would love to use this on my solo tracks (would speed up the process immensely) but itd probably brick my laptop given how big my tracks are yeah if spend any amount of time in that with my largest solo track my laptop drops to like 2fps
Hey don't know if this has already been brought up but a cool feature with the "clean track" button would be to combine overlapping lines as to prevent dark patches from showing when zoomed out. plus it'll help with reducing kb storage and file sizes, allowing people to make larger scale projects
throughout this week, Pie42 and I are pushing out some updates to the site. so if you run into any bugs, please let us know.
I love this tool so much, but honestly I have seen it used in ways during certain tracks that I think don't use it in a way that I love. There's a certain level of finish or achievement that I think you can see in tracks that didn't use the editor, simply because I see so many repeated objects. I think there's something to be said about people who use track moving or duplication in a good way, versus ways that feel overwhelming or just simply copied. I just see some tracks and they're significantly less impressive, it's interesting to think about. Those are just my two cents that you didn't ask for I'm wondering how other people view this Still love this editor so much, don't think I'm dogging on it or anything bc it's super useful in so many ways, and I don't think it's bad at all. I just think any feature can be abused if done too much
i see your point AND i think the editor hasn't even been used to its fullest extent yet. like for example put it in the hands of someone brilliant like zwinxz and its true value as a tool will reveal itself
can confirm this editor has mad capability , i now have a crazy track in the works with really cool trippy geometric art that wouldn't have been possible before editor 1.1
This editor has actually convinced me to spend 5 hours on a track...and I haven't even touched the game in months.
Also is there a way to have tampermonkey scripts work in this editor even though it isn't technically freerider. Would I just have to change a line or two of code or is the editor completely different from the main game. For example, could the Save-Load track script work?
if the script works with Polygon’s mod, odds are it’ll work with 1.1, you’d likely just have to change the url part of the script
https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/989228-track-editor-1-1 put out an announcement track for the editor, hopefully will get some more eyes on it. check out the daily tracks on freerider.app as well. stay tuned for more updates soon.