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If you are interested in ghosting, the Ghosting Awards for January 2025 has just been announced:

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Awards Ghosting Awards/Community Polls

Discussion in 'FRHD AWARDS' started by Totoca12, Nov 25, 2020.


Who was the Best Ghoster from January 2024?

  1. Cerasium

  2. Stevie.T

  3. NotVeryGood

  1. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

    thank you guys, really happy to see this wild project of mine gain some recognition. I feel a bit out of place among all these really talented ghosters since my project is basically the definition of quantity instead of quality but I'm glad someone else thinks it's cool!!
    Blank_Guy, Uniior, CK9C and 5 others like this.
  2. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    its skill bc you got so many leaderboards i think thats what makes your project a commendable one
    CK9C, Totoca12 and Cerasium like this.
  3. Canvasrider123

    Canvasrider123 Member Team Truck Official Author

    Great judging, some great ghosts created this month!
    CK9C, Totoca12 and Cerasium like this.
  4. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2024
    CK9C, Totoca12 and Cerasium like this.
  5. FoxGamingTM

    FoxGamingTM Active Member Official Author

    Xenom had a goated run
    CK9C, Totoca12, Cerasium and 2 others like this.
  6. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    unlucky timing with being out of town :thumbsdown:
    came online the website one time during june, on my phone
  7. FoxGamingTM

    FoxGamingTM Active Member Official Author

    Hope you enjoyed your trip though!
  8. Xenom

    Xenom Average Ohio player Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    out of place but he voted for himself :cry:
    CK9C, NotVeryGood and Cerasium like this.
  9. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    JULY 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - NotVeryGood - And just like that the Cerasium/Xenom Dynasty, both representative members of the legendary group known as the Minnesotan Dynasty, has ended after A FULL YEAR of dominance. Starting on July 2023 and ending on June 2024, we had 12 months of full dominance from both of these guys. We had 6 wins from each one and in 7 out of 12 months from Cerasium and in 11 out of 12 months from Xenom, these guys were among the top 3 ghosters of the month. Crazy! But NOT ANYMORE! We had a slow month, sure, but after analyzing all the data we had from last month we realized that this time there were players who deserved more without a doubt, so the 1st place win ended up going to NotVeryGood, that was one of the Ghosting Awards newcomers in the previous month, but that has continued his quest of unrivaled ambitions over classic tracks leaderboards. The guy simply got 104 FIRST PLACES IN CLASSIC TRACKS JUST FROM LAST MONTH. Like what? Insane. And he has all of this documented, so it was a crazy find for sure. The grind is real! We were on the fence between him and Egway that had the only featured ghost from the month and it was a really good one, but ultimately we gave the edge to NotVeryGood's grind, because there were some really solid ghosts among those 104 for sure. After getting a 2nd place for June, the guy upgrades his award coming out on top for July. Great stuff, man. This is his first win ever in this category or any, and his second appearance among the top 3 ghosters of the month, the second one in a row. Let's go back-to-back-to-back? Keep up the good work, man!

    FUN FACT: NotVeryGood is the first new winner in this category since Reborn in September 2022. Crazy!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Egway - The man is back! After being out of the ghosting awards since April 2023, the respected ghoster makes his way back to the Ghosting Awards with a really solid featured ghost. An expert on long tracks, Egway nailed his ghost throughout the epic medevil bike ride track by dropkick and knocked BrendanMagill off the list. I feel like people sleep on Egway a little bit, since he's a very versatile ghoster that can do off-road tracks, long tracks, smooth jump tracks and can use every vehicle really well, so it's cool to see him back, given that he's a legend when it comes to the Ghosting Awards. He has been a 2-time Ghoster Of The Month award winner a 1-time Ghost Of The Month winner (that might change before this post ends), but this is actually his 8TH TIME among the top 3 ghosters of the month. He's the 4th all-time for this last stat, only staying behind of the legends RadiumRC, Xenom and Cerasium when it comes to being among the top 3 ghosters of the month. Crazy! It's the first time he gets it this year, though. Keep it up, man!

