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If you are interested in ghosting, the Ghosting Awards for January 2025 has just been announced:

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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Honestly didn't expect that lmao, but props to you for still keeping everything going. :thumbsup:
    Vince0, Azgr00, Totoca12 and 4 others like this.
  2. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Hoping for a positive response
    Vince0, Azgr00, Foir and 5 others like this.
  3. Blank_Guy

    Blank_Guy Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    Vince0, Azgr00, pawflix and 6 others like this.
  4. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

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  5. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Woah guys it actually worked I got like 7 features and I'm pretty sure Cerasium got none this month :OOO
  6. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Rip this thread :(
  7. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Updates on this today or tomorrow. It has been a very busy time for everyone in the team.
  8. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    FEBRUARY 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    Quick Clarification: Hello guys. What's up? Yeah, I know, I know. We are really late with this and we are behind with other ghosting stuff as well, which is unfortunate, but it's just how it can go sometimes. Even though the team got bigger, we are all really busy, so it's hard to keep up with things. From my case alone, I'm working 10 hours more than I used to per week, starting earlier and in a place further from home, so adding that to some other IRL stuff, I don't have as much time for FRHD as I used to anymore. But I still plan to help with things as much as I can, especially on weekends. With that said, we had some time to discuss a little bit about last month ghosting awards, so we are announcing it now.

    1 - Xenom - It was tough to decide last month 2nd and 3rd places, but the winner was easy. 7 features, 2 other cool suggestions and some cool ghosting activity. Easy 1st place. Xenom is showing some impressive evolution and consistency over the past year, so he gets a very deserved win here, his first one by Team's Picks. He had a 3rd place and a 2nd place, but now he claims the top spot in the month. Good stuff. This is his 3rd participation in the top 3 ghosters of the month, the second in a row. Keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - HyperCube - Another "first occurence" here. We had some users with either 1 good suggestion or 1 featured ghost, so it was hard to decide the 2nd and 3rd places here. So we looked into the popular tracks from last month, like the ones on trending, daily or the recent featured ones that were around last month and we had some good idea of which players did well on that month. And HyperCube was totally one of those. He did well in popular tracks last month, which isn't anything new from him (he did it in the past and continues to do that on this month as well). He had 1 good suggestion in the thread and a fair amount of 1st places and leaderboard participations in several tracks that were popular last month (I forgot to save some of the links, though, rip), so we decided to put him in 2nd place. This is his first time among the top ghosters of the month in our awards. Congrats, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - Cerasium - Third place was hard to decide as well. The main battle was between Cerasium and spruce, but Setsu was close as well. Each one of them had either 1 good suggestion or 1 feature, and they were also somewhat active in popular tracks last month, so it was tough to decide. You could argue that Cerasium was the favorite here since he was the only one with a feature, but it is a controversial one that is under review, since it's not first place, so that makes things more even, despite being a good ghost. However, despite spruce's and Setsu's great suggestions, we just thought that Cerasium seemed more active, showing up in popular leaderboards from last month more often, so we decided to give him the 3rd place. The young veteran is reaching his 16th top 3 ghosters of the month participation, the 6th in a row. Congrats, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: Main shoutout goes to spruce, like I mentioned above, but a big one to Setsu as well. In the popular tracks we checked, we had guys like Rippedmagnet, Pie42, lightninggod, RedOrBlue, piski, TPlacella and Chaos-Fallen doing good as well.

    Last Poll Comments: Last poll ended with Cerasium taking the win with 5 votes. This was his 9th win by public votes, the 2nd in a row. He also became the first player to have wins in the Ghoster Of The Month award by public votes in 3 different years (2021, 2022 & 2023. Congrats! Setsu was 2nd in the poll with 3 votes and Xenom was 3rd with 1 vote.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/925079-frwc6-3rd-place-match/r/xenom - We had some great ghosts last month, like spruce's suggestion, but the decision this time was between 2 ghosts from Xenom. We ended up having 3 people voting for this award, and we had 2 votes for Xenom's ghost in the FRWC6 3rd Place Match and 1 vote for his ghost on Crystal Caves UCE, a classic track. It was a tough decision, but either way, Xenom won this award for the 1st time! Also, it's his first "Double Win", since he also won the Ghoster Of The Month award. He's only the 9th player to get one of those (After Cerulean, Cerasium, RedOrBlue, tetrationiscool, RadiumRC, Sidewalk, Anonyymi & Reborn). Good stuff! Keep it up!

