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New Feature Teleporter Power-Up

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Max007x, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. What about the rest of us?? Many good authors want this as well, your not the only one who needs help bro
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  2. february
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  3. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    You're wrong, plus don't get it; I am the only person who needs, like, a way whole ton of help and assistance from all of you guys to become an official author. For example, I don't know what the minimum of tracks I need to create are. So please help me out, all of you guys!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  4. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Please, please, please!!!!!!!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  5. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    Pretty please!
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  6. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    'Cause one of your tracks make me too creative about being an official author, so please.
    cctvcctvcctv likes this.
  7. Ohh c'mon man.... Quit being self-centered.. You are definitely NOT the only one who deserves it...
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  8. Slayed

    Slayed Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    None of your tracks have more than 10 likes, none have more than 300 plays, none of your tracks have more than 10sec worth of detail.
    Not saying that these are the OA requirements but come on man, arguing that you deserve OA is weak at best. I probs don't lol
    Just post good tracks that take more that 5 mins to make and stop spamming this thread already
  9. Thanks slayed good point
    Logeton and Nicholas-Opuni like this.
  10. bungo

    bungo Active Member Official Author

    I need good tracks spamming out makes your sub count rise but I less likely for oa make some quality tracks like 10 get them on treanding
  11. Nicholas-Opuni

    Nicholas-Opuni Well-Known Member Official Author

    I will still keep on spamming until I learn how to become an official author. I will. Yes. Positive. You were talking about a lot of the most difficult requirements ever that is way too much complicated for me to become an official author for good. I'm so sick of all this as I'm screwing it up. So guess what, I will stop and will no longer be playing all the teleport-poweruped courses until I'm fully grown up to achieve those requirements and have more encouraged experiences and believe in you guys. Right now I'm almost entirely discouraged about all of you guys making this become a big bad habit for me, thinking that I make a ton of non-monumental nonsense about being an official author, and looking like I'm a JOHN-CENA spoiler and a bad tantrum thrower. I'm telling you for a fact that I'm extremely dependent unto God that I wanted my wish on becoming an official author easily to be more granted and come truer than a faithful genie does. I've historically been dreaming, thinking and imagining about all that and I wanted it to come a lot truer than it should and must be. But until then it didn't work and happen like it supposed in accordance to be and will no longer be able to do it until I believe faithfully in this idea. Very historically, you guys screwed up my "glider" idea I was talking to Char about and it went as boring and disgusting as I could've imagined before. And then I was excited to see the teleportation powerup but Stig ended up letting this powerup be only for official authors and screwing it up for regular FRHD users. So I'm super depressed and a lot discouraged about all this because of all you guys making too much of OA nonsense, which is what I'm not and will no longer be happy about until the goodness happens. So you know what, everybody, I will no longer be playing all your tracks for the rest of my life and will permanently be playing all my old-school tracks now and forevermore. So you know what, you do you and I'll do me and will never be talking to you guys for the rest of my entire complete life; my life has ended for real and I will never get to be assisted for anything, EVER. So you guys know what, I will never ever ever ever and will ever no longer be your friend and my family will no longer be seeing me ever again whatsoever. So guess what everyone, I'll do me and will never be your friend anymore, I'll talk to and kill myself and drink bleach how 'bout that and keep getting offensive for the rest of my entire *******, ****, god damn, ***** life. Look at that, y'all changed my life! Now IMAFIREINMYFUCKINGLASER and get your ******* butt **** out of my fuckity fudge fudge fudge life; amen, good ******* bye, THE ******* END AND.......



  12. BattleBro

    BattleBro Well-Known Member Official Author

    Nobody cares.
    Logeton, Nicholas-Opuni and bungo like this.
  13. Slayed

    Slayed Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Good to see you finally cottoned on to the fact that no-one cares if you're here or not. Stick to your old tracks bud
    Logeton, Nicholas-Opuni and bungo like this.
  14. DeathBob1

    DeathBob1 Active Member Official Author

    pm me
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  15. bungo

    bungo Active Member Official Author

    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  16. I subbed bungo. I see potential.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  17. bungo

    bungo Active Member Official Author

    Thanks I hardly play now lol
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  18. Lowe005

    Lowe005 New Member Official Author

    Can I get teleportation powers
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.
  19. lone_wolf137

    lone_wolf137 Member

    it ain't that hard like come on, take time on your tracks and you will get OA
    Screenshot 2018-03-05 at 11.47.25 AM.png look at the track i'm making, i'm taking my time on this one plus i got inspired to make this one too. this one is also a collab with Ethanlin80 he will help me make it.
    Logeton and Nicholas-Opuni like this.

    DEMIURGE Casual Member Official Author

    as long as your tracks are ok, can you still get OA if few people play your tracks? just wondering, i dont have tracks anywhere near good enough.
    Nicholas-Opuni likes this.

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