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Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by mR..A, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    oh. i didnt know that
  2. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

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    Did you not?
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  3. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

  4. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst DeadRising2 VIP Team Helicopter Forum Member Of The Decade (2014-2024) Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I'd say those who have more than 5 feats, personally
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and Rayb25 like this.
  5. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    anyone with a feat should earn it. or just someone with really talented track making skills can be voted an EA
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  6. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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    i think eli's idea is better
  7. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    i thought u were on my side
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  8. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    im not on anyones side, I'm just agreeing with eli
  9. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    im sry. i just had to temporarily change what you said.
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  10. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    having a lot of fun with your new tool huh?
  11. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    yep. it's a good thing that it always changes back. otherwise the forums would've been screwed. and so would i
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  12. spruce

    spruce Dumptruck VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    check the quote above my message, do you know how to do that?
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and cammh08 like this.
  13. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    i guess. not
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  14. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    nvm. i know how to do that
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and cammh08 like this.
  15. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    how bout dis?
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and spruce like this.
  16. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

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  17. Seventeen

    Seventeen Active Member Official Author

    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and Rayb25 like this.
  18. Eryp

    Eryp foraminifera Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    5 feats is a lot, even for someone w one feature to their name, let alone none. 5 feats would be better for VIP or something else in between VIP and EA. from a progression standpoint, if an average EA has 5+ feats and an average OA has 0 feats, you're leaving out people who have less than 5 feats but more than 0, and those in between people have invested much more time in their tracks/the game in general to warrant some sort of higher "rank" in the community than just OA.
    honestly if you're looking for a good benchmark of an EA I'd say just give it to everyone w one or more features. benefits of this is that the requirements for a feature are high so not everyone can get one (and in having this added reward for getting a feature, maybe more people would try to make featured tracks instead of cruddy trending stuff?), and unlike OA, which you can get by asking for it or by being given it because your tracks are arbitrarily deemed "good enough", there would be a solid benchmark for when to give it out. you could also automate it to automatically trigger to appear on someone's profile when they get their first feature, meaning mods/admins wouldn't have to go out of their way to give EA out.
    admittedly i'm a bit biased because i'd fall in this in-between range, but i think setting the benchmark at 1 feat would be solid. this should be a mark of progression that feels accessible to people that try when making tracks, not something thats given out as a reward imo. it doesn't feel the same as vip.

    e; you have to keep in mind that this will appear on the main site, which is filled w many people who will never put more than a few minutes into the game. when they see someone w EA, there needs to be something concrete there for them to understand why that person has EA as opposed to OA. someone having a feature would be a good way to do that
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2020
  19. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I'm sorry eli and elixirs but imma have to agree with my guy eery, he makes a good point.
    Calculus and GoodraFRHD like this.
  20. Rayb25

    Rayb25 Certified Freak Elite Author Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    are you aware that many noobs will ask for this once it comes out on db
    Calculus, GoodraFRHD and cammh08 like this.

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