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Update Free Rider Lite – New features!

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Calculus, Mar 28, 2020.


What do you think of this project?

  1. I love it!

  2. I’ll leave my response below.

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    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

    Why did Char vote "It's Useless"? It's not useless now : )
    Cerasium and Azgr00 like this.
  2. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    On top of the previous update I posted regarding broken ghosts, I have been working on something I've already implemeneted into BHR: a ghost player. This will allow you to go back x ticks ("seconds" in game) and even seek (skip forward) by x ticks. Slowing down/speeding up the replay won't be here any time soon. I would probably have to interpolate the game before doing that. The multi-account manager + achievements display have been implemented, but haven't yet been added as options to the extension popup; they cannot be enabled/disabled for the time being.

    Bug fixes:
    • Bike frame colour
    • Broken ghosts
    • Disable/enable extension should work now
    • Ghost player — properly integrated with no bugs
    • Isometric dot grid
    • Player trail
    Keybindings still do not function as they are expected to. They will be fixed in the next update.
  3. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    The current version of the extension has been published to the chrome webstore. You can install it with one click here! Anyone using the old extension, please migrate to the new version!
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2023
    FIREBEATS, loge_0, Ness and 3 others like this.
  4. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Browser Extension - Release 0.0.2

    This version contains various performance improvements and bug fixes.

    Bug fixes
    • Fixed a bug with vehicles causing them to function differently than expected
    • Fixed a bug where the vehicle timer did not display when watching replays
    • Fixed customizable hotkeys not functioning properly
    • Fixed the isometric grid in the editor
    • Fixed ghosts breaking pt.2
    P.S. This version has not yet been published. However, it should be published within the next couple hours.
    pawflix, Ness, FIREBEATS and 3 others like this.
  5. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    The new version of frhd-lite has been published to the chrome web store.
  6. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Quick preview of an upcoming feature:
  7. Slayed

    Slayed Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    You fixed ghosts breaking?? Absolutely huge
    Cerasium and FIREBEATS like this.
  8. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    There has been a recent report of ghosts breaking, but I do believe up to two of the causes have been fixed. Also, there is a known bug causing vehicle replays to break. I'm not sure whether vehicle ghosts break or if it's just ghost replays. I'm currently looking into this. It might have something to do with the upcoming ghost player.
  9. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Azgr00 and Totoca12 like this.
  10. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Version 0.0.22 (0.0.3) is on its way. You can download the unpacked extension zip file, or click here for more information regarding this update.
    Totoca12 and Azgr00 like this.
  11. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Version 0.0.22 has been published to the chrome webstore and can be installed here.
    pawflix and Azgr00 like this.
  12. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Currently working on version 0.0.23 which will feature the following changes.

    Bug fixes:
    • Fixed a bug causing the ghost player to disappear when adding a race
    • And more

    New features:
    • You can now use the arrow keys to skip forward/backward in the replay (default: 5 seconds/ticks per skip) **use tab to focus on the player to continue playing
    • When watching a ghost, all players except ghosts will be frozen until you focus on your player
    • You can now download all your tracks either individually, or as a zip folder (you will see a "REQUEST ALL DATA" button in your account settings which can be used to download all your tracks. This could extend to ghosts in the future, but getting all your ghosts would take much longer)
    • You can now download your own ghosts
    • Plus maybe a few more things
    Since we don't have much power to delete our own creations in this game, why not have the power to save them! I've attached some screenshots of where these new buttons will be.

    Attached Files:

    Guest_lol and Azgr00 like this.
  13. MNnice

    MNnice Member Official Author

    I think it's cool that you're actively maintaining this, but I have a few thoughts having just tried it out and comparing it to Polygon's mod (assuming they are not compatible since you have rewritten the game files). Also apologies since I haven't read this whole thread if anything has been covered already.
    • Pausing breaks keyboard shortcuts in the editor, makes it almost impossible to use the editor since if you unpause your camera will go flying along with the rider.
    • The coloring for the mod menu makes it almost impossible to read, including in your youtube demo.
    • Would be nice to have some info about the mod in one place as the updated info is scattered across this thread and the YT video/chrome store page don't have it.
    Comparison to Polygon's:
    • Themes are customizable (I use a custom theme for eye strain while maintaining scenery lines looking good etc so this is must-have for me)
    • Nostalgia mode I also really like least for the powerups
    • Doesn't have aforementioned editor bug
    Obviously the features that frhd lite has that polygon's doesn't (iso grid, fixed ghosts, performance etc) are super cool but for me it doesn't seem to be a worthwhile tradeoff.

