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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    APRIL 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Anonyymi - The anonimous legend from Finland finally reaches a 1st place in the Ghosters Of The Month award. Great, job, man! We only had 8 features earned last month and you were responsible for 3 of them. All of them being great ghosts (with of them being pretty iconic ones). Really solid month from you, easy call for us. It's your first time in 1st place, as we said, and the 2nd time you make it to the top 3 ghosters of the month. Congrats, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Egway - A new ghoster is on the rise! For the 2nd time ever and the 2nd time in a row, Egway makes it to the top 3 ghosters of the month. Pretty solid month with 2 features and at least 1 other great suggestion, so it's a pretty deserving 2nd place spot for you. Congrats! Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - RadiumRC - This was the hardest decision of this month's ghosting awards. We put ShamatoZ and RadiumRC pretty even for this award considering their performances last month, but we ultimately decided to go with RadiumRC and we'll try to explain why. Both RadiumRC and ShamatoZ got 1 featured ghost last month and at least 1 feature worthy suggestion last month. ShamatoZ was more active in the thread, being more involved with the suggestions and ghosting battles, whilst RadiumRC wasn't as much active in the thread. However, both of them were pretty active in the game, RadiumRC did beat some suggestions other players did in the thread last month and we do think that his ghosts were technically better, so we gave him a little edge on this battle. But it was really really close and ShamatoZ would be a fitting player in this top 3. But we'll end with the same top 3 from last month, but all in different placements, haha. Congrats, man! It's your 6th time ever and the 6th time in a row that you finish in top 3 ghosters of the month. Only Cerasium has more participations than you in this. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to ShamatoZ, for the second month in a row. Being close to RadiumRC in a month isn't easy, so keep it up and you'll probably finish in the top 3 ghosters of the month eventually. Some other dope shoutouts go to Sidewalk, that had some great suggestions in the month that we'll take a closer look later, to Cerasium, that got at least one great suggestion as well and some other participations here and there, to Uniior, that got 1 feature and reached the Pro Ghoster medal, to Xenom, that had many suggestions, some pretty decent ones, to Embers, that is showing some improvement and had another relatively active month with the suggestions as well and also to TheMemeBiker, that had some cool suggestions occasionally as well.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/243884-woof/r/army_man - Yeah, we did have some other good ghosts like RadiumRC's ghost on yams, Uniior's ghost on Desperation Part II and Anonyymi's ghost on Snags, but we decided to go with Anonyymi's ghost on woof. This is Anonyymi reclaiming his first ever feature in this game in high fashion. Great ghost, pretty solid and iconic. I think it deserves this award, especially since both Anonyymi's previous ghost here and Cerasium's ghost here were always highly praised by some other great ghosts. This is the 2nd time Anonyymi is winning a Ghost Of The Month award. Congrats Anonyymi!
    Last edited: May 9, 2022
  2. Methodical

    Methodical Well-Known Member Official Author

    Congrats guys! Maybe someday I'll be on this board, lol. But seriously congrats to everyone who got a ghost feat
  3. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Great job! Nice to see you back, annonymi
    Anonyymi, Sidewalk, Cerasium and 3 others like this.
  4. RandomTurtleBoi

    RandomTurtleBoi Well-Known Member Official Author

    anonyymi is finnish? woah thats cool
  5. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Poor radium C19339E4-B016-44D4-A0A4-BEB303562293.jpeg
  6. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    you can tell from his ghosts that he's finnish. Hail anon!
  7. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    anonyymi finnished radium
  8. Tubiek

    Tubiek Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    for now
  9. EarthShine

    EarthShine Active Member

    it's because he always finnishes first in the end, a true leg:thumbsup:
    Blank_Guy, Sidewalk, Egway and 2 others like this.
  10. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    fax though
    Methodical likes this.
  11. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    MAY 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - ShamatoZ - It almost happened a couple of times in the past few months, but it's finally time for you to get a Ghosting Award, finishing in the top 3 ghosters of the month. Not only that, but you managed to finish in 1st place, by an unanimous decision. Congrats! 7 epic features, some really technical ghosts, so it's a very deserving 1st place for sure. Also, you reached the Pro Ghoster medal, which is really cool. Keep it up! You are showing to be a really top-notch ghoster, so we are interested to see more great ghosts from you.