    A dope ghost from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - Cerasium - It was a slow month, so other than NotVeryGood and Egway we weren't quite sure of who else could end up in the top 3 ghosters of the month, but giving it some further analysis we ended up going with Cerasium, because his suggestions and other cool ghosts were just a bit superior compared to the ghosts from other ghosters that showed some decent activity like erikeriksson2001/piski and JustAGDFan, so he just barely edged for once again another top 3 ghosters of the month participation. This is the 24th top 3 ghosters of the month participation from Cerasium. Really incredible! During the course of less than 4 years, Cerasium has the equivalent of 2 full years being a top 3 ghoster of the month. Insane! Defintely a big legend of this game that is starting to enter in the definitive GOAT debate or FRHD ghosting. Will he be able to do this list and improve his 4th all-time placement in the next FRHD Top 100 All-Time Ghosters List? That might depend on how he finishes this year and so far, he's doing everything right. After 4 straight wins he now gets a 3rd place, but still a top 3 ghoster for his 5th straight month, out of 7 that we had this year so far. Really solid, man. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to erikeriksson2001/piski, that had some really solid ghosts once more. Some dope suggestions in the official featured ghosts thread and other cool ghosts in the database. Some other players had some activity as well like JustAGDFan and TPlacella

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: For the third time in a row, Cerasium is winning again in the public votes. Cerasium, the all-time record holder of wins in this category, has a total of 14 wins now. This is Cerasium's 3rd win this year in this category. Solid stuff! Cerasium won with 12 votes (66,7%), against 3 votes for both NotVeryGood and mR..A (16,7% for each), so we got a total of 18 votes for the poll. Last time we got more votes than that was on April 2022 and the last time we got the same amount of votes was on November 2022, so not bad. Not bad at all. Keep it up, guys!

    PS: Go check FRHD Teams, we might integrate the Ghosting Awards with that contest, so don't forget to check it out.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/1116-medevil-bike-ride/r/egway - As hinted before, we only had a single featured ghost last month and it was a good one, so it's more than fair to give this award to this great ghost from Egway. A long effort to take down BrendanMagill's solid ghost, so it deserves the praise. This is Egway's second time winning this award, first one this year, so welcome back Egway! Nicely done last month.

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2024
    TPlacella, Egway, SirHuman01 and 6 others like this.
  10. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    spelled my name wrong but whatever lol
    CK9C and Cerasium like this.
  11. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

  12. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals

    With the recent discoveries of Duper cheating, his 2 participations in the ghosting awards will now be removed (he got 2nd place in the Ghoster of the Month award for December 2023 and January 2024). So the awards for these months will be adjusted as it's described below:

    DECEMBER 2023

    Ghoster Of The Month:

    1st - Xenom (KEPT)
    2nd - BrendanMagill (CHANGED)
    3rd - Cerasium (CHANGED)

    Ghost Of The Month: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/405476-deep-fried-cauliflower/r/xenom2.0 (KEPT)

    JANUARY 2024

    Ghoster Of The Month:

    1st - Xenom (KEPT)
    2nd - Tubiek (CHANGED)
    3rd - CK9C (CHANGED)

    Ghost Of The Month: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/776922-challenge-8/r/xenom (KEPT)

