all, before we start the ghosting awards for last month, we have to announce something. Since Symantec was caught cheating on some tracks and he isn't planning to try to reclaim his featured ghosts back, we had to revoke his awards here in this thread and we'll also need to take action on his featured ghosts later. With that said, we had to change the awards from December 2021 and January 2021, alongside some ghosting awards records (that I'll only update after this post) and the 2021's Yearly Ghosting Awards. Here is what changed:

    December 2021 Ghosting Awards - The 1st place was changed from Symantec to RadiumRC, which makes him have two 1st places in the ghosting awards already, before this month's results. The 2nd place was changed from RadiumRC to Cerasium, and DrChill takes the 3rd place, after receiving a great shoutout for finishing 3rd in the ORG and 2nd in the EOST. The same thing happened before with Silent-Rider in November 2021, where we transferred his 3rd place to Silver_bird7 after we made the "Unverified Features" rule. The ghost of the month was also from Symantec, so we changed it to RadiumRC's ghost on Metro. Congrats to you RadiumRC on your 2nd award in that category.

    January 2022 Ghosting Awards - The 1st place was changed from Symantec to Sidewalk, which makes Sidewalk have his first ever win in that category. Congrats, man! The 2nd place goes to RadiumRC, that had the 3rd place. The 3rd place was hard to decide since in the shoutouts we pointed out that both Cerasium and Unghosted have pretty similar months. Some ghosting battles, some features earned, but at the end of the month they only kept one feature. And I personally think that Unghosted's feature is better, so although maybe Cerasium was a bit more active, we ended up giving it to Unghosted, since it was close and he ended up leaving the month with the best ghost between their suggestions/features. Congrats to Unghosted for your first ghosting award! As for the ghost of the month, it was also from Symantec, so we changed it to Sidewalk's ghost on Mt. Synapse, since it's a pretty good ghost and there was some serious competition there between Sidewalk, Cerasium, AndrewVaughn3 and Unghosted. Congrats to Sidewalk for your first award in that category as well!

    2021's Yearly Ghosting Awards - We removed Symantec from the 9th place of the top 10 ghosters of the year. DrChill took the 9th place instead and we added Sidewalk in 10th. As for the top 10 ghosts, we removed the 2 ghosts from Symantec, readjusted the placements and added this one from Cerulean (https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/796822-fjieerkeropeppokreprekoprkopre/r/cerulean) in 9th and this one from Cerasium (https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/3982-3d-bathroom/r/cerasium) in 10th place.

    Now, to the February Ghosting Awards:


    1 - RadiumRC - Disconsidering the Symantec stuff, it's pretty clear that RadiumRC was the best ghoster last month. He got 16 features in February, but 2 of them were unfeatured in the last update for not meeting the standards anymore. Still, a pretty solid month from a pretty solid ghoster. Since your first top 3 ghoster participation in November, you manage to secure 4 participations in the Top 3 Ghosters Awards in a row. With the adjustments made, this is now you third 1st place award (you also have a 2nd place award). You have now surpassed RedOrBlue and is only 1st place award behind Cerulean and Cerasium, the biggest winners in this category. Congrats, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Sidewalk - Another really solid month from Sidewalk. After getting the 1st place last month, after the adjustments, Sidewalk brought us another pretty solid month. 5 features kept, some other cool ghosting battles, pretty decent level of activity. Good stuff. This is your third top 3 Ghosters of the Month award, the second one in a row and the second one in 2nd place, considering all of the awards you won on the thread. Nicely done, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Uniior - Well-played, man. Well-played. This guy is a silent killer, haha. He barely says anything but when you realize what's happening he already stole some of your features. His improvement on vehicles is insane, he has solid ghosts with blob, helicopter and balloon. Pretty impressive. Also, his bike ghosts are improving as well, so he's growing to be a very versatile ghoster. Sick stuff, man. You got 3 features last month, so you earned a very deserving 3rd place. I know it's your first award ever here, so congrats, man! Keep it going

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to Egway (former Trikflip), that got 2 features last month, with some cool ghosting battles and a solid performance. Keep it up! Some others shoutouts go to Cerulean, that stole a feature but it got stolen by RadiumRC later and also to Embers, for staying very active and really putting some effort in the suggestions. Maybe it's not quite there yet, but you'll get there. Keep it up!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/215081-/r/radiumrc - Another win for RadiumRC. When I got a feature on Geometric, I was really proud of it and it was something that I really think that couldn't be IMPROVED that much. Eventually it got beaten by Noob and Anonyymi and later by Cerulean, but I really thought that we were getting close to the fast time possible around 35 seconds. Well, I guess I was wrong BY A LOT. RadiumRC destroyed everyone beating Cerulean's feature by almost 3 seconds. Insane stuff. This is the 3rd time RadiumRC gets this award, with making him become the biggest winner of the award, alongside RedOrBlue and Cerulean. It's also the 3rd time RadiumRC gets a "Double Win", winning both the Ghoster of the Month and the Ghost of the Month award, which is also a new record. Insane stuff. Some other cool ghosts of the month were RadiumRC's ghosts on Paysage Beauiful, FRWC5 group stage 1, CO³ and Positively Paranoid (Hard), and also Sidewalk's ghost on Mountain Level.

    PS: I'll update the posts soon.
  19. Auto_Man_XD

    Auto_Man_XD Well-Known Member Official Author

    i get all of them, ez win.
    Cerasium likes this.
  20. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    man not even getting a shoutout makes me realize just how little i have been ghosting recently
    also go RadiumRC best ghoster of all time

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