i got on without knowing yall changed it and had a seizure and fukn died af put a headphone user warning next time
i really hate the text font i also think the track thumbnails should be bigger; there is so much blank space on the layout
track thumbnails need to be bigger, colour sceem i think im just not used to and some resuloutions are out or whack Edit: i found if i got to 110% zoom on crome it is the right resulotion
In my opinion is looks garbage. I prefer the black/gray/white scheme. At least give us the option to choose what theme we want.
i do not like the new update. it looks too childish and is hard to get used to. like Catalyst said, at least give us an option
please give us an option to change the colour scheme it just looks like a game for 7-11 year olds now Also, what is with the text???? I much preferred it with the old scheme, in fact could you give us an option to go back to it? Some sites have options to go back to former versions of themselves. Overall, you've deserved a out of rating, this sucks