    Stats were already updated.
    TPlacella, Volund, Azgr00 and 4 others like this.
  13. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    AUGUST 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Cerasium - If we were mentioning in last month's ghosting awards that we had the end of the Minnesotan Dynasty after a full year, well... they are back! Or least one of the members is. We had a really tough battle for all of the awards last month, which is exactly what we want to see, since starting with the September Ghosting Awards and also including the ones for October and November as well, we'll have these monthly ghosting awards earning points for the active FRHD Teams season, which I'll mention in a separate post after this one. But, let's go back to the battle for the first place here. First, we had the ever-dangerous Cerasium, that had 2 great features and one really solid suggestion, that will most likely get featured, plus some other great ghosts in the database. Then we had Azgr00/XGRAzgr that had 1 feature and another likely to be featured ghost and some other really solid database ghosts. We also had Uniior with 2 great features and 1 good suggestion, erikeriksson2001 with some bordeline feature worthy level ghosts, TPlacella with some incredibly solid suggestions and also NotVeryGood with his legendary unstoppable grind on classic tracks with nearly 100 new first places. It took us a bit to be sure of who should be 1st, but eventually we decided to go with the legend himself, Cerasium, by just a small edge. We feel like at the end of our current reviews Cerasium will be the only one with 3 featured ghosts have been made in August 2024 and he also has dozens of other cool ghosts around and has been very active this year,so it's been a tough task to snatch even 1 of these wins from his hand. His path of greatness towards the GOAT status gets another stone brilliant set on the way. I would say that Cerasium must be tired of winning that much, but seeing how eager he started the FRHD Teams season shows that Cerasium is going for all possible crowns and trophies that he can achieve with his ghosting skills. Remarkable! The legend, that got his first win all the way back to May of 2021 gets now his 15th win in the ghoster of the month category by team's picks. Crazy! His first top 3 participation was back in February of 2021, and now he gets his 26th (!!!). It's his 5th win this year in this category, which is also a new personal record for him. He got 4 in 2021, 3 in 2022, 3 in 2023 and now 5 in 2024. Mr.Consistency for sure. It's his 6th participation among the top 3 ghosters of the month this year, all of them in a row, and we are just 8 months into 2024, lol. Insane, man. Just insane. You deserve this one and to everyone wanting to take this 1st place from him during the FRHD Teams season: Watch out! You guys will need to work really hard for a shot, because a competitive Cerasium is really tough to beat. Keep it up, man.

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    2 - Azgr00/XGRAzgr - It was tough to decide who would be 1st place for last month but it was even harder to decide 2nd and 3rd place. Since it was a really close case for us, especially between Azgr00 and Uniior, we ended up deciding to "break the tie" by the sheer quality of the best ghosts they got last month (either stolen features or great suggestions), since we didn't think the overall activity and other database ghosts were too different to tell. Doing that, we decided that we thought that XGRAzgr's ghosts were a bit better than Uniior's and decided to give this little edge to him, which earned him the 2nd place here. But it was a very close case. Azgr00 ended up getting 1 feature and 1 ghost that will most likely be featured, so keep it up, man! Nicely done, man! It's his 2nd time getting among the top 3 ghosters of the month, 2nd time this year and also the 2nd time in 2nd place, haha. Nicely done, man. Going for some brazilian representation among the top ghosters, haha. Bom trabalho! Continue assim!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    3 - Uniior - Tough to decide 1st place, 2nd place and also 3rd place. We had erikeriksson2001 with some really solid ghosts, TPlacella doing well as well and NotVeryGood with an insane grind, so it wasn't an easy call to pick Uniior, but I mean, he got 2 features and at least another great suggestion. He got one feature with the bike and another one with the helicopte, showing some great versatility as always. Some other cool ghosts as well, so we thought that he deserved the podium here. Funnily enough it's Uniior's 5th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month, and now he has done it in 3 different years and in all of those cases he finished 3rd. It's the Bronze Medal Silent Killer in action, watch out! It was his first top 3 ghosters of the month participation this year, though. So, nice comeback! Just in time for FRHD Teams. Let's see how Uniior will go. Keep it up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to erikeriksson2001/piski, that had some really crazy ghosts as suggestions. Some are even being discussed for a feature, but we are not fully sure yet. We also had NotVeryGood keeping his insane grind with nearly 100 new first places that you can see here, crazy stuff. Other than that, TPlacella had some really solid suggestions and we also had a cool ghost from Stevie.T. Keep it up, guys!

