like drugs? cause i do drugs. They should let me in cause i do drugs ") sry i was intoxicated when i posted this
It happens to be way too easy to be an official author right now (I probably shouldn't be) so make one or two good tracks and Official Author status shouldn't be a problem.
Does anybody else see that they are probably updating the game right now Velksy Char Eric Lord8Bit Ash Ehhhhh e:is that why there has been so many things glitching out today?
The hard part about blogging is... the blogging part. You're endeavors in react and/or raw canvas (?) would be a fascinating read, you should carve out some time for that! I always think that I'm not experienced enough in any one topic -- however, blog posts about little problems and the solutions found often replace stackoverflow while trying google some fringe whoop dee doo javascript problem. Like re-mapping this source to represent a more traditional array of objects: If somebody had written a blog post about reconfiguring that type of array thingy, I would have found it. I could write that! Anyways, I think you could write a compelling dev blog. 10/10 would read.
Yeah, I haven't kept up with this. I should really look at writing more of a development blog. Anyways, for those who aren't official and still want to be in the loop. Some work is being done to bring more vehicles into Free Rider HD.
Char Nice! I forgot about this! I actually came to the forum to look for the javascript object builder script I asked you about. Lookin good!
Allow me to share my mind. That looks like it would be the most stupid update to Free Rider ever. Even worse than getting rid of front wheel braking and CR's checkpoint system. I am a big fan of the FR2 vehicles and want them to be in the game, but making them a powerup? Are you serious? You're going to make something where when you hit it, you magically turn in to a helicopter and then have a limited time before you magically turn back? What are you thinking? Would it be too hard to just have you start the track as a helicopter so you're not on a time limit? Just the addition of anything on a time limit destroys the game's simplicity. Why not just make it like Free Rider 2? FR2's system was so much better than this I don't even know why you would think this stupid powerup thing could possibly be a good idea.
Read Please (Move your mouse to reveal the content) Read Please (open) Read Please (close) Polygon as you can see in the spoiler above, that is why it is a power-up and not a permanent thing. And why would it be such a bad thing? The only actual reason why you thought it was such a bad thing in your above post was because A. It wasn't permanent and B. Because it isn't the same as FR2's system. Sure, it isn't as handy to have it as a permanent thing but as Eric said they don't want to ruin the simplicity of the game, but at the same time they want to bring in the different vehicles. This does both simultaneously. Something that you also need to understand is that FRHD will never be BHR, FR2, CR or any of them sites. The devs are trying to make something different and new, not something that is all but the same as the other sites. You need originality in the game while also keeping the basics as well- something they've done nicely imo. I respect your opinion (I agree with you in particular with the cp system) and I'm not trying to have a go at you either, just wanted you to know why it is what it is
Implementation also is a major factor, cute creation time and resource time drastically meaning they can work on other stuff laterc