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Update Free Rider Lite – New features!

Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Calculus, Mar 28, 2020.


What do you think of this project?

  1. I love it!

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  1. thiccboi243

    thiccboi243 Casual Member Official Author Banned

    Hi Moderators Is it possible to take down your own track
    if so could you please delete the track Sofia by Thiccboi243. i just wanna delete it cause its kinda weird and poorly made.
    heres the link to it
    Eryp likes this.
  2. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    It looks great, why would you want to remove it! If you really want to have it removed, you can PM an in-game moderator and they will take care of it. Or wait patiently for me to finish a new feature I am working on in Free Rider RE (Roblox Edition) which allows users to have more control over their accounts and creations.
    WhiteThumb likes this.
  3. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
    FieryBowser, mbcool, Sidewalk and 2 others like this.
  4. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
  5. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    In the process of ghosting and trying to unbreak my ghost on Rotate III (http://frhd.co/t/259634/r/theft), I've discovered a bug. The only mod I had enabled when ghosting this track was Free Rider Lite.
    It seems that when Free Rider Lite was enabled, FRHD thinks that my ghost did not hit a checkpoint at 3 instances, frames 1426, 1444, and 1461. When Free Rider Lite is disabled, FRHD thinks that my ghost did hit a checkpoint at frames 1426, 1444, and 1461. This is why, when I unbroke my ghost, I changed the inputs at frames 1426, 1444, and 1461 to be backspaces instead of enters so that my ghost would be unbroken with vanilla FRHD. This unbroken ghost proceeds to break when Free Rider Lite is enabled because FRHD does not think that I hit the checkpoint. In addition, my ghost also broke at frame 2737 because there was an extra up_up input which I removed in my unbroken ghost. This doesn't seem related to the other issue, but it's weird that it happened, because this has never happened to me before. I am using the latest version of Free Rider Lite on the chrome web store. Thank you.

    Below is my unbroken ghost data for when Free Rider Lite is disabled and unbroken ghost data that is unbroken only when Free Rider Lite is enabled, and both can be watched with the tampermonkey mod called Export/Import Ghosts. DM me if you'd like this mod.

    (happy 69 day :D)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
    TPlacella likes this.
  6. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Watching the ghost with and without frhd-lite, for me, for some reason the ghost breaks early with frhd-lite disabled and no other scripts running. However, with frhd-lite enabled, the ghost makes it past the first break and breaks at a later point. Strange.
    Cerasium likes this.
  7. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Turns out, my unbroken ghost data for vanilla frhd is still broken and it breaks at around 6:10.00, however the unbroken ghost data for frhd lite isn't broken in this spot when using frhd lite. I assume this is the same issue as the one at about 50 seconds.
  8. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I believe there may be a chance that frhd-lite broke your ghost. Do you know if the ghost you linked was made using frhd-lite?
    Cerasium likes this.
  9. Cerasium

    Cerasium Mod On The FRHD Speedrun.com Page Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Best Ghoster Of 2024 Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2024
  10. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    TPlacella and Cerasium like this.
  11. ShadowMaster987

    ShadowMaster987 Active Member Team Balloon Official Author

    just wanna say, i love you cerasium
    TPlacella and Cerasium like this.
  12. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Dev update
    The following changes have not yet been published.
    • Auto-detect potentially cheated races (there will be false positives)
      • This may lead to a similar identifier for races that used TAS, for now I am not looking at the race data
    • Adding the ability to report races, tracks and players directly via frhd-lite
    • Slightly improved web-based frhd-lite features' performance
    • Slightly improved memory usage with frhd-lite web-based features
    • Reduced frequent network requests for featured ghosts
    • Clicking on a comment mention notification will take you directly to that comment no matter how far down it may be
    • Adding a context menu (right click) for better accessbility
    • And more!
    I will update this post with new features as I remember/think of them. Here's an example of what the auto-detect cheaters might look like:
    upload_2024-6-15_20-16-18.png upload_2024-6-15_20-16-29.png

    Here's an example of a false positive:

    Everything you see here is subject to change.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jun 16, 2024
    Ness, TPlacella and Cerasium like this.
  13. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Update to this update, I am beginning to work on the context menu I recently added to the list of changes. I likely will not be able to think of everything that should be on it, but if anyone does have any ideas, please do let me know what I can add to each context menu. There will be a separate menu for tracks, users, and comments. Here's a preview of what the context menu might look like:

    Separated right clicking the user and right clicking the general row area into user/race based actions.
    upload_2024-6-16_20-13-4.png upload_2024-6-16_20-13-17.png
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2024
    gun, Totoca12, TPlacella and 2 others like this.
  14. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

    this would be really cool to see. hopefully would streamline process of getting rid of cheaters and the like
    Calculus and Cerasium like this.
  15. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
  16. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

    random question: when a ghost, track, etc. is reported, where does that go? is it just sent to some list you have set up to give to totca and eryp or something else?
    Cerasium likes this.
  17. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Given the history of troublemakers in the frhd community, I don't trust them enough to use a Discord webhook and have someone find the token in the code and delete it to stop it from working, so the report buttons just post a comment pinging both myself and Totoca12. That way one of us could take a look. I was thinking of also making it ghost ping, but we wouldn't have much context if I did that, maybe we wouldn't see the reason it was reported nor what was reported. For comments, it just flags it as inappropriate since there's really nothing we can do with comments. Mods can't delete them, neither can admins. The only people who can delete comments are themselves. I could and might setup the webhook for Discord to make the report system a little better. I was also thinking of automatically posting a message to one of the 'Report a' threads. For now, I'll leave it as it is. The context menu just serves as a shortcut for quick actions.
  18. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Version 0.0.40 is scheduled for release. Since there are quite a few changes, I will attach some screenshots for you to preview the update here.

    Attached Files:

    mbcool, Cerasium, FieryBowser and 4 others like this.
  19. Ness

    Ness null

    awesome update, testing ghost legitimacy is very interesting. so is the caution sign for suspicious times, then the "test legitimacy" button looks at the race/ghost data?

    Screenshot 2024-06-25 205535.png
    Cerasium and Calculus like this.
  20. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Not quite. I will be checking race data at a later date, but for now, testing legitimacy only checks for the 'tas' property in the race data which most tas users that don't abuse it would have in their race data. The caution sign appears when a race has a time that's sort of suspiciously quicker than the average of the leaderboard. I wasn't quite sure how to do it, so I did some random maths until it got some right. I think it checks if the time is less than the average minus the difference of the last person on the leaderboard and the next person's time. I don't think there's any math that will be 100% accurate since there are some difficult tracks where times will be spread out, but I guess it's better than nothing.
    Cerasium and Ness like this.

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