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Update track editor 1.1

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Ness, Jul 8, 2024.

  1. Fluffysmack

    Fluffysmack Well-Known Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I think I have to make a track with this.

    In the editor I've always used Left shift and physics line to connect my points, I know there is a snap tool but can I still do it the other way? Is there a setting or something?

    e; I found out it's left alt. Nevermind, no complaints I love it.
    AfterImage, triip, Cerasium and 4 others like this.
  2. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    can you please make videos of you working or Livestream I am a very very big nerd
    Fluffysmack and Cerasium like this.
  3. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Live laugh love circle tool Screenshot 2024-11-07 15.21.47.png
    Cerasium likes this.
  4. Fluffysmack

    Fluffysmack Well-Known Member Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I'll stream it in disc if you want in a little bit
    pawflix, AfterImage and Cerasium like this.
  5. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I’d love to watch
    Cerasium likes this.
  6. CK9C

    CK9C Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    i can't figure out how to flip or resize objects and I'm prob doing it wrong but how do you do it?

    edit: NVM IM JUST STUPID :rofl:
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2024
  7. GreenJetPackNo.1

    GreenJetPackNo.1 Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    Cerasium likes this.
  8. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I’m no coder but this is what I would personally do. I have no idea why you’re experiencing this problem

    Try importing the codes into the regular editor fixing any mistakes you may see, and then exporting them and saving them. Re-import the file that was just exported out of the regular editor, and then attempt to upload it then. If that does not work I would assume any problems you’re experiencing are coming from the way you chose to draw your track, and the uploading process within the regular game, and is unrelated to using Ness’ tool.
    GreenJetPackNo.1 and Cerasium like this.
  9. GreenJetPackNo.1

    GreenJetPackNo.1 Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    Ness Idea:
    After collecting all stars in the editor you can choose to view the ghost not using rewind, slow mo, and old checkpoints. i just thought that would be insanely satisfying like ur making ur own TAS in editor.
    Cerasium likes this.
  10. GreenJetPackNo.1

    GreenJetPackNo.1 Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    Ness I SEVERLY reccomend adding S brake into the editor as it would be SO much easier to play test tracks :)
    Cerasium likes this.
  11. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    It’s being used as the button for size changing of objects
    Cerasium likes this.
  12. Pie42

    Pie42 Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    you can remap all of your keys, both editor hotkeys and the keys for playing! to remap any given key, simply click on its icon in the hotkeys or controls menus (found on the top menu bar), and then press the key you would like to remap it to. i typically prefer to play with ijsl, which just means that i have to find some other random button to remap scaling objects and inverting the line type of objects (i typically use u and o, but it doesn't really matter). unfortunately, hotkeys aren't saved when you reload, but it's pretty easy to change them back every time.
    here's what that icon i mentioned looks like:
    edit: i missed this, or i would've responded to it originally:
    we may at some point support replaying ghosts in the editor, but there are currently no plans to support creating ghosts in the editor as far as i'm aware. this is both due to limitations in the editor itself (having tried it before in the default editor, it's really, really hard to get it to record a ghost that works) as well as to prevent the possibility of abuse - if we allowed you to record and save your ghosts, it would likely be simple to enable it when using rewind (even if we've disabled that), and from there, you've got a tool-assisted ghost that could be uploaded to the db. most people would be unlikely to abuse this, and don't have the necessary scripts to be able to abuse it, but we'd still prefer to avoid even that possibility.
  13. GreenJetPackNo.1

    GreenJetPackNo.1 Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    ohhhhh thats why changing the key bind didnt do anything thanks!
    I was thinking you cant actually save and delete the ghosts, only view them right after ghosting.
    Cerasium likes this.
  14. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    can you make it so i can bind two keys for brake? i use both s and the down key when i'm ghosting so it's still hard for me to ghost in the 1.1 editor
    JustAGDFan and Ness like this.
  15. JustAGDFan

    JustAGDFan Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    itd be cool to be able to replay ghosts like a video, you can choose where to view a ghost
    start positions (forgive my Geometry Dash jargon) are VERY useful for playtesting, but is not in the track code if the track w/ start pos is exported
    also to be able to show hitboxes on all objects (including Pete) as well even though this one is a more demanding task to program
    Cerasium likes this.
  16. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    There is an option to view hitboxes in polygons mod.
    Cerasium likes this.
  17. Ness

    Ness null

    haven't got the hotkey mapping changed, but I did add a mod for "play mode" which uses the play hotkeys (which includes wasd controls and ijkl controls alongside the normal dpad)

    on top of that, added a mobile mode that has the touchscreen controls, so you can play on your phone or tablet. I'd like to expand on this and add touchscreen controls for editing as well (soon!)
  18. Ness

    Ness null

    added an ellipse option for the circle tool (click the button on the bottom toolbar to switch between circle and ellipsis mode), as well as a stretch function for the object tool option (m stretches your object in the x-axis, n stretches in the y-axis)

    hope you guys are enjoying freerider.app, it's been awesome seeing tracks come out of it
  19. ShadowMaster987

    ShadowMaster987 Active Member Team Balloon Official Author

    How do you turn on mobile mode
    Cerasium likes this.
  20. Ness

    Ness null

    click the pentagon on the bottom left of the screen and check the mobile mode box
    Cerasium and ShadowMaster987 like this.

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