    UPDATE 1: Due to the recent discovery of Azgr00/XGRAzgr cheating on some tracks, we are revoking his 2nd place here. Cerasium will stay with the official 1st place, Uniior will get the official 2nd place and erikeriksson2001 will get the official 3rd place.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: We finally had a change this time in the poll. After 12 straight months with the Cerasium-Xenom duo winning, we finally had a different winner. In a tough battle, NotVeryGood (6 votes - 54,5%) beat Cerasium (5 votes - 45,5%), leaving Egway with no votes. Really cool, man. This is the first time NotVeryGood has gotten a win in this category. The grind paid off, man, great stuff. Not bad at all. Keep it up, guys!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/929479-cruciverbalist/r/xgrazgr - We had many great ghosts that I'll list below, but at the end of the day we had 4 players helping with the making of this month's ghosting awards and we managed to agree and take an unanimous decision about this, with all of us going with Azgr00/XGRAzgr's ghost on Cruciverbalist. Super fast, technical and clean, we thought it deserved the praise here. This is actually the second time he gets the Ghost Of The Month award, both being this year. This award puts Azgr00 in rare territory, since only 9 players have ever got 2 or more Ghost Of The Month awards. Crazy stuff, man. Keep it up!

    Some other dope ghosts:

    UPDATE 2: Due to the recent discovery of Azgr00/XGRAzgr cheating on some tracks, we are revoking his win here. TPlacella will get the win here for this ghost: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/7440-escape/r/tplacella

    Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
    Blank_Guy, Azgr00, TPlacella and 4 others like this.
  14. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Check this: https://community.freeriderhd.com/threads/ghosting-awards-community-polls.12638/page-15#post-352436

    As I mentioned, the Ghosting Awards for September, October and November will earn points for the FRHD Teams season, as approved by the contest host Ness. If you don't know what this is about, please check the contest subforums and you'll find there enough information about it.

    This is how the points will be distributed:

    Ghoster Of The Month (Team's Picks):

    1st Place - Will win 100 Points for his team.
    2nd Place - Will win 50 Points for his team.
    3rd Place - Will win 20 Points for his team.

    Ghost Of The Month (Team's Picks):

    1st Place - Will win 50 points for his team, not including points won for a feature, if it ends up being the case.

    So I guess this should be a good extra motivator for all of us. We'll make an extra effort to get the results as soon as possible and to be as fair as possible during this season. Ness was included in the conversations and we'll do our best to keep things running smoothly during this period.

    Also, how do I get in the ghosting awards? Well, you can grind multiple tracks (aim for some challenging ones like technical tracks or popular tracks with tough leaderboards) like NotVeryGood did and post some of these results somewhere (like the Official Featured Ghosts thread if you think they are good enough), you can steal features or get new features, you can join the Ghosting Jams or some contests like the TEAM DUATHLON CONTEST, do some innovative ghosts and much more. We'll be checking around and looking for some interesting ghosts during this FRHD Teams season, but if you want to make sure that we see something cool you did, you can always post things here, in the Official Featured Ghosts thread and even in your own thread in the Races forums. You can also send your ghosts in private messages, Discord or whatever you want.​
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
    TPlacella, Blank_Guy, pawflix and 4 others like this.
  15. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals

    With the recent discovery of Azgr00/XGRAZgr cheating, his participations in the ghosting awards will now be removed (he got 2nd place in the Ghoster of the Month award for February and August 2024 and also the Ghost Of The Month award for both months). So the awards for these months will be adjusted as it's described below:

    FEBRUARY 2024:

    Ghoster Of The Month:

    1st - Xenom (KEPT)
    2nd - CK9C (CHANGED - He was 3rd, went up since we removed AZgr00)
    3rd - TPlacella (CHANGED - He was the main shoutout, so he'll get his first ghosting award, congrats!)

    Ghost Of The Month: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/211286-colossus-unfin/r/xenom (CHANGED - Even though it's beaten now, it was our second option in February)

    AUGUST 2024:

    Ghoster Of The Month:

    1st - Cerasium (KEPT)
    2nd - Uniior (CHANGED - He was 3rd, went up since we removed AZgr00)
    3rd - erikeriksson2001/piski (CHANGED - He was the main shoutout, so he'll get his first ghosting award, congrats!)

