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New VIPs

Discussion in 'Game changes and Updates' started by Stig, Jun 16, 2018.

  1. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    Doodlenut? Idk man
    Cerasium likes this.
  2. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I think the only ones still here capable of it at their current repertoire is Volund and Fluffysmack
    pawflix, Calculus, TPlacella and 4 others like this.
  3. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    Yeah I’m trying to think of other people but I don’t think that’s gonna happen. Although I do think they should. You and the other VIP’s should make them vip hurry up.
    Methodical and Cerasium like this.
  4. Fluffysmack

    Fluffysmack Well-Known Member Elite Author Official Author

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    Maybe I should make a track to solidify my chances of VIP
    Calculus, TPlacella, pawflix and 8 others like this.
  5. Methodical

    Methodical Well-Known Member Official Author

    Fluffysmack for V.I.P. :thumbsup:
    Fluffysmack and Cerasium like this.
  6. Tentepmocin

    Tentepmocin Member

    VIPs are people who have shown excellent skills in trackmaking, aswell as being good rolemodels for the community over time.

    All you get is a changeable member thing and yellow/orange tag.
    I had my expectations way too high. :unsure:
    Free riders when they see a serious message (they haven't seen a serious message in years.)
  7. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    They used to be able to feature tracks.
    Cerasium likes this.
  8. Innominate

    Innominate Well-Known Member Official Author

    Here’s a question. Do y’all still have your own forum section? Also I see bits and pieces around about “different forums” what does/did that mean?
    Elibloodthirst and Cerasium like this.
  9. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Yes we have our own forum.

    No you're not seeing it
    Calculus, Uniior, Totoca12 and 7 others like this.
  10. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

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    Cityshep and Wyattstonhouse (like Volund said) are probably fair shots. Especially Wyatt. You picky vips wouldn’t want a furry in your midst lest he infect you
    TPlacella and Cerasium like this.
  11. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Neither of those two have released anything in years, I'd say yes to them being vip but they'd have to win a competition ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
  12. Volund

    Volund ithring VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    interesting; is there nothing to be said for releasing iconic tracks on this site? i feel like rotate 3 and one of let's explore/vanish ntbf/city of omashu (depending on who you ask) fit the bill, and both have plenty of other high quality feats to back it up

    i think the topic of active-ness on here recently is also fair, but where VIP came out after both players were really active should also be considered, at least imo :' )
  13. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I think giving it to them now would just be like giving it to them posthumously.
    I certainly think activity would totally affect it, plenty of people who were here had the ability to become VIP.

    But what do I know. Not the one who dishes it out
    dantexpress, AfterImage and Volund like this.
  14. Volund

    Volund ithring VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    absolutely the way im looking at it! like you ive got no power to dish it out lol, but if yall VIPs were against handing it out posthumously i think that's fair; both sides of the coin are relevant for sure
  15. Eryp

    Eryp foraminifera Staff Member Administrator Forum Moderator Elite Author Team Truck Official Author

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    i think featuring old tracks is GOOD. therefore i think making dead members (rest in peace StevenLeary ) VIPs would be COOL.
  16. dantexpress

    dantexpress Chuggin' Along Elite Author Team Blob Best Trackmaker Of 2023 Official Author

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    shouldnt you be saying rip to his wife instead
  17. AfterImage

    AfterImage Well-Known Member Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    If you become vip this game will truly be dead because we will all jump off a cliff screaming

    Cerasium likes this.
  18. Maple

    Maple Love to draw VIP Team Balloon Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    Coming from the perspective of VIP as solely a trackmaking title, bc I never valued the person's attitude/personality/if they were a rolemodel as criteria for a trackmaking title about trackmaking. Regardless of what you're like and how you behave I always thought if you deserve the title, you deserve it. The game is just too dead for the VIP system, the system for VIP kinda requires an active, healthy playerbase since the only ways to get it are through 1. VIP vote or 2. Competition(contest), option 3 is bullshit. Since the game is pretty dead, I really think there's not enough competition for a contest to promise VIP anymore. Of course there is pretty epic tracks occasionally, but from my experience the trackmaking environment/component of the game as a whole has regressed, the creation of VIP was really like a sign of the times. It feels no where near as competitive as it used to be, I don't feel the push/intensity I did back then.

    On voting a person into VIP: a lot of these inactive trackmakers mentioned weren't even being considered for VIP back then(when they were active), crowd was tougher. I remember when featuring was more a process, on one of the feat. threads the discussion of next in line for VIP/feat. mod was Crypt but he just didn't make more tracks so it never happened. And with the current state of this game, yes a lot of people are improving but I wouldn't consider them there yet. I rather the VIP pool stay stagnant until people make more stuff and improve some more.
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  19. Volund

    Volund ithring VIP Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    this is entirely subjective, but imo the old standards for feats and trackmaking titles/awards circa 2015-2017 were just so high as to be toxic. part of the reason for people not being considered, is that players coming from CR, FR2 etc viewed the VIP title and feat tracks with rose-tinted glasses (ie that these accolades were marks of near perfection), when in reality the feat tracks pre-frhd were largely omega dogshit (with exceptions like lolz obviously), and people were given VIP title for making tracks of a far lower quality. id argue that these high standards of ours, set in that 2-3 year period where trackmaking on frhd was super competitive and active, was completely unfair given the crap that was featured only a couple years beforehand, and this was what pushed prospective players away and is partly why trackmaking is dead now (although KANO is mostly to blame for sure)

    the way im viewing it, is that players like wyatt and cityshep retroactively deserve it for pumping out high quality stuff during this period, which historically is better than 99.9% of everything uploaded since FR1. but i also get why VIPs would be against using the VIP title as a retroactive award, especially when these 2 specifically are deahd (but tbh, who posts on here regularly nowadays anyways?)

    definitely agree that VIP contests are a thing of the past, tbh i think VIP contests were dead in the water since stig initially announced them in his post. FRHD just really hasnt had nearly as many high profile contests when you discount the remix contest. so at that point it just leaves it to a vote, but it's a vicious cycle of dead trackmakers -> dead VIP title -> so on and so forth

    ig what im getting at, is where is the line drawn between being realistic and still maintaining VIP as an elite group? i personally feel that FRHD has been far stricter with feats and titles than any other game in the series, and as such now that the game/series is dead, including borderline cases of VIPs and feats is only fair. and whilst this strictness has resulted in more quality, i also think it has resulted in far less quantity; whether this is good or not is up for debate
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022
  20. Elibloodthirst

    Elibloodthirst You're about to miss EVERYTHING VIP Team Helicopter Official Author

    Awarded Medals
    I think personally VIP then was what elite authors are now. It was given to most who had 4-5 decent features with the exception of a couple who had god tier tracks.

    The standards have always been rising, ever since the thumbnail came in during 2009 it's been rising tenfold. Canvas rider did after the stig mass deletion and also but and furthermore frhd.
    Although going to the standards now? What is there out that you would feature? There's not much now, going back there might be some worth suggesting but nothing in the recent times.

    I think a lot of this is too late to talk about, not unless we had another injection of activity.

    I mean be real we've had what 3 VIP contests? Only one with real competition was the remix and it only had entry on either side with exception to Netsik who managed both.

    e; thinking about it the most competitive competions we've had have been BC/BBC 2020/2021
    Last edited: Nov 10, 2022

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