I may be slow but try to keep my word (thanks Max007x for not letting this one slide ). Moving forward we will be rewarding 5000 coins + 60 days of FRHD Pro to those authors that get a track in future campaigns (that's the plan anyways) and will be rewarded per track. Now we have some catching up to do, first off we will be rewarding coins and then at a later time applying Pro accounts in the coming weeks (I would like to get a couple more things in such as private sub-forum and better Pro account management settings). I am just starting to apply the coin amounts now so if you are on the list you should start to see some coinage in the next 15 minutes or so. Pro will happen in the next few weeks. Below are the coin rewards for past campaigns: iTzChuckNorris - 30000 Max007x - 25000 speedy__XD - 20000 goofyinc - 20000 Sono - 15000 @DrManBearPig - 15000 WheelieMaker2 - 10000 LucJohnson - 10000 deadrising2 - 10000 strat - 5000 bocajrs - 5000 XYZmystery - 5000 Reborn - 5000 FERTER - 5000 viiruMIAIMIAU - 5000 la5erbeam - 5000 Flee-Bag - 5000 @JTMilne - 5000 FREEZ - 5000 Mr_Snoogley - 5000 JacobCahoon - 5000 Maple - 5000 @Redtail - 5000 @LordSmellbad - 5000 Forlorn333 - 5000 forgofrogo - 5000 leboulanger - 5000 Cahir - 5000 TiMartin1069 - 5000 @Serve - 5000 Aspirit - 5000 Spalding - 5000 BowlOfFire - 5000
15000! Nice! Can't wait for my 2 months of pro! EDIT: Make that 6 months - I have 3 tracks in the campaigns.