    Ghost Of The Month: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/7440-escape/r/tplacella (CHANGED - Even though it's beaten now, it was the closest option we had in August. First one in this category for him. Congrats!)

    Stats will be updated soon. September and October 2024 Ghosting Awards coming soon as well.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
    Blank_Guy, Uniior, TPlacella and 3 others like this.
  16. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals

    Due to the delays and some changes regarding FRHD Teams itself and the Official Ghosting Team schedule, this connection to FRHD Teams will not happen for now.
  17. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    SEPTEMBER 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Cerasium - Yeah, I know we are behind on this, but we're back! We had those September ghosting awards kinda set for a while, but since I got inactive for the past few weeks we never got to fully confirm our picks and publish this, but now we have! Since we still need to publish the October one I'll try to keep it short, but once again, like we never went anywhere, Cerasium takes another win. With a record breaking month, fueled by the motivation of earning points for his squad on FRHD Teams (which is no longer a possibilty with features), Cerasium kinda carried his squad in September on that regard and also carried himself to beat the record for the most features gained and kept that were made in single month. He had this record at 37 from April 2024 and he now improves it to a 38 in September 2024. Not even fully counting all of his 16 new features that he got from the newest update that were from previous months or his other great suggestions, many for the FRHD Teams Ghosting Jams. INSANE! This is Cerasium's 16th win in this category and his 27th top 3 ghosters of the month participation. Really crazy, but at this point we are not really surprised. This is the 7th month in a row that he finishes among the top 3 and on these seven months he wasn't 1st in only one of them, lol. He's definitely on a league of his own at the moment. 6 wins this year with 7 top 3 participations in 9 months, pretty impressive. Let's keep this up, man!

    Some Many dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler


    2 - Uniior - With Cerasium being the obvious number 1 choice and with Azgr00 out of the picture due to his cheating incidents, it wasn't too obvious to decide who would be 2nd and 3rd here. We had Uniior, Xenom, TPlacella, NotVeryGood and Stevie.T all doing really good and some other being decent as well, so we eventually went with the ones that had at least a few great ghosts and some impact in the month and picked the ones that showed the best quality on their ghosts, since it was all very close. Eventually we went with Uniior for 2nd place, since he got a featured ghost and at least 3 other great suggestions, so congrats, man! Uniior had his 3rd place in August improved to a 2nd place after the Azgr00 situation and he showed that he's keeping the good work happening with another 2nd place. Nicely done! This is Uniior's 6th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month (2nd time this year) which ties him as the 5th player with the most appearances among the top 3 ghosters of the month, surpassing legends such as RedOrBlue, Xverse and Unghosted and equalizing other legends such as Cerulean, Sidewalk and Anonyymi, only being behind of Egway, RadiumRC, Xenom and Cerasium. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Xenom - As mentioned in Uniior's part, it was hard to decide 2nd and 3rd for September, but we eventually went with the Ghosting Legend Xenom, that got 2 featured ghosts and had some other really solid ghosts in September, so we thought that he edged the likes of Stevie.T, NotVeryGood and TPlacella. With that 3rd place, Xenom reaches his 18th top 3 ghosters of the month participation, 6th one this year. Really incredible, man! Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to NotVeryGood, that is continuing his community classic tracks grind and got over 250 great leaderboard placements in September (mostly 1st places, that can be seen here) with a few really solid ghosts. Good stuff! We also had Stevie.T with an amazing feature on Tbf Bromine, so that deserves a great shoutout as well. Other players like TPlacella and also CK9C had some decent suggestions as well.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: After a little break in the Cerasium/Xenom dominance in this category in the previous award, it was time for them to come back. Well, in this case it was just Cerasium, but once again he took the win. In a relatively easy battle, Cerasium (6 votes - 66.7%) beat Uniior (2 votes - 22.2%) and the currently banned from the official ghosting threads Azgr00/XGRAzgr (1 vote - 11.1%). This is Cerasium's 15th win in this category and the 4th one this year, which makes him surpass Xenom in the wins in this award this year. Keep it up, man!