    Some dope ghosts from ShamatoZ from last month:

    2 - Unghosted - Really tough to decide. We had many ghosters that did great last month, but the main battle for the 2nd and 3rd places happened between Unghosted, Anonyymi and Egway. All of the three got 2 features and had a somewhat active month, so it was really tough to decide. We decided to put Unghosted in 2nd because besides the 2 features, he also had some other great suggestions, especially 2 of them. The ghosts also showed great versality and didn't rely on any glitches (like Anonyymi's), so we decided to go with him for 2nd place. It's the 2nd time Unghosted gets a Ghosting Award (after a 3rd place in January 2022), so congrats on getting this again! You are showing some great skill after your comeback, so keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Anonyymi - The battle for the 3rd place ended up being really tough between Anonyymi and Egway, but we ended up picking Anonyymi over Egway because of the overall activity in the month, the amount of great suggestions (other than just the featured ghosts) and the quality of the features. So congrats Anonyymi for reaching the top 3 ghosters of the month for the 3rd time and for the 3rd time in a row. You are on a great form right now, which is really cool after some time not as active in the game. Keep it up, man! You did great again!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to Egway, for getting 2 cool features (Anonyymi did a special shoutout to this ghost) and for getting the Pro Ghoster medal, keep it up, man! Other shoutouts go to RadiumRC (that had a great ghost this month among other things), Sidewalk (that was very active with different cool suggestions) and Uniior (that had 2 really sick suggestions [see here and here]).

    UPDATE: Due to the recent discovery of ShamatoZ cheating on several tracks, we are revoking their 1st place here. Unghosted will get the official 1st place, Anonyymi will get the official 2nd place and Egway will get the official 3rd place.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/167075-a-trip-to-the-woods/r/beemex - Yeah, it was really hard to decide. We had great ghosts such as ShamatoZ's ghosts on haha sc rance 17, Wolfram's Pilot and Unforgiving 5 and an iconic ghost from Unghosted on Rock Climb, but the main battle was between Anonyymi's ghost on A Trip To The Woods as beemex and ShamatoZ's ghost on Unforgiving 2 as Delay. Other than Anonyymi, RadiumRC and I, we also asked for some additional help from Calculus and Chaos-Fallen, and we decided to go with Anonyymi's ghost. This is the 3rd time Anonyymi is getting a Ghost Of The Month award, so congrats for getting this one again! Very deserved. Also, shoutout to all of the other ghosts we mentioned, especially the Unforgiving 2 one from ShamatoZ. Nicely done by all of these ghosters!
    Last edited: May 11, 2023
  12. EarthShine

    EarthShine Active Member

    Surprised to see competition between the delay and beemex ghosts
    thought the u2 ghost was not very good, very clear ghost of the month with the anon pick

    otherwise grats to everyone else for good work this month, and late gg to the eggway for the medal as well :thumbsup:
  13. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JUNE 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - RadiumRC - Hey, guys. What's up? Sorry for the delay on this post, but we were busy with the top 100 list, the last Official Featured Ghosts list update and some IRL stuff, so we only managed to get this out now. It was a tough month to decide the 1st place. RadiumRC and Sidewalk both got 2 features that were made last month. Yeah, RadiumRC got more features overall, but some of the ghosts were a bit older. RadiumRC's ghosts were better in terms of skill, but Sidewalk's ghosts were good and he was more active on the month, especially with the suggestions for the Official Featured Ghosts. Tough choice, but we decided to go with RadiumRC. Another big factor is that the ghost he made on that X Games track was epic despite it not becoming a feature, so I guess the quality was the tie-breaker here. So that's it, RadiumRC is back on top! After being out of the top 3 ghosters of the month last month after being there since November of last year, RadiumRC reclaims a spot here. It's his 5th win the last 8 months (with 7 total appearances in the top 3). Crazy stuff! With this win he surpasses Cerasium and Cerulean and becomes alone the player with the most 1st places in the Ghoster Of The Month award. Congrats, man! Well-deserved.

