Teams FRHD Teams - JOIN!

Discussion in 'FRHD Teams' started by Volund, Aug 13, 2024.

  1. Ness

    Ness dream machine Administrator VIP

    Awarded Medals
    Totoca12 came through and got us smilies!
    pawflix, Spare1, Blank_Guy and 9 others like this.
  2. Eunos

    Eunos Well-Known Member Team Truck Official Author

    pawflix, Anonyymi, Ness and 2 others like this.
  3. TPlacella

    TPlacella Well-Known Member Team Helicopter Official Author

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    Can you find out what happened to Secret Cat and Awesome?
  4. Bellboys

    Bellboys Well-Known Member Team Blob

    Iā€™m probably a bit late, but team blob!

    FIREBEATS FRHD Member of 2020 Team Helicopter Official Author

  6. Totoca12

    Totoca12 Administrator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Ghost Moderator Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yeah. For some reason you can't upload an image directly for the smilies like you can with the medals. For the smiles you need to upload the image to an image hosting site or something that can work like that and put the link there as the source to get the image. The original links for those smilies are listed below and their content is currently unavailable for some reason.

    If you guys have the file I can upload it to a different image hosting site and get it to work.
    pawflix, Cerasium and FIREBEATS like this.
  7. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    Give me the blob and I will make sure our team wins.
    Uniior, pawflix, FieryBowser and 8 others like this.

    CHARREDLIZARD21 Well-Known Member Team Blob Official Author

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  9. Canvasrider123

    Canvasrider123 Member Team Truck Official Author

  10. Maple

    Maple Love to draw VIP Team Balloon Official Author

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  11. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    team balloon collab will feed families
    pawflix, Spare1, nasrani and 5 others like this.
  12. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

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    pawflix, Spare1, Totoca12 and 4 others like this.
  13. G-raffe

    G-raffe your ad here Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    Can I go team teleport? That's a vehicle right??
    pawflix, Spare1, Volund and 2 others like this.
  14. zwinxz

    zwinxz 乁(惄)意 VIP Team Truck Official Author

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  15. Ness

    Ness dream machine Administrator VIP

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    sadly, no! but check out the teams info thread to see how powerups can be used by teams!
    pawflix, Volund and Cerasium like this.
  16. Blank_Guy

    Blank_Guy Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    uh lemme try this thing out.

    how about balloon?
    Uniior, pawflix, Spare1 and 3 others like this.
  17. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

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    Now it's intense.

    Zwinxz, maple and weem?

    *Unzips* maximum effort.
    Blank_Guy, zwinxz, weem and 4 others like this.
  18. Toastx

    Toastx Casual Member Team Helicopter Official Author

    the chopper is the best
  19. Egway

    Egway Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Team Truck
    Uniior, pawflix, Ness and 6 others like this.
  20. nasrani

    nasrani Well-Known Member Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    team blob if they'll have me
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2024
    Blank_Guy, Uniior, weem and 15 others like this.

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