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Discussion in 'Third Party Scripting & Development' started by Free_Rider_Official, Mar 29, 2022.

  1. Free_Rider_Official

    Free_Rider_Official Member Official Author

    Feel free to post any useful mods or tools here that abide by the FRHD etiquette and written rules. Please do not post any links or downloads that are inappropriate, unnecessary, or any spamming.


    Great Coders and Guides:
    Calculus // Coder and Helpful Guide


    Useful tools:
    https://codepen.io/Spectre111/full/RwPPOxG // User Search

    https://codepen.io/Calculamatrise/full/ExNKmqW // User Search and Information by Calculus

    https://codepen.io/Johnny_Cakes12/full/xPNPQr // Track Generator

    https://community.freeriderhd.com/redirect/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcalculamatrise.github.io%2Ffrhd%2Ftools%2Feditor%2F // Track Editor


    Useful mods:
    https://community.freeriderhd.com/threads/polygons-mod.11712/ // Polygons Mod

    https://chrome.google.com/webstore/...mplocdcaheednkepbdkb/related?authuser=1&hl=en // Free Rider Lite


    Useful Codepen Accounts:
    https://community.freeriderhd.com/redirect/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcodepen.io%2FCalculamatrise // Codepen Account of Calculus


    Thank you!
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2022
    Cerasium, Azgr00, i-Zac and 2 others like this.
  2. Blank_Guy

    Blank_Guy Forum Legend Team Balloon Official Author

    Polygon's Mod
    e; Polygon's Mod <--- Click to go to Polygon's Mod download page. (It is a forum page.)
  3. Wayward

    Wayward Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

  4. mbcool

    mbcool Well-Known Member Official Author

    I really hope people have miscellaneous tampermonkey scripts and put them here.
    Cerasium likes this.
  5. Trainer.John

    Trainer.John Well-Known Member

  6. Free_Rider_Official

    Free_Rider_Official Member Official Author

    Cerasium and Calculus like this.
  7. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
  8. Trainer.John

    Trainer.John Well-Known Member

    yes, thanks :)
    Cerasium and Free_Rider_Official like this.
  9. Trainer.John

    Trainer.John Well-Known Member

    tampermonkey input display script, tells the keys your pressing at the moment, used mostly by ghosters, this one is quite good but since its size is kinda small i altered it with a little bit of js -> https://pastebin.com/raw/HD8EGXxw
    Cerasium and Free_Rider_Official like this.
  10. Free_Rider_Official

    Free_Rider_Official Member Official Author

    Wow. As soon as I opened this up I was amazed. This is brilliant! Every tool you have made is so useful. Kudos to you man. Do you mind if I put your codepen and forums account in the thread description so more people can find your fantastic work?
    Cerasium likes this.
  11. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Not at all; although, the track mover, along with a few other pens may not work properly; I'll fix those soon. And if anyone has any requests for something I could make on codepen, feel free to voice your idea(s).
    Cerasium and Free_Rider_Official like this.
  12. Embers