    Anyway long story short I was thinking about tinkering with a fill tool and improved curve tool since this mod is active but I probably won't simply due to the editor issue making it so that I wouldn't want to edit with this mod anyway.
    Calculus and Azgr00 like this.
  14. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I appreciate the feedback! I have received comments about the font being difficult to read in the mod menu, and I did take action to change that. I didn't change it very much since I didn't want to mess around too much with the theme. I thought it looked better that way, but I guess that doesn't matter if you can't see. In terms of editor bugs and features that Polygon's mod has that frhd-lite doesn't, frhd-lite is more based around performance and racing as opposed to track-making. However, I have made one or two tools in the editor, but I am just not too eager to make more considering I don't have full control over the site, and anything could change at anytime. Knowing KANO, I doubt anything will change. But I want this mod to work even after an update so it could maintain itself. Anything editor related is in the BHR editor I have been working on. If you count on making tracks, make them there. That's the only place where I put my focus in the track-making scene. I do like nostalgia mode, and I really do wish these mods were compatible with each other, but there's really no good way of doing that; not that I'm comfortable with, at least. However, I did start on a tampermonkey version of Free Rider Lite. I never put it out there since I can't really change the colour of the rider without having messy code, or rewriting the game itself. And even then, it would interfere with Polygon's mod. Regarding the updated info about the mod, most of it is in the main post, those that are scattered across the thread aren't quite complete yet. I am still testing those features and some of which aren't yet released. I hope you found this helpful. I'll look into the editor bug you mentioned.
    Totoca12, MNnice and Azgr00 like this.
  15. MNnice

    MNnice Member Official Author

    Awesome, thanks for taking it well. I was hoping I didn't come across as asking too much, more so just curious about the project and putting my thoughts out there. I started tinkering already anyway as I figured the editor thing was a bug. Is that something you would take a PR for even though it's an editor feature? I ask since there was some discussion of fill tool up in this thread. No promises on a PR lol but if I get anywhere with it. Basically what I'm thinking would be like this:
    • Curve tool has a slider (like the brush currently does) to change the precision. This would fix the problem where curve tool creates slippery ramps and if you want to make smooth tracks you have to draw curves by hand.
    • Fill tool has options for angle of lines and gap distance. That would also allow people to make patterns like in https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/538346-vanish-ntbf this track automatically.
    Not really sure which project this is suited better for but I'll probably just keep messing with FRHD Lite. I guess what I am getting at is that in a perfect world people would have one place to go to for track editing rather than like the BHR editor, FRHD lite (for instance the iso grid thing that you have here), ness's thing etc. So IDK what to do really but if I get it working in FRHD Lite then at least the code is written and can be moved around if anyone wants to.
    Azgr00 likes this.
  16. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    If it's something you really want, I could reach out to Polygon and see if he's willing to collaborate on some editing tools. I think I'll be removing the select tool and any other frhd-lite editor features I've made in the past that are still lingering. Most of my focus towards editing has shifted towards BHR since I have complete control over that. I'm glad you took the time to write a post and inform me of some bugs that need to be squashed. I wish that would happen more frequently. The curve tool idea isn't bad. I like it. In fact, I think I had plans to do exactly that. But I didn't do it because I think I would have to rewrite the curve function. That's not really a problem since curves aren't really perfect anyway, but I never really got to it. I'll leave it to Polygon. Maybe I can add curves in BHR if there's a high enough demand.
    Sonyashnyk likes this.
  17. MNnice

    MNnice Member Official Author

    Sorry if I was confusing, I wasn't saying that you need to get Polygon involved or anything. Obviously if you/he want to that's cool too. What I'm trying to say is that I want to do the curve tool and fill tool features I'm just not sure the best project to add them to. Definitely don't want to start my own and have yet another tool people need to move their track to, or another mutually exclusive mod. But it sounds like frhd lite is not a good place for it which is fine. I did get something started in frhd lite which you can see here if you're curious: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/955737-curve-test-1/ But like I said before I'm sure it could be moved to another project if that's a better spot. I don't really make elaborate tracks so I'm not sure what most people use lol.
    Azgr00 likes this.
  18. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Oh, I see. Yeah, frhd-lite's main focus isn't the editor, and since there's no cross-compatibility between mods, all editing tools should be in one mod, and racing tools in the other. Polygon's mod is mainly focused on fixing some known visual bugs, and bringing back canvas rider/bhr. I'm not sure it's really entirely focused on making the editor better. There's no additional tools to my knowledge. I think there's room for more mods. And I'm more than happy to welcome another programmer to our community. Most programmers in this community have written their own scripts and mods. People have been scripting for frhd for a long time. But as far as I remember, I was the first to create a mod. I'm glad I was able to inspire so many other talented programmers. Also, the fill tool idea, I might get to that in the BHR editor. Most track-makers are already accustomed to using various third party tools to create their tracks. If you need help with the curves, feel free to refer to my API wrapper which has a Builder constructor that can be used to create tracks programatically. The arc and arcTo methods are the curves.
    Azgr00 likes this.
  19. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    In addition, you will have the ability to download your own ghosts, as well as check the date it was created. For the time being, you can download them one at a time. As far as we know, there is no good way to get all of your ghosts in a short time. We would have to manually check every single track, which could take several hours. Once again, this update is not yet released. These are just screenshot previews of what's to come.

    Attached Files:

    dzemas, pawflix and Azgr00 like this.
  20. cat.sniffer

    cat.sniffer New Member

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