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New Feature Vehicle Changer Powerup (BETA)

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. TheSouthAmericanGuy

    TheSouthAmericanGuy Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    This is really cool, are you planning on adding teleportation powerups in the future? Char
  2. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Also, not sure if I should put this in the bug report section, but I've noticed that when you hit the powerup, you are teleported to the coordinates of the powerup.
    Edit: I also don't really like the fact that you don't automatically fly perfectly straight up like you did in CR. Instead, you fly on a slight angle. Not sure if anyone else shares that opinion, but flying straight up just seems right to me.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  3. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    it flys striaght?
    Nicholas-Opuni and TheBaylorGuy like this.
  4. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah, if you don't press any side arrows (FR2 does, FRHD doesn't)
    I think the logical reason I like flying straight up is that I like for the game to be simple, and if you fly up at some angle that has no apparent mathematical significance, it makes the physics engine seem overly complex and not quite as easy to work with.
  5. nocturnalvirus

    nocturnalvirus Active Member Official Author

    Yeah amazing work Char. Do the different vehicles change how the helicopter behaves? For example does the MTB make the Helicopter work better in certain situations? If not I think that it would be a cool addition. Also I believe there definitely should be alternate skins for the helicopters that you can buy from the store. Maybe a new shop? One just for vehicles? Anyway this is so cool, please get back to me though, if you read this.

    Edit -> Also, would there be possibilities to keep the movement speed you have when you start riding, when you hit the powerup? So if you were speeding along and you hit the powerup, you would maintain the same velocity?
  6. codrey

    codrey Guest

    Screenshot (open)

    Claiming first to beat Operation Ellipsis on FRHD :D
  7. Lightning-Quick

    Lightning-Quick Well-Known Member Official Author

    I like how often you add updates now. Before it took a way longer time.
  8. Jgeleta1

    Jgeleta1 Active Member Official Author

    image.png I am a beast!
  9. DblU

    DblU Legendary Non-Cheater Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
  10. Minus

    Minus Well-Known Member Official Author

    I think implementing the heli messed up the ghosting system, it's not starting me on bmx on any track, even if it's a bmx only track AND it doesn't automatically start watching ghosts
  11. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    It also won't let me follow ghosts when I try watching them anymore. Char
  12. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah. That looks like a bug. Pressing tab worked for me.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  13. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    K, ill look into this.
    Ill fix this too.
    Nicholas-Opuni and RiderExtreme2 like this.
  14. nocturnalvirus

    nocturnalvirus Active Member Official Author

    Yeah the same thing happened to me. I couldn't see my current player cause my previous ghost was in the way.
    Nicholas-Opuni, Osiris and Minus like this.
  15. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    This fix is being deployed now.

    This fix is next in line

    Sorry, I see what you mean. Will fix this now
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2015
  16. Jgeleta1

    Jgeleta1 Active Member Official Author

    While your at it...mobile editor won't work for some reason...can't play in it...
    e:Can't play tracks while your in the editor...plz fix so I can continue my track... Char
    Nicholas-Opuni and RiderExtreme2 like this.
  17. RiderExtreme2

    RiderExtreme2 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah Char the buttons won't work :(
    Nicholas-Opuni and Jgeleta1 like this.
  18. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    On the editor?
  19. Jgeleta1

    Jgeleta1 Active Member Official Author

    Ya, can't ride or nothing...
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  20. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    K, give me a sec to fix.

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