    Some other cool ghosts:

    Show Spoiler

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Uniior, Cerasium, Azgr00 and 3 others like this.
  9. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Thanks so much for the recognition! I feel like last month was my best yet, so I’m super happy for both best ghoster and best ghost of February
  10. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    MARCH 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Egway - We had a tough battle last month, that seems to be continuing on this month, between Xenom and Egway in terms of ghosting battles against each other and number of features gained lately. Some good stuff from some proeminent ghosters. Keep it going! We had 3 people voting on the ghosting awards for best ghoster of the month for this one and although it was a close call, we all agreed that Egway should take the W. Considered things that happened last month, Egway got 3 great features, some activity on popular tracks and other ghosting battles. Deserves the win. Even though he lost one of his features already on this month, his performance last month was great, so he'll be taking this 1st place home. It's Egway's second time getting 1st place in the Ghoster Of The Month award. Congrats, man! Very deserved! It's also his 5th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, so he's kinda of becoming used to this, haha. Great stuff, man! You are also getting close to the Legendary Ghoster medal, so good luck with that as well.

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Xenom - Young legend Xenom is on fire lately. For the 3rd time in a row (the 4th ever with all of those being in the last 5 months) he managed to finish among the top 3 ghosters of the month. Really nice! The guy had 1 feature and at least 4 other decent suggestions. Some nice participations in cool ghosting battles as well, so he deserves the second place. He's maintaining an even better form this month, so I'm curious to see how far can he go, especially now that he's close to the legendary ghoster medal. Keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Uniior - The "True Silent Rider" strikes again. He had a remarkable blob ghost fight against Egway in The Underdark and also secured a brand new helicopter feature. Madara's lead on vehicle ghosts seemed to be untouchable, but I guess Uniior (and maybe Egway as well) can give him a challenge for the vehicle category crown. Only 5 features to go! Keep doing your thing, man. You are doing great on it, as usual. This is the 3rd time Uniior finishes among the top 3 ghosters of the month. Also, it's his 3rd time in 3rd, lol. And it happened in the 3rd month of the year. Interesting. Coincidence? I think not! But for real, this guy doesn't talk too much around the community, but he's a beast on many kinds of tracks. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The shoutouts this week go to RedOrBlue, SoupDisk and Rippedmagnet for the decent suggestions from last month. Maybe next month, guys.

    Last Poll Comments: The last poll ended with a commanding lead from Xenom, that got a total of 6 votes (75%). Congrats, man! It's his 2nd time winning the Best Ghoster Of The Month Award by Public Votes. HyperCube and Cerasium ended up tied in second with only 1 vote each (12,5% each).


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/191253-magnum-opus/r/egway- We had many great ghosts last month and we'll link some of them below, but we ended up getting 4 votes for the Ghost Of The Month award and we all agreed on picking Egway's ghost on Magnum Opus as the Ghost Of The Month. The thing is that even though the ghost isn't perfect, the track and the ghost are too iconic to ignore. This track is one of the most relevant ones for the community and we have featured ghosts there for years, so Egway did a really great job getting this W. We did considered other ghosts, like Xenom's ghost on Vermillion Cliffs, Egway's ghost on The Underdark and also Uniior's ghost on Pressure, but we decided to go with the Magum Opus one from Egway. This ghost beat the Best Ghost from January 2021 that was from Stevie.T. Nice, haha. This is the first time Egway is getting this award, which also makes his first time of getting a "Double Win", since he was also nominated the Best Ghoster Of Match 2023. Good stuff, man. Keep it up!

    Some other cool ghosts:

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2023
    Uniior, pawflix, Reborn and 7 others like this.
  11. MatthewMatthew58

    MatthewMatthew58 Active Member Official Author

    When the games dead be like
    Cerasium likes this.
  12. Symantec

    Symantec Well-Known Member Official Author

    bro t12 spends a lot of time on this game, singlehandedly running almost everything, keeping it alive, being responsive and helpful and all you can think of writing is WhEn THe GAMes dEAD Be likE

