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If you are interested in ghosting, the Ghosting Awards for January 2025 has just been announced:

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New New Year, New Rank

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by mR..A, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Please don't over saturate any of the ratings, they should be of stature and not of easy accessibility. Especially VIP
  2. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    Like i said earlier, my standards are lower than most. To me, ur tracks are reallu good btw
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  3. genericusername

    genericusername Well-Known Member Official Author

    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and gun like this.
  4. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    example: OA
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and Netsik like this.
  5. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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  6. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    I don’t think Elite Author should be given to people who aren’t currently active
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD, Logeton and 4 others like this.
  7. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    agreed, inactivity is not very elite!
  8. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    so aren't my skribbl skills :rofl:
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  9. MaxReznik

    MaxReznik Member Official Author

    possibly eleite author for 2000 subscribers. idk. maybe that and/or something else. just an idea. im not sure if they would have to be active or not
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  10. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i see what you're saying but i feel like the reward system is actually underutilized. people should be able to achieve higher ranks if they put the work in, and if the level is set too high ( for instance 10+ feats for VIP ) people might give up in their hopes of becoming EA or VIP because they deem it impossible
  11. Calculus

    Calculus Community Developer Staff Member Administrator Ghost Moderator

    Awarded Medals
    I can only assume if this becomes a reality, there must be something in the works coming for advanced ghosters am I right?
  12. Logeton

    Logeton Guest

    No because then people like PRL would get it and PRL is a dumbass
    Logeton2, Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  13. mR..A

    mR..A i didn't break the habit Ghosting Legend VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    there's something in the works for ghosting in general, can't take credit for that though and i'll let it get announced in time
    GoodraFRHD, DblU, Calculus and 3 others like this.
  14. Apocolypse

    Apocolypse Not a popular member Official Author

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    I vote me
    in all seriousness tho:
    Eryp deserves one
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  15. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    No but that's the point, it's something that you have to work your absolute ass off for. It's not impossible but it's hard and that's why it's an important role. Exclusivity isn't a bad thing
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and Anonyymi like this.
  16. Anonyymi

    Anonyymi ♂♂ Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Truck Ghoster Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

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    Which mR..A should take into consideration only if people actually did that.
    For a lot of people it looks pretty much impossible tho. I think I'd rather have 20 people working on their first feat than one or two people going for 10 feats.
    Not inherently good either since we should be looking at the effect it's going to have on the game.
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and demimondance like this.
  17. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Well yeah that's the point though isn't it.

    Well the point is to have the big end to all ends to be achieved via other things. It's not just an impossible grind with no lower reward. It's an end goal.

    The problem is, we need to find the perfect balance between exclusivity and oversaturation with it balancing in the former and not the latter.
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and Anonyymi like this.
  18. Anonyymi

    Anonyymi ♂♂ Ghosting Legend Ghost Moderator Team Truck Ghoster Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

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    If you're confident that's going to happen, then sure.
    Yea that's probably not a negative thing even if it's relevant only for a couple people, as long as there are some actual lower rewards for people who do see 10 feats as impossible. Wouldn't it make sense for EA with a much lower requirement to be the end goal for those people?
  19. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    That's what OA was meant to be lol. Say EA is 5 feats, that can be done in a year realistically. It's achievable but you need determination. Is it impossible, no of course not. Is it a hard goal, yes like it should be. But say VIP is 10 and you can churn 5 in a year, then VIP can be achieved in 2 good years. Not saying every year is a good year but it's something doable

    Ngl thinking the goal should be for those who have been here years, established goals tbh.
  20. cctvcctvcctv

    cctvcctvcctv Well-Known Member

    My honest opinion is that the VIP system should be un-automated, only given out manually after a community vote or if an admin thinks the user deserves the role, I'm still not really sure if VIP won in a contest is completely fair, given that it could go to some completely new guy who suddenly joins and is amazingly good (as sometimes happens). Overall I feel the requirements for VIP are far too arbitrary and different in each case to be handed out when somebody meets a certain goal.
    The proposition to give out EA upon acquiring 1 feat sounds far more acceptable to me, as the amount of users who have a feature isn't really that high, and I feel the drive to get 1 feature to a newer user would seem far easier and less stressful than going for 3 or 5, thus hopefully producing better tracks on the database as more users would strive towards better content. It's already been agreed a few times in the community by consensus that getting your first feature is generally much harder than getting another one, as feat mods tend to favour tracks from long-time feat holders and are generally less ready to give feat to others made by newer people on the scene, even if the track itself is arguably better, and I don't see this bias ending any time soon so better roll with it.

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