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Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by mR..A, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Polarized

    Polarized Well-Known Member Official Author

    its not out yet. and im pretty sure its decided for 3+ feats
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  2. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  3. genericusername

    genericusername Well-Known Member Official Author

    Calculus, GoodraFRHD, Logeton and 3 others like this.
  4. little_penguin

    little_penguin Active Member

    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  5. BIG_SHlT

    BIG_SHlT Well-Known Member

    if it ever happens!
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  6. little_penguin

    little_penguin Active Member

    oh i will do that
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  7. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    to the people who have already lost faith in this, have patience. if you've followed anything i've done on this site you'll know that i don't make empty promises

    i'm not a dev, i don't have the ability to add new features on the database side of things. char is a busy man and these things take time, doesn't mean it's not in the works

    on the forum i can give people the "Elite Author" status right now, but in my mind we should hang on until i can officially make people "Elite Author" on the database to match. we're looking at having 3 buttons for "set OA", "set EA" and "set VIP" so you can carry your status from forum to database and vice versa. i'll keep you all updated once i have some news

    and if any of you disagree and think we should go ahead with it just on the forum for now, let me know and we can discuss the options :thumbsup:
  8. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    Thats cool
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  9. BrandonBishop50

    BrandonBishop50 FRHD News Team Official Author

    I say just go ahead with it on forums now. I don't see any reasoning of why not to, plus it will be cool for those who have it to show off. I understand where you're coming from with the wait approach, but I think the pros outweigh the cons here.
  10. Toxicpanda

    Toxicpanda Casual Member

    hi ^^
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  11. DietFood

    DietFood Well-Known Member Official Author

    so like, how does one receive elite author? do they have to create a featured track or something?
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  12. Toxicpanda

    Toxicpanda Casual Member

    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  13. Polarized

    Polarized Well-Known Member Official Author

    Plz stop spamming every forum thread
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and DietFood like this.
  14. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    making progress, stay tuned :thumbsup:
  15. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I think it would be a great idea to start on forums, this would restore faith in this feature.
    GoodraFRHD likes this.
  16. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    i wish i could get it
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  17. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    Get what?

    nothings been released (yet)
    GoodraFRHD likes this.
  18. MasterWrecker

    MasterWrecker Well-Known Member Official Author

    when its released
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  19. DietFood

    DietFood Well-Known Member Official Author

    ill just stick to my "well known" status even though i barely contribute to this community
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  20. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    they have to create 3 or more featured tracks
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.

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