    Vince0, Cerasium, Xenom and 3 others like this.
  13. MatthewMatthew58

    MatthewMatthew58 Active Member Official Author

    The game being dead doesn't make t12 any less of a absolute legend
  14. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    APRIL 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Xenom - First of all, sorry for the massive delay. If things work well we'll have the May Ghosting Awards soon enough as well. But it is what it is. We are already busy enough with our own lives and this ShamatoZ situation changed our priorities in the ghosting community for a bit. With that said, we can get back to updating the usual stuff and we'll start with the long overdue April 2023 Ghosting Awards. Yeah, we'll try to work on a new update for the Official Featured Ghosts soon, start making the Top 100 Ghosters list and finally post the 2022 Yearly Ghosting Awards at some point, but this is what we can do for now. With all of that said, it was pretty easy to decide the winner for last month's Ghoster Of The Month award. It was obviously Xenom. 5 features, 5 more good suggestions, joined some cool ghosting battles and was really active. Clear first place. This is the second Ghoster Of The Month award by Team's Picks that Xenom wins and it's the 5th time he finishes among the top 3 Ghoster Of The Month, the 4th in a row. Really sick, man! Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Egway - I feel like the second place for last month was also very straightforward. Egway got 1 feature, 1 great suggestion and he joined some cool ghosting battles showing some activity throughout the month. So I feel like it was pretty deserved. It's the second time Egway finishes in 2nd place in the Ghoster Of The Month award and it's the 7TH TIME he finishes among the top 3 (second in a row), which makes him the 3rd player with the most top 3 Ghoster Of The Month award participations ever, which is insane. We are doing those since October 2020 and we are in the middle of 2023 already and he only has less participations than Cerasium and RadiumRC. So let's not understimate this man. Give it up to Egway! Keep it up, man.

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Unghosted - In third place we have a player that made sort of a comeback recently and is killing it. He got even better performances this month, but he did well enough last month to get the 3rd place here. He was the only other player (besides Xenom and Egway) that got a featured ghost last month and he showed up in some leaderboards, so we feel like he deserves the 3rd place. It's his second time in 3rd place and it's his third participation in the top 3 for the Ghoster Of The Month award. Really sick, dude. You are looking strong for this month as well, let's see how it goes.

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: In the past couple of months I'm seeing guys like piski (that seems to be KZabrikov), HyperCube and Seasnails in the leaderboards relatively often, some ghosts from Uniior as well, but I feel like if I had to give a main shoutout it would be to piski.

    Last Poll Comments: The last poll ended with another win for Xenom, that lead the way with 3 votes, against 1 for Egway. No votes for Uniior. That was the 3rd Ghoster Of The Month win by Public Votes for Xenom. Congrats, man!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/1031-movie-mania-cce/r/xenomalt - We had many good ghosts from last month, but we ended up having a battle between 2 ghosts for the win here. We ended up having 5 votes for the Ghost Of The Month award and the first two were for Xenom's Ghost on Contest Entry, so I thought it was settled. The main debate was that although both ghosts are iconic and the Movie Mania CCE one flows better and looks cleaner for the most part, the choke at the end was a bummer, since he lost many seconds there. So that's why the team was initially most inclined to pick the Contest Entry one, that is more consistent. However the following 3 votes were in favor of the Movie Mania CCE ghost, so that ghost will take the win here. Xenom would get it anyways, although we had some other cool ghosts, so congrats to him. It's the second time Xenom gets the Ghost Of The Month win and it's his second "Double Win", since he won Ghoster Of The Month and Ghost Of The Month by Team's picks in both February 2023 and April 2023. Good stuff! Keep it up, man!

    Some other cool ghosts:

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2023
    Uniior, pawflix, Cerasium and 6 others like this.
  15. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals