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Sidewalk - Really close to the 1st place, we had a solid month from Sidewalk. Many cool suggestions that received shoutouts in the Official Featured Ghosts update or became challenges, 2 ghosts that were featured and lots of activity for him. Really cool month, as we mentioned, so he'll get a very deserved 2nd place. It's the fourth Sidewalk appearance in the top 3 ghosters of the month (with 3 being in 2022) and his third time in 2nd place. Congrats, man! Keep killing it!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Uniior - We had a cool battle for the 3rd place, since we had Egway, Rippedmagnet, Stevie.T and Uniior getting 1 feature each, but we ended up going with Uniior for the 3rd place. We thought he was a better competitor last month (he also had a good ghost on Portrait and a ghost that became a challenge in the last featured ghosts update, that it's either from the end of May or the beginning of June), so since we liked all of the features from these guys, we decided to go with Uniior, since we thought he was slightly ahead in activity. That's the second top 3 ghoster of the month appearance for Uniior, with this one being his second 3rd place. Great stuff, man! Keep killing it!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The 3 big shoutouts go to Egway, Rippedmagnet and Stevie.T that all got 1 feature each. We loved you guys featured ghosts, each one very interesting in their own way. Great stuff, guys. It was a close call this time. Keep it up!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/865979-section-8/r/radium_rc - Really tough call. The biggest battle was between the ghost from RadiumRC on Section 8 and Stevie.T's ghost on Waffle Addiction (Heli) Repost. Both ghosts are sick, with Stevie.T's being a really consistent helicopter ghost and RadiumRC's ghost being a really technical and consistent ghost, while still keeping a great speed. We ended up going with RadiumRC's ghost, but it was really close. We also want to give a shoutout to Rippedmagnet for his clever routing on his ghost on Above, though. This track was the first one to have a vehicle featured ghost in it and for a while people only used Madara's route, then Uniior got a cut and now Rippedmagnet got two. Pretty impressive. Egway's feature, Sidewalk's features and Uniior's feature were pretty good as well. It's RadiumRC's 5th time getting the Ghost of the Month award and the 5th time he gets a "double win" (Ghoster and Ghost of the Month wins by the team's picks), he's the one with the most awards on both cases. Congrats!

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
    Uniior, Eryp, Madara and 10 others like this.
  14. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Isn’t it amazing how hard totoca works to keep this game fun regardless of how few people log on? I love it man. Props to you.
    Cerasium, HATEYOU, Totoca12 and 5 others like this.
  15. Fluoride

    Fluoride Well-Known Member Official Author

    Slick stuff Totocat
  16. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JULY 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Egway - Ok, last month wasn't really one of the most active months in the community for sure, but we still had 3 features made in July and a few ghosters doing a decent job, so that's really cool to see despite it not being usually a very active month in the community. Each one of the ghosters in the top 3 had exactly 1 feature made last month, so it was tough to decide the exact placements, but we managed to agree on our picks. In first place we decided to put Egway, that improved his iconic feature on Contest Entry (the track that had the oldest fast ghost feature in the thread). It was a really cool ghost for sure, so since we really liked the ghost and we saw Egway being somewhat active throughout the month we decided to put him in 1st place. In the ghost we mentioned he managed to not have any deaths for like 4 minutes and a half, and just had like 4 quick restarts until the end of an over 6 minute trial feature. Impressive job, man! Apparently Egway was also close to beat Magnum Opus with a really solid time, so thank you for keeping pushing the thread! You keep improving and improving and that's cool for the community. This is your third time being in the top 3 (getting tied with legends like Anonyymi and tetrationiscool), all of them being this in this year, but this is your first time getting the 1st place, so congrats for that, man! Well-deserved!

    A dope ghost from Egway from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    2 - Reborn - The legend himself finally gets a ghosting award! The guy that was elected the 3rd best ghoster and the best ghost (????) of 2021 managed to secure the 2nd place here. He got a great feature on Ocean Isles and pushed the thread making some cool suggestions. We couldn't really count the suggestions for his placement here since they were a bit older, otherwise he would probably have finished in 1st place here. Still, he managed to do some sort of comeback and got a solid feature, so we decided to put him in 2nd place for last month. This is the first award for Reborn in the Ghosting Awards. Congrats, man! Nice comeback!