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/863819-coalescence/r/theft - We had some discussions about the best ghost of September 2024, mostly between Cerasium/Theft's ghost on Coalescence and Stevie.T's ghost on Tbf Bromine. Stevie's ghost is incredibly sick, showing lots of speed, control and skills with the helicopter from him, but ended up being edged out by a single vote by Cerasium's ghost on Coalescence. For some context for those that might not know it, this Coalescence track was a collab between MadMaxx21 and SCrane and it was made for the End Of Season Tournament for the Official Ranked Ghosting (ORG) Season 1 in 2021. So this is a contest track, probably one of the most popular ones from the EOST, made for the Semifinals of the tournament that ended up being won by an unstopable RadiumRC, that rose to the top during the second half of the ORG and managed to qualify for the EOST and win the whole thing at the end, getting multiple features in the process. This is a very optimized contest track where the FRHD All-Time Ghoster #1 ranked RadiumRC stated his dominance and beat Cerasium, the ORG winner, in the semifinals of the EOST. So having Cerasium claim the 1st place here now shows how much Cerasium advanced in the past few years and is definitely a fair pick for Ghost Of The Month. So it's a Double Win for Cerasium, his 8th one ever. Only Xenom has more, with 9. This is also the 8th win in the Ghost Of The Month award for Cerasium, the 4th this year. Keep it up, man!

    PS1: Updated the poll. Will be updating the stats soon.

    PS2: October Ghosting Awards coming shortly later this week.

    PS3: The September Poll will be up from November 10th to November 20th and the October Poll will be up from November 21st to December 1st
  18. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    OCTOBER 2024 - Ghosting Awards Results


    1 - Cerasium - Well, he did it again. Maybe a slightly less impressive month compared to his crazy September, but still, a very impressive month from the great Cerasium once again. 9 features, lots of points earned for his squad on FRHD Teams and over 10 other great suggestions, the guy really doesn't stop winning, lol. Another very impressive month, with some really memorable ghosts, like his one on Egyptian Empire, a track whose previous 1st place (the great Anonyymi) got Ghost Of The Month from November 2022 and that was mentioned in the 1st page of this thread all the way back in 2016 when Sidewalk suggested my ghost on that track, that eventually got featured and after many changes in the leaderboard over the years I was even kicked out of the leaderboard, lol. Crazy how things evolved, over 3 seconds were cut. Cerasium also had multiple other great ghosts so he deserves once again another win. This is Cerasium's 17th win in this category and his 28th top 3 ghosters of the month participation. The guy is a machine. This is now the 8th month in a row that he finishes among the top 3 and the 2nd month in a row that he gets a win. He's definitely on fire right now. 7 wins this year (which ties him with Xenom in 2023 for the all-time record of wins in this category in a year) with 8 top 3 participations in 10 months. Pretty legendary. Let's keep this up, man!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    2 - Cerulean - Well, well. If in 1st place we had an usual face, for 2nd place we have a player we haven't seen since December 2022 in the Ghosting Awards and that is only the second time we have seen him since April 2021 here, the great Cerulean. Cerulean was around his peak in the game when we started the ghosting awards, so he was someone we used to see often here, but eventually he got a bit inactive and stopped showing up around. But after a solid performance last month, he's doing his return to the Ghosting Awards in style. Welcome back, man! With three absolutely iconic features last month (Wild China, Unforgiving 4 and Preview) and at least one more good suggestion, Cerulean showed everyone that he still got it and that he can be competitive whenever he puts his mind to it. He was probably one of the guys that pushed the boundaries the most for technical ghosting, so it's cool that even though the ghosting in the game has been advancing for years, that he can still can keep up with the standards he helped setting high. This is Cerulean's 7th time among the top 3 ghosters of the month (1st time this year) which unties him from Uniior, Sidewalk and Anonyymi and leave him as the only 5th player with the most appearances among the top 3 ghosters of the month (for now, lol). With this top 3 participation, Cerulean ties with RedOrBlue and Cerasium for the most different years with any ghosting award participation (4 years) and he also ties with Cerasium for the most different years with a Top 3 Ghosters of the Month participation (4 years as well - for him 2020, 2021, 2022 & 2024). Keep it up!
    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    3 - Uniior - For the 3rd time in a row and for the 7th time ever (tying with Cerulean now), Uniior finishes once again among the top 3 ghosters of the month. It was a close call since he did have some great suggestions and good ghosts, although no features, which can be said for Xenom, erikeriksson2001, Reborn and NotVeryGood (still on his grind) as well, but once again, we thought that the quality of Uniior's ghosts stood out a bit more once again, so we thought he deserved this one. Congrats, man. Keep it up!

