Keep playing and playing until you get lost in your own world. It won't take too long to some money. I agree with TiMartin1069 , just keep going! You WILL get there!
Most people wont, you posting tht picture just shows how ill-informed you are about the rest of the community.
No I just like that photo. But you are right about me being ill informed about the "Community of people who play free rider HD."
Exactly, when I first started and saw 0 points and 0 coins...tbh, I was pretty sad because I thought, how am I gonna get so many points like all these people with 9000+ point . All it was, was practice and commitment ( I had too much committement. Lol)although, have fun and try to forget about the coins And then you'll soon rake them in pretty quickly. I definitely recommend doing the campaigns though batmangirl
Hahaha. Ikr. All of my notifications are basically Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Tim quoted your post Like really. That's basically what it says. (But your full nickname)
Definitely check out the achievements page, maxing out daily achievements + campaigns will get a good chunk of change.