    After discussing with the team, we decided to replace ShamatoZ's Ghost Of The Month (https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/226644-hard-a-trial/r/shamatoz) with Anonyymi's ghost on Oriental Expedition: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/72227-oriental-expedition/r/anonyymi. Congrats, Anonyymi. It's Anonyymi's 5th win in the Ghost Of The Month category, which puts him in 2nd place among the winners in that category, only behind RadiumRC (6 wins). He also ties with RadiumRC for most Ghost Of The Month wins in a single year. Both got 4 wins each in 2022. Good stuff!
    Last edited: May 28, 2023
  16. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    MAY 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Xenom - I feel like it's safe to say that at least among the active ghosters we have some sort of dominance going on for ghosting awards and a little bit about features as well lately. Xenom once again takes the top spot in the ghosting awards. It's his 3rd win this year by the Team's picks and it's the 5th time this year (out of 5 possible months, lol) that he's either 1st place or 2nd place in the Ghoster Of The Month award. What an impeccable form! It's his 3rd win overall in this category, so congrats to Xenom once again. He did great having 5 features, 4 good suggestions, some decent ghosting battles and some other dope ghosts throughout the whole month, showing some dope consistency and activity. Very impressive, man. It's also his 6th time among the Top 3 ghosters of the month, so it's looking like you have a bright future ahead of you amongst the ghosting community. Keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Unghosted - What a comeback! Unghosted did great in April but he came even stronger in May, showing why he is one of the best players to come across the game. He was fairly active last month and got 2 features, at least 3 great suggestions and many other really good ghosts, so he deserves this one. It's his first time in 2nd place and his 4th top 3 Ghoster Of The Month appearance, the 2nd one in a row. Good stuff, man. Keep it up man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Uniior - We had a really tough battle for 3rd place. We saw many ghosters doing great in the database showing up in some relevant leaderboards in the game like HyperCube, piski, Silver_bird7 (as derivative), spruce (as dumptruck) and a few others, like Seasnails. But, the main battle ended up being between Uniior and RedOrBlue, because both of them also showed up in some cool leaderboards throughout the month and each one of them got one feature last month, so it was a close call. Even though we might think that maybe RedOrBlue's feature on 3D Skatepark was slightly better and more impactful then Uniior's feature on Abyss, we found more relevant ghosts from Uniior last month overall, so we thought he deserved to be a bit ahead. But it was a very close call. It's the 4th time Uniior finishes among the top 3 ghosters of the month and it's actually the 4th time he gets 3rd place, with 2 of those being this year. Congrats, man. Keep it up!

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: Main shoutout goes obviously to RedOrBlue, for the reasons said above, but guys like HyperCube, piski, spruce, Silver_bird7 and Seasnails deserve a shoutout. Keep it up, guys!

    Last Poll Comments: The last poll ended with another win for Xenom, with a massive 85,7% percentage of votes (6 out of 7), with 1 being for Unghosted. This actually beat RadiumRC's 80% from November 2021 and became the biggest win in terms of percentage in the Ghoster Of The Month award ever! Good stuff, man. This is actually the 4th time Xenom win the Ghoster Of The Month award by Public votes. 3 of those times were in a row! Crazy stuff!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/484421-unforgiving-2/r/xenom - We had 4 votes for this award and it was an unanimous decision. Even though there were many other cool ghosts last month, we agreed that this one should take the win! Congrats once again Xenom! It's the 3rd time you win this award and also your 3rd time winning this with also winning the Ghoster Of The Month award. Crazy stuff! So that's your 3rd Double Win, all of them being this year, which is a record. RadiumRC had 3 Double Wins in 2022 and you already tied with him in the 5th month of 2023, lol. That's crazy. Also the last 2 Double Wins were in a row, which is also a record. You now have tied with RadiumRC for the most Double Wins in a row, since he managed to also get 2 double wins in a row, in two separate occasions (November 2021 - December 2021 and February 2022 - March 2022). Congrats, man! Writing the FRHD ghosting history books!

    Some other cool ghosts from last month:

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2023
  17. Cerulean

    Cerulean Legendary Cheater Ghosting Legend Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    dont swear or my mom might see
    Xenom and TPlacella like this.
  18. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JUNE 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Unghosted - This was a tough month to decide. We didn't have many features last month, so we analyzed multiple things in order to decide who were the top 3 ghosters from last month. We went after featured ghosts, yes, but we checked great suggestions in the Official Featured Ghosts threads as well, relevant ghosts in recent featured tracks, tracks on trending or daily and other interesting ghosts we found for the the active users we had last month. Based on that we filtered what we thought it was more relevant and came up with the picks. For the 1st place we had no other than the great Unghosted! He had a featured ghost from last month and we thought that his other relevant ghosts were pretty interesting, so we decided to go with him for the 1st place. He also had 2 great suggestions in the Official Featured Ghosts so we'll see what happens when we review those later. Unghosted has been on fire lately, reaching the top 3 ghosters of the month for the 3rd month in a row. He was 3rd in April, 2nd in May and now he has claimed the 1st place in June. Really nice, man. It's Unghosted's 5th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month and his 2nd win. Congrats!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - RedOrBlue - If it was hard to decide the first place, it was even harder to decide second and third places, haha. It was a very even battle between many ghosters, but we eventually got to an agreement. We voted to put RedOrBlue in 2nd place. He was fairly active in the month and had multiple decent ghosts and leaderboard appearances in relevant tracks, alongside an EPIC ghost on the popular campaign track Bombs Away, that denied the 1st place from TPlacella, after a phenomenal effort from him. Overall, RedOrBlue's performance last month earned him the 2nd place for us. After showing up in the top 3 ghosters of the month award at some point in 2020 and 2021, but not showing up in 2022, RedOrBlue comes back to the top 3 ghosters of the month for June 2023. But if we count that he won a Ghost Of The Month award last year, RedOrBlue just became the first player to have a Ghosting Award in 4 different years. Congrats, man! That's longevity right there. This is RedOrBlue's second time finishing in 2nd place in this category and also his fifth time finishing amongst the top 3 ghosters of the month. Nicely done!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - spruce - This was even harder to decide, since there was some solid competition from many players, but we eventually liked spruce's ghosts from last month better. They are some very solid ones, a few ones even maybe with some feature potential, so we felt like he had a deserving 3rd place here. After a 3rd place back in 2021, it's the second time spruce managed to finish amongst the top 3 ghosters of the month, once again in 3rd place. Welcome back, haha. You did great last month, so keep it up! Cool to see you winning this one.