    A dope ghost from Reborn from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - ShamatoZ - And the third place goes to ShamatoZ, that was the other player that managed to get a feature from last month. It was a decent feature on that Beyond Neisha track, that had a feature for years, and we see ShamatoZ around some other tracks as well, many times pushing the Official Featured Ghosts thread, so we think it's a fair placement regarding what was done last month. This is the second time ShamatoZ finishes amongst the top 3 Ghosters Of The Month, first time in 3rd place. Both cases happened this year.

    A dope ghost from ShamatoZ from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: Main one goes to CK9C for some cool suggestions and showing some improvement. JustAGDFan had some suggestions as well and TheMemeBiker and Cerasium also had one each, so props to you guys for trying to push the thread in a good way.

    UPDATE: Due to the recent discovery of ShamatoZ cheating on several tracks, we are revoking their 3rd place here. CK9C, as the main shoutout will get the official 3rd place.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/602609-ocean-isles-ft-nefarious/r/reborn - Tough call. We liked ShamatoZ's ghost on Beyond Neisha but the main battle was between Reborn's ghost on Ocean Isles ft. Nefarious and Egway's ghost on Contest Entry. Egway's feature replaced a more iconic feature and is longer compared to Reborn's feature, but Reborn's feature is more optimized and eventually got the win with 2 votes against 1 for Egway's feature. Congrats to Reborn for securing his first Ghost Of The Month win!

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  17. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
  18. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
  19. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    AUGUST 2022 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Sidewalk - Again, not a really active month in the community, but Sidewalk was the most active with good suggestions in the thread, so we thought he deserved the first place here. He had 2 great suggestions and also beat 2 other good suggestions from RubeGoldberger, so we think he deserved another ghosting award. This is the fifth time Sidewalk finishes among the top top 3 ghosters of the month (fourth time this year) and the second time he finishes in 1st place. Congrats, man! Well-deserved!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Anonyymi - In second place we decided to put Anonyymi, that was the only one that got a featured ghost made last month. It was a dope ghost, so we thought he could have the 2nd place. It's the fourth time Anonyymi finishes among the top 3 ghosters of the month (all of them being this year) and the second time he finishes in 2nd place. Great stuff, man! Congrats!

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - Reborn - Though call. Reborn, DrChill and RedOrBlue had a great suggestion each, from last month, so we weren't sure. Since Reborn is coming from good suggestions from the 2 months before August, a great suggestion from August and some really good ghosts from early September, we are seeing a bigger activity and consistency from him, compared to the others. So Reborn was our vote for the 3rd place from last month. Second time Reborn finishes among the top 3 ghosters of the month, and the second time in a row. First time he finishes in 3rd place. Good stuff, man. Keep it up! You already started September with a good chance of being in the next one.

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: Main one goes to RedOrBlue, that had an epic suggestion from last month. DrChill also had a great suggestion. RubeGoldberger had some good suggestions from last month that were beaten and already start this month well, so shoutout to him as well. Cerasium had some cool activity with his alt, doing some cool ghosts all around the leaderboards.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/9331-highlands/r/redorblue - We were on the fence (as always). DrChill's ghost on Murmur was good, Reborn's long and consistent ghost on Alpha Nonane was a great contender, but the main battle was between Anonyymi's featured ghost on Sahara and RedOrBlue's great ghost on Highlands, that also came from some sort of long lasting battle with we_are_number_one. At the end, we weren't sure about it, so we ended up asking for some extra opinions and we decided to choose RedOrBlue's ghost on Highlands, since he improved his ghost twice, it's a very clean ghost and the competition on the track is huge, since he have over half a million plays on the track. It was considered for a feature before, and now that it was vastly improved, it'll most likely be featured in the next update. Congrats to RedOrBlue for another Ghost Of The Month award. It's the fourth time he wins this award, the 2nd with the most wins on this one, only behind RadiumRC with 5. Good stuff, man!

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
    Uniior, pawflix, Anonyymi and 7 others like this.
  20. Sidewalk

    Sidewalk Forum Legend Ghosting Legend Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    lol I'm surprised but thanks

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