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Liberated Cyclist

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by isekeb, Feb 28, 2025.

  1. isekeb

    isekeb Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    I'm excited to announce Liberated Cyclist: a FRHD clone which uses its own ghost database with FRHD's track database, and has many useful tools.
    You have to sign up using your FRHD username, choose a password (doesn't have to be your FRHD password, the game can't access your FRHD account), then verify yourself by replying to a FRHD comment. You can also play without an account, but your ghosts won't be saved.
    The website is available here.
    For trackmakers (open)

    In the editor, you can:
    • add multiple layers, move them, rotate them, scale them, toggle visibility and apply some other transformations (currently a shadow tool and a slipperifier) (video)
    • generate text from any font and fill areas (video)
    • trace a vehicle's hitboxes, which is useful for bomb avoiding autos (video)
    • import and export projects
    There's a track renderer tool, which generates high quality images from tracks as long as they aren't too wide or tall. (for example, here's Rotate III)
    You can also view player leaderboards based on track lists:

    For ghosters (open)

    The reason why I originally started this project was to allow people to cheat and compete with cheated ghosts without ruining the FRHD leaderboards.
    On public tracks, all of your ghosts get saved, and you can choose which ones to show on the public leaderboard. There's also a ghostdog page, which allows you to import any track in the editor and use more cheats.
    The cheats currently available:
    • TAS
    • FPS modification
    • teleport matcher
    • gravity rotator
    • toggle bomb collision
    • toggle head collision
    • toggle wheel collision (ghostdog only)
    • vehicle mover (ghostdog only)
    • vehicle selector (ghostdog only, also allows you to switch from one bike to another)
    There's a ghost recorder tool, which I used to generate this video of a cheated ghost on bolaside II.
    Ghostdog footage

    There are also some FRHD mods on the site, including a reworked animator mod.
    I have many ideas planned and half finished, but I'm extremely busy, and I've already spent too much time on this project.
    I'm interested to hear your ideas and feedback.
    Thanks to Jefe for the name.
    cmLd, ruetus, Innominate and 25 others like this.
  2. Protvod

    Protvod Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    can I trust the login service?
    Cerasium likes this.
  3. Protvod

    Protvod Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    nvm, I just saw I don't need to put in my real password, I will log in as cerasium
  4. Protvod

    Protvod Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    nvm, I need to verify my account
  5. Protvod

    Protvod Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    I am finally able to tas
    Cerasium likes this.
  6. mbcool

    mbcool Well-Known Member Official Author

    So apparently Christmas came early this year
    IsaiahRed, SuperflyWA, Spare1 and 2 others like this.
  7. Cerebral_Parsley

    Cerebral_Parsley Well-Known Member Official Author

    I get logged out everytime I finish a track or reload, and no times get saved.
    Cerasium likes this.
  8. triip

    triip Active Member Official Author

    liberal cyclist
  9. loge_0

    loge_0 ‮‮� VIP Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Innominate, isekeb, Cerasium and 2 others like this.
  10. IAmMutskie

    IAmMutskie Active Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    isekeb and Cerasium like this.
  11. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    frhd if it was cracked
    Cerasium and isekeb like this.
  12. Egona

    Egona Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    dang this is cool
    Cerasium and isekeb like this.
  13. triip

    triip Active Member Official Author

    I now have a crippling addictoin to tas :p
    is there a way to avoid breaking the ghosts so easily?
    Cerasium and isekeb like this.
  14. isekeb

    isekeb Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    switching tabs always breaks my ghosts. other than that, I'm not sure if anyone has found out
    Cerasium and triip like this.
  15. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

    holy peak
    Cerasium and isekeb like this.
  16. Egona

    Egona Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    sooo... now everyone can access the TAS script..... and the cheats
    a_drain and Cerasium like this.
  17. nasrani

    nasrani Forum Legend VIP Team Blob Best Trackmaker Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    what is tas
    edit; very cool site by the way!!!!!
    isekeb, a_drain, FIREBEATS and 2 others like this.
  18. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    TAS stands for Tool Assisted Speedrun, and it's what a lot of cheaters abuse
    a_drain, mbcool, Volund and 1 other person like this.
  19. IAmMutskie

    IAmMutskie Active Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    im voting for the liberated cyclist party next frhd election
    isekeb and Cerasium like this.
  20. mbcool

    mbcool Well-Known Member Official Author

    Don't you already cheat though? Why does it matter to you?
    triip, Egona, FIREBEATS and 2 others like this.

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