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: Hard to decide on the main shoutout, but I think we'll go with Cork. He had some really solid ghosts from last month and was quite active, so it was a close call between him and spruce. Some other great shoutouts go to qmod, that is drawing some attention showing up with some great ghosts and TheMemeBiker, that joined some interesting ghosting battles and is showing a great level of ghosting lately. Guys like Chaos-Fallen, Egway, HyperCube, reaperch, Setsu, Silver_bird7, TPlacella, Uniior, WrzodX and Xenom also deserve a shoutout, for either showing up often in relevant leaderboards or having some good suggestions lately.

    Last Poll Comments: The last poll ended once again with a win for Xenom, with a great 80% percentage of votes (4 out of 5), with 1 being for Unghosted. With this win, Xenom gets 4 wins in a row in the Ghoster Of The Month award by Public Votes, which ties him with Cerasium's record for the month wins in a row in that category. Insane stuff! It's also the 5th time overall that Xenom gets 1st place in that category, with ties him with RadiumRC for the 2nd player with the most wins in this category. Well-done, man! You didn't manage to get your 6th top 3 ghoster of the month participation in a row by Team's Picks this month, but this streak in the public votes category is remarkable. The guy is the people's champion!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/835172-over-it/r/unghosted - We had 3 votes for this award and we were on the fence between 2 ghosts. We ended up picking the great ghost from Unghosted on Over It that was one of the only features from last month, but RedOrBlue's ghost on Bombs Away was a great contender, especially for being a great lead in a popular campaign track with over 3.9 million plays! It's the first time Unghosted gets this award, so congrats, man! It's also, obviously, the first time you get a Double Win, since you also won the Ghoster Of The Month award. Congrats, man. Not many players were able to ever to that. Keep it up!

    Some other cool ghosts from last month:

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2023
  19. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I created a page that updates automatically to help y'all keep up with the award winners' statistics. Let me know if anything is missing, or if you have any ideas on what could be added/recorded.

    You will all find out why I made this soon. Stay tuned!
  20. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JULY 2023 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Xenom - First of all, sorry for the delay on posting this. I'm trying to work simultaneously in the official featured ghosts reviews, the elaboration of the new top 100 ghosters list, the monthly ghosting awards, the updates in the ghosting stats page + the additional moderating duties + IRL life and it's not being easy. In the last couple of months most of the ghost mods got busy, so it's been a slow progress. Yeah, it's advancing a bit with the help of some ghost mods and some of the ghosting legends as well, but it's still a slow progress. We'll keep trying to get everything properly done, though. Well, back to the awards, the 1st place was easy. Yeah, it'll be an even easier win for Xenom in August with his 30+ features stolen, but it was already a great month from him in July. He got 3 features last month, participated in some ghosting battles, had some other cool suggestions in the official featured ghosts thread alongside some other good ghosts. Nicely done, man! It's the 4th win from Xenom in this category, all of them being from this year. Xenom is the player with the most wins in this category this year and has now tied with Cerulean for the 3rd player with the most Ghoster Of The Month wins (by Team's Picks) overall. It's also the 7th time he finishes in the Top 3 Ghosters of The Month, with 6 of those being from this year. With 7 top 3 participations, Xenom now surpasses Cerulean and becomes the 3rd player with the most top 3 participations, tied with Egway. On top of that, since it's his 4th win in the Ghoster Of The Month category this year, even though we only finished the monthly ghosting awards up to July, Xenom already managed to tie with Cerasium's record from 2021 for the most wins in this category in a year, which is crazy, since he should win the next one as well. Good stuff, man. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - BrendanMagill - Really cool to see the return from BrendanMagill in some level. It wasn't a pretty active month but we were like between 4 players for the 2nd and 3rd placements, but after some discussion, we decided to put Brendan in second. He made a cool comeback, he has been ghosting some tracks with pretty decent ghosts and he got a feature, so we thought he deserved some praise here. It's actually the first time BrendanMagill shows up in the top 3 ghosters of the month or any other ghosting award, so congrats, man! Nice to see you back. Good stuff.