    Some dope ghosts from him from last month:

    Show Spoiler

    Shoutouts: The main shoutout goes to NotVeryGood, that is continuing his community classic tracks grind and got around 50 great leaderboard placements in October, with a few really solid ghosts. Good stuff! We also had Xenom, Reborn and erikeriksson2001 with some good suggestions and other database ghosts.

    Last Ghoster Of The Month Poll Comments: We'll wait until November 20th to see what happened in the poll and then we'll make a little post about it and maybe edit this one.


    https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/690667-unforgiving-4/r/cerulean - We had multiple legendary ghosts from October, but at the end we were in the fence about 3 different ghosts. We had Cerulean's ghost on Preview, a legendary ghost in a legendary track from lolz666, one of the biggest classics of the game for sure. The ghost is super clean and definitely would be fitting for the award. We also had Cerasium/Theft's ghost on Egyptian Empire, that is a ghost made on a track that has an insane history of featured ghosts since 2016 (which can be seen since the first page of this thread), where I got the first feature there after beating a ghost from Backtwice that was relatively iconic at the time. Over the years multiple players like Noob, Sidewalk, tetrationiscool, Unghosted, spruce and later Anonyymi let their mark on this track, cutting over 3 seconds off my featured ghost time and even kicking me of the leaderboard. Not only that, but Anonyymi's ghost was a classic in the community and was voted the Best Ghost of November 2022, so this was also a good contender. However, after some discussion, the team agreed on letting another ghost take the win. This ghost was no other than Cerulean's ghost on Unforgiving 4. With a remarkable technical aspect and beating Anonyymi's and Xenom's iconic ghosts by over a second and Cerasium/Theft's recent incredible ghost by nearly a second on a short super technical track, this tough challenge series by Reborn got our attention once more, and after the classic Unforgiving getting 2 ghosts of the month over the years and also Unforgiving 2 getting it once as well, it was time for the 4th edition to continue the tradition after a superb execution in Cerulean's ghost on the track. INSANE JOB! This is Cerulean's 4th time winning this award, the first one since April 2021, though. He now ties with RedOrBlue as the 5th player with the most wins in this category. This is also Cerulean's 2nd Double Win of his career. Great stuff, man. Keep it up!

    PS1: Will be updating the stats soon.

    PS2: The September Poll will be up from November 10th to November 20th and the October Poll will be up from November 21st to December 1st, so we'll make the comments about the September poll later.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2024
  19. FoxGamingTM

    FoxGamingTM Active Member Official Author

    You got yourself 8 more years to grind, I believe in you!
    Cerasium likes this.
  20. FoxGamingTM

    FoxGamingTM Active Member Official Author

    I keep saying this, but one of these times when I have way too much free time on my hands, I'm just gonna enter one of the FRHD ghosting contests and I'm gonna grind so hard to win it. I'm far from the best ghoster, but I think I'm good enough to perform if I put in enough time. Right now I just get on for only like 30 min a day.

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