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Update Development Update

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. pinn

    pinn Joelbmx VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Great to hear things are still running behind the scenes! I'm 100% for putting the fps back to how it was on CR, The current speed is too difficult for new players. Hyped for teleports also. As for vehicles I think the bmx and mtb should always be the starting vehicle. Powerups work perfectly for vehicles imo.
    Skeeny, Nitrogeneric, Amitabh and 6 others like this.
  2. NotVeryGood

    NotVeryGood Featured Ghost Mod Ghost Moderator Team Helicopter Official Author

    This is exactly what I wanted to hear from you guys. Can't wait for the new powerups and the possibility of old checkpoints and old fps.
    skankhunt42, Phase and FunBunOne like this.
  3. FunBunOne

    FunBunOne Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    im a noob wut are old checkpoints
  4. AndrewVaughn

    AndrewVaughn Well-Known Member

    ever play canvas rider?
  5. Ishu

    Ishu Well-Known Member Elite Author Official Author

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    The old system of checkpoints was set up that whenever you died, you'd start at the previous checkpoint at the time you activated it. The reason people like that system is because ghosts look cooler to watch. Imagine a flawless run on a really long tube track. Basically makes it easier to make faster ghosts and trick ghosts
    Skeeny and Osiris like this.
  6. FunBunOne

    FunBunOne Well-Known Member Official Author

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    but that just makes it op
    Whisk likes this.
  7. mudkip

    mudkip deer irl Elite Author Official Author

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    not really; there's still a racing aspect and skill continues to play the most dominant role in ghosting
    if anything it just gives it a fun-balance and a whole lot more opportunities for entertaining ghosts
    Skeeny, Todredrob, zeke15 and 8 others like this.
  8. legend102

    legend102 Member Official Author

    we also need a "fill" and "copy and paste" tool on the editor where you can copy and paste certain parts of your track to other places and also fill in some parts of your track where needed. this will save so much time making tracks and people will be able to upload more often.

    also make it that you can only fill and copy small parts of your track so people don't make really big copy and pasted tracks just to get onto the "biggest tracks" page

    Another idea is make the search bar better. whenever i try to search a track it comes up with other ones which makes it really hard to find certain tracks
    Skeeny, Seasnails, pssst and 2 others like this.
  9. weem

    weem FREE RIDER LEGEND Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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  10. Bronze.Bisson

    Bronze.Bisson Active Member

    YES YES YES Char ...could u add more colour please....even if its a new item....or any new colour would do thanks..........
  11. Max007x

    Max007x Forum Moderator Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Official Author

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    zeke15, Eryp, Volund and 6 others like this.
  12. Whisk

    Whisk Well-Known Member Official Author

    But then the idea of a "clean run" goes away, right?
    Skrampt likes this.
  13. CityShep

    CityShep Gay Furry Memoriam VIP Official Author

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    Skeeny, zeke15, Seasnails and 5 others like this.
  14. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    You know what free rider hd really needs, elite Author and quality Author. Best to worse Elite Author, Quality Author, and Official Author. This hierarchy system will hopefully get players to make better tracks. Better tracks mean more people wanting to play, more players means more money in the hands of Kano Apps. Who knows, maybe someone will create a track so good that it gets world popular and could make IOS super popular, which means lots more money.
    Wisteria likes this.
  15. Wisteria

    Wisteria Active Member Official Author

    teleporter and antigravity *cough*ghostdog*cough*
    CityShep and skankhunt42 like this.
  16. Wisteria

    Wisteria Active Member Official Author

    that takes the fun out of track making
    Skeeny, Zgolex, zeke15 and 4 others like this.
  17. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

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    The most important thing about the old ghosting system: ghosts break less.
  18. Pancakes345

    Pancakes345 Well-Known Member Official Author

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    Why did you guys have to close ghostdog?
    Skeeny, CIorox, Nitrogeneric and 9 others like this.
  19. CityShep

    CityShep Gay Furry Memoriam VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Money hungry
    Skeeny, Nitrogeneric, zeke15 and 7 others like this.
  20. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    You see, Kano Apps is broke...

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