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Update Updates and New admin/moderator SparkleMotion

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Char, Sep 1, 2016.

  1. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    that looks just how i pictured char in his teens
    Flying_T_Rex and Muhammad7321 like this.
  2. essboomer

    essboomer Casual Member Official Author

    Hope to have ya around!
  3. essboomer

    essboomer Casual Member Official Author

    jroles I was just playing with you bud
    jroles likes this.
  4. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    lmao luv u too
  5. octo

    octo Forum Legend Official Author

    new record for "most banners under someone's name"
  6. Polygon

    Polygon Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    She should get a banner for that.
  7. essboomer

    essboomer Casual Member Official Author

    Most definitely a record
  8. Resurrect

    Resurrect Well-Known Member Official Author

    wait wtf is this guy mi7ch in staff members: Screenshot 2016-09-26 17.38.55.png
  9. CityShep

    CityShep Gay Furry Memoriam VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    they all just mean 'meme overlord' we went over this
    InTheSavce and Flying_T_Rex like this.
  10. SparkleMotion

    SparkleMotion Active Member

    We're getting some more of Kano staff in here with privileges and training and stuff. I love FRHD forums so far so they'll have to fight me if they want to help you guys regularly. Mostly it's just if I'm out for a few days I want to make sure everyone can be helped :) We'll have Mi7ch and two others joining up but they haven't made Forum accounts yet.
  11. TeamPhantom

    TeamPhantom Phantom of Your Blood Elite Author Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    that is honestly really incredible
    Skeeny likes this.
  12. SparkleMotion

    SparkleMotion Active Member

    Because I'm a sparkling rainbow unicorn and you don't believe I'll set up a perimeter and fight someone or cause you think FRHD support isn't neato?
  13. ei8ht

    ei8ht Well-Known Member Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    sparklemotion more like savagemotion lol

    can you give us an approximation when the app is coming out so we know when you will be working on the actual game?
    Also was mitch and these other people working on FRHD from the beginning and they just weren't on the forums or are they completely new?
  14. SparkleMotion

    SparkleMotion Active Member

    So Mi7ch and the two others who will be joining me here haven't worked on FRHD before, just like I haven't. We're all support people that handle the customer service and some marketing for the other games Kano/Apps puts out. We're not new to Kano (the company that makes FRHD) just new to supporting this game specifically. We wanted to free up Char's time which is why I'm taking the lead on FRHD forums.

    In regards to the App I can't give an approximation other than soon! We don't have an ETA on it yet, but the devs are working away.
  15. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    so u like the communications part of kano... or what
  16. Muhammad7321

    Muhammad7321 Member

    looks like
  17. SparkleMotion

    SparkleMotion Active Member

    Sort of! My official title is 'Player Support Representative', I'm essentially customer support. Some of that definitely involves communications though!
    Jgeleta1 likes this.
  18. cky199

    cky199 Well-Known Member Team Truck Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Sounds like you got a good deal, just tell everyone what they wanna hear and get paid for it, not bad
    Flying_T_Rex and InTheSavce like this.
  19. jroles

    jroles Well-Known Member

    dat sounds fancy
  20. SparkleMotion

    SparkleMotion Active Member


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