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Update Development Update

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Jul 31, 2017.

  1. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    Hey everyone!

    I know you guys want updates. I hear ya. The plan is to finish all development on mobile by September. Im just finishing up racing on mobile, where you earn coins by placing in the top 3. You can challenge friends and send race links to each other etc. Im busting my butt every day.

    After September the goal* is to start the new editor. We are going to do our best to make that editor meet your needs.

    Couple thing's I know.

    - You want the old checkpoints back.
    Due to the fact we already have a bunch of ghosts on the db, it would be complicated. But it's something we could potentially bring back. It would have a big impact on racing tho, and mobile racing.

    - You want the old frame rate.
    We could create a toggle between frame rates from settings. This would change the times on the leaderboard, but it should all map up properly

    - Teleporting
    We're going to do it.

    - Anti gravity
    We're going to it

    - More vehicles?
    Really depends on things. I have heard people complain about track-mill adding other vehicles and it ruined the db, but that might be the vocal few.

    I know time goes slow when you're younger , so everything I say feel like an eternity ago.
    For me, time is flying by, and we're doing our best to get stuff done.

    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    FIREBEATS, Pie42, Calculus and 22 others like this.
  2. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yes yes yes yes yes!!!
    Skrampt likes this.
  3. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    Don't forget we want ELITE AUTHOR!!!
    FIREBEATS likes this.
  4. Barcode111

    Barcode111 Casual Member Official Author

    huh well I guess most will be back be sept (except for the few that quit) so I think this is a nice timeline...
    Phase likes this.
  5. Barcode111

    Barcode111 Casual Member Official Author

    just asking but why is mobile prioritized first? (hear me out) a lot of people are leaving this website, and it would be easier to "expand" when you already have something awesome updated, basically shouldn't the web version be prioritized first? (this is with all due respect it must be hard having to deal with this community.......... ;))
    Todredrob and Phase like this.
  6. Reborn

    Reborn Well-Known Member Rotten Flesh Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Important things that you didn't mention:
    - Ability to delete/privatise tracks.
    - Ability to toggle thumbnail.
    - Elite Author.
    - Featured ghosts.
    - Favourites.
    No more bullshit excuses about time, this **** was suggested up to four years ago on release.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
    Skeeny, Calamities, CIorox and 20 others like this.
  7. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    We're talking about million+ installs since it was launched. That's why. It's summer, we know that September is when all the kids start coming back. There's a lot more potential for growth if we hit mobile hard.
    People aren't leaving the site. We have the analytics to prove it. You just hear the vocal people saying "Guys I'm leaving" .
    Skeeny, Calamities, F-O-X and 10 others like this.
  8. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    Everything we say goes into one of your ears and out the other
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 31, 2017
  9. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    Can't wait to download the app, I get a phone soon!
  10. Pancakes345

    Pancakes345 Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Skeeny, FoxGamingTM, F-O-X and 9 others like this.
  11. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    I can change your email, just pm me
    Todredrob likes this.
  12. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    You should have 5 different levels on mobile as achievements
  13. skankhunt42

    skankhunt42 Casual Member

    We don't want the old checkpoints back, we need them back!
    Skeeny, CIorox, F-O-X and 5 others like this.
  14. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    You should make the placement of buttons the same on phone and iPad Z R L are swapped, which makes ghosting weird
  15. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    Can you explain again? So you want the tablet to have the same as the phone layout?
  16. Char

    Char Free Rider HD Developer Official Author

    skankhunt42 likes this.
  17. Eryp

    Eryp foraminifera Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator VIP Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    i know the community isn't necessarily you're main priority, but a *bit* more community interaction would be nice
    Skeeny, Volund, F-O-X and 9 others like this.
  18. pssst

    pssst Forum Legend Elite Author Team Blob Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    As what seems like, Im one of the only supporters of the app and mobile, Im excited for this.
    Phase likes this.
  19. Phase

    Phase Well-Known Member Official Author

    I'm a supporter too
  20. CityShep

    CityShep Gay Furry Memoriam VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    old checkpoints or we riot
    Skeeny, CIorox, Inversely and 13 others like this.

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