    Embers Active Member Official Author

    Calculus not sure how to get input display. I know there is a script im just not sure how to use that script to get input diplay. is there a place where i should paste it? could you please explain it to me?
    Cerasium and Wayward like this.
  13. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Install tampermonkey, then create a user script and paste it. Here's my input display:
    // ==UserScript==
    // @name         Input Display - Free Rider HD
    // @version      1
    // @author       Calculamatrise
    // @match        *://frhd.kanoapps.com/*
    // @match        *://www.freeriderhd.com/*
    // @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=freeriderhd.com
    // ==/UserScript==
    GameManager.on("stateChange", function(state) {
        if (this.game !== null && !this.game.altered) {
            this.game.currentScene.altered = true;
            const update = this.game.currentScene.update;
            this.game.currentScene.update = function() {
                update.apply(this, arguments);
                drawInputDisplay.call(this, this.game.canvas);
            console.log("test", this.game);
    function drawInputDisplay(canvas = document.createElement("canvas")) {
        const gamepad = this.playerManager._players[this.camera.focusIndex]._gamepad.downButtons;
        const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
        let size = 8;
        let offset = {
            x: size,
            y: canvas.height - size * 10
        ctx.lineJoin = "round";
        ctx.lineCap = "round";
        ctx.lineWidth = size / 2;
        ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
        ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
        ctx.strokeRect(offset.x, offset.y, size * 4, size * 4);
        gamepad.z && ctx.fillRect(offset.x, offset.y, size * 4, size * 4);
        ctx.strokeRect(offset.x + 5 * size, offset.y, size * 4, size * 4);
        gamepad.up && ctx.fillRect(offset.x + 5 * size, offset.y, size * 4, size * 4);
        ctx.strokeRect(offset.x, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        gamepad.left && ctx.fillRect(offset.x, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        ctx.strokeRect(offset.x + 5 * size, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        gamepad.down && ctx.fillRect(offset.x + 5 * size, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        ctx.strokeRect(offset.x + 10 * size, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        gamepad.right && ctx.fillRect(offset.x + 10 * size, offset.y + 5 * size, size * 4, size * 4);
        let activeStroke = "#fff";
        let inactiveStroke = "#000";
        ctx.lineWidth = size / 3;
        ctx.strokeStyle = gamepad.z ? activeStroke : inactiveStroke;
        ctx.moveTo(offset.x + 2.7 * size, offset.y + 3 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 1.2 * size, offset.y + 3 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 2.7 * size, offset.y + 1 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 1.2 * size, offset.y + 1 * size);
        ctx.strokeStyle = gamepad.up ? activeStroke : inactiveStroke;
        ctx.moveTo(offset.x + 6.2 * size, offset.y + 2.7 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 7 * size, offset.y + 1.2 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 7.8 * size, offset.y + 2.7 * size);
        ctx.strokeStyle = gamepad.left ? activeStroke : inactiveStroke;
        ctx.moveTo(offset.x + 2.5 * size, offset.y + 7.8 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 1.2 * size, offset.y + 7 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 2.5 * size, offset.y + 6.2 * size);
        ctx.strokeStyle = gamepad.down ? activeStroke : inactiveStroke;
        ctx.moveTo(offset.x + 6.2 * size, offset.y + 6.2 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 7 * size, offset.y + 7.8 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 7.8 * size, offset.y + 6.2 * size);
        ctx.strokeStyle = gamepad.right ? activeStroke : inactiveStroke;
        ctx.moveTo(offset.x + 11.5 * size, offset.y + 7.8 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 12.8 * size, offset.y + 7 * size);
        ctx.lineTo(offset.x + 11.5 * size, offset.y + 6.2 * size);
  14. Embers

    Embers Active Member Official Author

    tysm, after i paste the script in the userscript what should I do?

    like how do i run it so it shows up in frhd. sorry i just am not really familiar with tampermonkey
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2022
    Cerasium and Egway like this.
  15. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    It should happen automatically.
    Cerasium and Embers like this.
  16. Egway

    Egway Active Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    The first time I used tampermonkey the mistake I made was I didn't delete the text that is there when you make a new userscript, I just pasted the code below it. For some reason it made it so that it only worked sometimes
    Cerasium, Calculus and Embers like this.
  17. Embers

    Embers Active Member Official Author

    oh i pasted it below. thank you for letting me know. works now :)
    Cerasium, Calculus and Egway like this.
  18. holmrrhy

    holmrrhy Well-Known Member Official Author

    anyone know how to image gen?
    Cerasium likes this.
  19. Trainer.John

    Trainer.John Well-Known Member

    i know how to program a little bit of js and html but i don't know how to program a image to text generator, also, it's not a good idea to post a lot of genned tracks.
    Cerasium likes this.
  20. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    image genning is generally frowned upon in this community. sorry brudda!
    Volund, FIREBEATS, Calculus and 2 others like this.

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