    A great ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - TheMemeBiker - It was hard to decide the 2nd place and even harder to decide the 3rd place. Here we went between TheMemeBiker, mR..A and piski/Klrill. TheMemeBiker showed up a few times during the month but his highlight was the epic battle against Xenom in the Woofy END by SPONGE track. As for mR..A, he showed up with some 2 good trickghosts posted in the old Trick Ghosts thread, and we also had piski/Klrill/KZabrikov/erikeriksson2001 being active and getting a feature for a bit, so it was tough to decide. The decision wasn't unanimous at first and the team members had different opinions especially about TheMemeBiker's and mR..A's performances, but we eventually agreed to put TheMemeBiker here. For piski, there's still the fact that we haven't fully agreed if he should be considered a verified ghoster or not, so since it was a close call, we decided to give it to TheMemeBiker, that technically had 4 different ghosts being featured at different points during last month in the same track, where he was ultimately defeated. It's actually the first time that TheMemeBiker is included in any monthly ghosting awards as well, so with TheMemeBiker and BrendanMagill making a debut here, we have the first time in a full a year that we have two new players in the top 3 ghosters of the month (since July 2022 with Reborn and CK9C). Really cool! As for TheMemeBiker specifically, he got a few shoutouts here and there over the past couple of years, so it's cool to see him here this time. Keep it up!

    A great ghost from him from last month:

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    Shoutouts: Main shoutout will go to mR..A. He got 2 good trickghosts that we'll link in the list of decent ghosts from the month in the last section, and he also has been posting some tracks and doing some decent ghosts lately, so it's cool to see him kinda back. The other great shoutout, as imagined, will go to piski, from all that was said in the 3rd place discussion. He got a dope ghost in the 100 Jumps track as erikeriksson2001 that was featured for a bit and many other good ghosts, so he's doing great lately. We'll try to discuss his "verification" case later. I feel like one of the other minor shoutouts goes to myself, since I have been posting a few not too terrible trickghosts in the Trick Ghosts thread and I also joined a small ghosting battle last month. TPlacella also had some good ghosts here and there, alongside with a few ghosting battles.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: The People's champion is back! And no, I'm not talking about Xenom, that received that alias from me last month after getting his 5th Ghoster Of The Month win by public votes. I'm talking about the og People's Champion, RedOrBlue, one of the GOATs of the ghosting community, that won the poll last month, and is now reaching 4 Ghoster Of The Month wins by Public Votes. He won that award back in 2020 (twice) and in 2021 (once) and is now back at it. RedOrBlue is always a favorite in every ghosting list or poll you make in the community, so it's cool to see him getting some more recogniztion after doing a great month in June.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/11057-woofy-end-by-sponge/r/beiuwuga - We had some other great ghosts, but after the legendary battle that involved 3+ players and 10+ ghosts, we have to give it to this ghost. This battle started in June when Egway stole Silver_bird7's feature and then Silver_bird7 stole it back. And then in July Xenom and TheMemeBiker entered the chat. With a 1v1 battle that started in July 1st and ended in July 23rd, TheMemeBiker stole the feature 4 times, but Xenom managed to steal it 5, and each time these guys were discovering new optimizations and new routes to use. Crazy stuff! Also, this is actually Xenom's 4th time winning the Ghost Of The Month award, which puts him in the all-time 3rd place for that category, tied with RedOrBlue. Also, since he got all 4 wins in this category this year, he tied with RadiumRC and Anonyymi for the most Ghost Of The Month awards wins in a year. They both got 4 each last year, and now Xenom has tied with them. Also, since Xenom also got the Ghoster Of The Month win for last month, it's the 4th Double Win for Xenom this year, which sets a brand new record, surpassing RadiumRC that got 3 last year. Good stuff!

    Some other cool ghosts from last month:

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2023
    Uniior, CK9C, moinotchubb and 8 others like this.

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